X3 has been crashing a lot, never really bothered to read the error, but the past day or two I've been getting quite frequent BSoDs. So I wrote down the error X3 gave me..
"The instruction at 0x0074f486 referenced memory at 0x01e5b9a4. The memory could not be read. Press okay to terminate the application".
One of the BSoD errors was PFN_LIST_CORRUPT but they're never the same twice. Usually happen when I shut down X3 or it crashes.
Anyone got any advice, other than Memtest and swapping sticks which I will try tomorrow? (Bit late tonight).
"The instruction at 0x0074f486 referenced memory at 0x01e5b9a4. The memory could not be read. Press okay to terminate the application".
One of the BSoD errors was PFN_LIST_CORRUPT but they're never the same twice. Usually happen when I shut down X3 or it crashes.
Anyone got any advice, other than Memtest and swapping sticks which I will try tomorrow? (Bit late tonight).