just use HEAT rockets
fat lotta good kevlar does you when the concussion from the blast rips you to bits
fat lotta good kevlar does you when the concussion from the blast rips you to bits

,or shoot them in the head, or roll with other friendly soldiers in the ops area, etc.cowami wrote:
just use HEAT rockets
fat lotta good kevlar does you when the concussion from the blast rips you to bits
Last edited by Blade4509 (2009-10-15 06:57:02)
I love how all of you are defending the fact that it takes 4-5 shots to kill an enemy.Blade4509 wrote:
,or shoot them in the head, or roll with other friendly soldiers in the ops area, etc.cowami wrote:
just use HEAT rockets
fat lotta good kevlar does you when the concussion from the blast rips you to bits
There was a Marine in Iraq who survived two fragmentation grenades that exploded right beside him and still managed to fight back using his pistol even though he was torn to shit. One shot will not always kill even in the real world.LaidBackNinja wrote:
I love how all of you are defending the fact that it takes 4-5 shots to kill an enemy.Blade4509 wrote:
,or shoot them in the head, or roll with other friendly soldiers in the ops area, etc.cowami wrote:
just use HEAT rockets
fat lotta good kevlar does you when the concussion from the blast rips you to bits
This game is supposed to be realistic. "Shoot them in the head" or "use a rocket launcher", does that sound like was warfare is like in reality to you guys?
Also, kevlar my ass. You do not keep standing when hit, even if you're wearing kevlar.
Wiki wrote:
In a fire fight in a house in Fallujah, although wounded by seven 7.62 mm AK-47 rounds and hit by more than 40 pieces of hot fragmentation from a grenade while using his body to shield an injured fellow Marine, Kasal refused to quit fighting and is credited with saving the lives of several Marines during the U.S. assault on insurgent strongholds in Fallujah in November 2004.
Last edited by M.O.A.B (2009-10-15 08:53:23)
In a fire fight in a house in Fallujah, although wounded by seven 7.62 mm AK-47 rounds and hit by more than 40 pieces of hot fragmentation from a grenade while using his body to shield an injured fellow Marine, Kasal refused to quit fighting and is credited with saving the lives of several Marines during the U.S. assault on insurgent strongholds in Fallujah in November 2004.
By the time he was carried out of the house by LCpl. Chris Marquez and LCpl. Dan Shaffer, Kasal had lost approximately 60 percent of his blood.[1]
The photograph of Kasal, taken by photographer Lucian Read — blood soaked and still holding his pistol and K-Bar knife — being helped from the building by fellow Marines, has become one of the iconic pictures of the war
Last edited by Bradt3hleader (2009-10-15 08:59:19)
That was one isolated case. He got a medal for it.M.O.A.B wrote:
There was a Marine in Iraq who survived two fragmentation grenades that exploded right beside him and still managed to fight back using his pistol even though he was torn to shit. One shot will not always kill even in the real world.LaidBackNinja wrote:
I love how all of you are defending the fact that it takes 4-5 shots to kill an enemy.Blade4509 wrote:
,or shoot them in the head, or roll with other friendly soldiers in the ops area, etc.
This game is supposed to be realistic. "Shoot them in the head" or "use a rocket launcher", does that sound like was warfare is like in reality to you guys?
Also, kevlar my ass. You do not keep standing when hit, even if you're wearing kevlar.
This guy.Wiki wrote:
In a fire fight in a house in Fallujah, although wounded by seven 7.62 mm AK-47 rounds and hit by more than 40 pieces of hot fragmentation from a grenade while using his body to shield an injured fellow Marine, Kasal refused to quit fighting and is credited with saving the lives of several Marines during the U.S. assault on insurgent strongholds in Fallujah in November 2004.
Yeah.Bradt3hleader wrote:
Yeah I wish there was an effect where you fall onto your back or face depending where you were shot. Has anybody played Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30? That's what I'm talking about! Oh and how old is that game?!
fair enough... i also heard that there are no saves so to speak - does that mean if you quit, you have to start the mission all over again or does it pick up straight where you left off, and you only have restart if you die?cowami wrote:
pretty muchSpark wrote:
Is it right that the difficulty doesn't so much decide "difficulty" (i.e. how accurate/smart the enemies are) but just how much help the game gives you?
but considering how hard it can be to identify enemies in the brush on normal, it's even worse on hardcore
On Hardcore you always start at the beginning of a mission after you died so if you quit, it's the same routine.Spark wrote:
fair enough... i also heard that there are no saves so to speak - does that mean if you quit, you have to start the mission all over again or does it pick up straight where you left off, and you only have restart if you die?cowami wrote:
pretty muchSpark wrote:
Is it right that the difficulty doesn't so much decide "difficulty" (i.e. how accurate/smart the enemies are) but just how much help the game gives you?
but considering how hard it can be to identify enemies in the brush on normal, it's even worse on hardcore
Operation Flashpoint 1 was good in that respect too, shot in the legs meant you were forced to crawl, arms shot meant your aim weren't to shit. Although it was obviously improved for ArmA II.LaidBackNinja wrote:
Yeah.Bradt3hleader wrote:
Yeah I wish there was an effect where you fall onto your back or face depending where you were shot. Has anybody played Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30? That's what I'm talking about! Oh and how old is that game?!
