THAT'S miggles new user title...?ebug9 wrote:
I want snow dammit!

THAT'S miggles new user title...?ebug9 wrote:
I want snow dammit!
fuck, I hate snow.AussieReaper wrote:
THAT'S miggles new user title...?ebug9 wrote:
I want snow dammit!
What're you talking about?AussieReaper wrote:
THAT'S miggles new user title...?ebug9 wrote:
I want snow dammit!
Miggle wrote:
Post ending in 00 is my user title
Ya. 0728.burnzz wrote:
hi Ultra. morning in Finland?
AussieReaper wrote:
Miggle wrote:
Post ending in 00 is my user title
Macbeth wrote:
Anyway lets test your cleverness.
I think you're going mental. I've no idea what you're on about.AussieReaper wrote:
You can't just delete a post and expect us not to notice.
ebug9 wrote:
I think you're going mental. I've no idea what you're on about.AussieReaper wrote:
You can't just delete a post and expect us not to notice.
Admins lol, seems you've got the prize thus far, by default oddly enough.burnzz wrote: … 011024.jpgMacbeth wrote:
Anyway lets test your cleverness.
well, aren't they the shadowy figures of the forum?Macbeth wrote:
Admins lol,
O now that makes a lot more sense.burnzz wrote:
well, aren't they the shadowy figures of the forum?Macbeth wrote:
Admins lol,
i named it after our tedders because it was running around like a drunken foolAussieReaper wrote:
Once, twice, three times a ladybug.krazed wrote:
oh oh oh
i have a pet ladybug now, i called it ted
Google says you need this kindS3v3N wrote:
I found a 2nd Gen. Ipod Shuffe while out hunting. I was 10 miles from the closest road and atleast 8 miles from the closest hunting "camp." I found it on a rock near a creek.
Now I need a cable, correct me if i'm wrong fellow nerds but the cable required to use device is just a USB to 3.5MM Jack (typial headphone jack) correct?
Last edited by Macbeth (2009-11-26 22:04:32)
You'll be lucky if music is on it and not the dying screams of a camper imposed onto the shuffle by her ghost.S3v3N wrote:
awesome. I'll pick one up tomorrow.
I really can't wait to see what kind of music is on it.
Then... delete it
Good to hear, but by any chance are any civil rights activist going to protest the killing or capture of bigfoot?S3v3N wrote:
or somehow managed to captue the screams of the person who owned it being eaten alive by a bigfoot.
Since I do live in Bigfoot country and according to a few newspapers near the checkout stand at Safeway and Albertson's bigfoot has been captured or shot by the Montana highway patrol...