Actually, I'd say ArmA II is pretty good at this. You can take one or two hits depending on location and then you fall down. You're alive, but you can't really do anything except call for a medic. Once the medic helps you up, you can function more or less normally, depending on hit location.
7.62 would take a guy down, 5.56 would still make the guy take cover.LaidBackNinja wrote:
That was one isolated case. He got a medal for it.M.O.A.B wrote:
There was a Marine in Iraq who survived two fragmentation grenades that exploded right beside him and still managed to fight back using his pistol even though he was torn to shit. One shot will not always kill even in the real world.LaidBackNinja wrote:
I love how all of you are defending the fact that it takes 4-5 shots to kill an enemy.
This game is supposed to be realistic. "Shoot them in the head" or "use a rocket launcher", does that sound like was warfare is like in reality to you guys?
Also, kevlar my ass. You do not keep standing when hit, even if you're wearing kevlar.
This guy.Wiki wrote:
In a fire fight in a house in Fallujah, although wounded by seven 7.62 mm AK-47 rounds and hit by more than 40 pieces of hot fragmentation from a grenade while using his body to shield an injured fellow Marine, Kasal refused to quit fighting and is credited with saving the lives of several Marines during the U.S. assault on insurgent strongholds in Fallujah in November 2004.
Don't pretend that every soldier is a toughass like this guy.
Do I need to mention the fact that I'm currently in the military to gain credibility or do you have your head stuck so far up your ass that it doesn't matter what I say?
Also, maybe I should rephrase. 1 shot should be enough to cause a casualty. Dead or not, in many cases it will disable the combatant. 2 or 3 shots sometimes, I would buy in this game. But consistently taking 4-5 shots, and standing upright and running around while soaking up rounds just doesn't cut it as realistic.
It may be isolated but it was still a real event. Just cos you get shot, doesn't mean you're going to die. Besides, you can get wounded in this game and bleed out.LaidBackNinja wrote:
That was one isolated case. He got a medal for it.M.O.A.B wrote:
There was a Marine in Iraq who survived two fragmentation grenades that exploded right beside him and still managed to fight back using his pistol even though he was torn to shit. One shot will not always kill even in the real world.LaidBackNinja wrote:
I love how all of you are defending the fact that it takes 4-5 shots to kill an enemy.
This game is supposed to be realistic. "Shoot them in the head" or "use a rocket launcher", does that sound like was warfare is like in reality to you guys?
Also, kevlar my ass. You do not keep standing when hit, even if you're wearing kevlar.
This guy.Wiki wrote:
In a fire fight in a house in Fallujah, although wounded by seven 7.62 mm AK-47 rounds and hit by more than 40 pieces of hot fragmentation from a grenade while using his body to shield an injured fellow Marine, Kasal refused to quit fighting and is credited with saving the lives of several Marines during the U.S. assault on insurgent strongholds in Fallujah in November 2004.
Don't pretend that every soldier is a toughass like this guy.
Do I need to mention the fact that I'm currently in the military to gain credibility or do you have your head stuck so far up your ass that it doesn't matter what I say?
Also, maybe I should rephrase. 1 shot should be enough to cause a casualty. Dead or not, in many cases it will disable the combatant. 2 or 3 shots sometimes, I would buy in this game. But consistently taking 4-5 shots, and standing upright and running around while soaking up rounds just doesn't cut it as realistic.
Last edited by M.O.A.B (2009-10-16 06:44:04)
Is it really that bad? I muddled through the first level last night and thought it was alright.Red Forman wrote:
this game stinks. back to gamestop already.
Apart from BF2, SP is what I mostly play. Although I like OFP2, it needs a longer campaign with more access to the different vehicles and weapons.Red Forman wrote:
i dont play SP. SP fps suck imo. MP is all i play.
thisM.O.A.B wrote:
Apart from BF2, SP is what I mostly play. Although I like OFP2, it needs a longer campaign with more access to the different vehicles and weapons.Red Forman wrote:
i dont play SP. SP fps suck imo. MP is all i play.
Last edited by Bradt3hleader (2009-10-16 13:04:06)