What up poofters? So you're gay on shoes again?
well are you not one of the "numbnuts" that basically lives alone with a wad of cash? you're in the exact same living-arrangements as i am, more or less... no investment in the property, no mortgage... we're both living alone, buying the things we want, using our money, but with no long-term or capital investment in the house. /facepalmFlaming_Maniac wrote:
This isn't about me, because I'm not the one talking down to people about shoes that cost over $100 or making fun of someone who does stand on their own for their conservatives leanings.
and yeah i know the 'main' argument atg is putting forward is dumb as fuck. totally flameworthy that i can buy nice things. boo hoooo.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
I never understood how people expect anybody to be able to pay ENTIRELY for their living and a few frivolous expenses while in university. That is, unless you expect to live in squalor. Most of the decent universities are in areas that are so expensive it's simply an untenable claim. Assuming you do go to a proper university you'll be able to pay back your parents when you're through anyways if your parents are so austere as to demand reparation.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
the house i live in is probably worth the best part of a million dollars, so am i fuck going to be paying any long-term proper mortgage on that, aged 20, whilst still a student. i graduate in 1/2 years and then im outta here, so... in the meantime i shall spend my disposable income/money on nice things that i want, thank you very much.Pochsy wrote:
I never understood how people expect anybody to be able to pay ENTIRELY for their living and a few frivolous expenses while in university. That is, unless you expect to live in squalor. Most of the decent universities are in areas that are so expensive it's simply an untenable claim. Assuming you do go to a proper university you'll be able to pay back your parents when you're through anyways if your parents are so austere as to demand reparation.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
I'm in the same arrangement with a completely different attitude.
It's not about you being able to buy nice things. I don't think anyone gives a shit, at least I don't and I don't think ATG does. The problem is this shit:
It's not about you being able to buy nice things. I don't think anyone gives a shit, at least I don't and I don't think ATG does. The problem is this shit:
Some people don't have the money to drop $900-1000 on skates, and the fact that you're making fun of them (us) for that makes you a pretty shallow and/or immature person. Particularly when the money you're spending isn't even yours.Uzique wrote:
and how can you say "anything more than $100 on your feet"? riiight. you've never bought some decent football boots? skis/snowboard? nice formal shoes? you get what you pay for, drop the cheapass/gay rebel attitude.
i hate when chats goes all DAST. where's the original poster, anyways?
i made fun of them... how? i said to drop the cheapass/rebel attitude. that is all. the cost of these things as individual objects is of no importance or matter to me, i only mentioned it incidentally because it has started to runaway these last few months because ive been enjoying my new toys so much. as single individual objects i dont think they're particularly 'expensive', they definitely dont make a wealth statement. anyone can buy a pair of skates, it's not a millionaires' hobby; im not investing in polo ponies here.
my retort that you quoted is valid. it's not about "making fun". im questioning why people are deriding MY choice of foot-purchase, because they are surely hypocrits. everyone has spent $100+ on an item of footwear at some point, fucking come on, dont be pathetic.
my retort that you quoted is valid. it's not about "making fun". im questioning why people are deriding MY choice of foot-purchase, because they are surely hypocrits. everyone has spent $100+ on an item of footwear at some point, fucking come on, dont be pathetic.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Hö... Brittany Murphy's dead
some dude banned him for 6 weeksburnzz wrote:
i hate when chats goes all DAST. where's the original poster, anyways?
sauce?Ultrafunkula wrote:
Hö... Brittany Murphy's dead
common knowledge dudeburnzz wrote:
sauce?Ultrafunkula wrote:
Hö... Brittany Murphy's dead
cardiac arrest
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
No, they haven't, and this just highlights your ignorance and naivete.Uzique wrote:
everyone has spent $100+ on an item of footwear at some point, fucking come on, dont be pathetic.
Are you joking? Have you missed the arch of this conversation completely? I normally do not hop into others debate- but that's the thickest thing I've seen a relatively intelligent person say in a while. The final sentence of your acerbic claim is precisely what is being defended- the fact that NOBODY can legitimately claim they are spending money that isn't theirs. Thanks for providing the start of the conversation and making the perfect circle...I guess?Flaming_Maniac wrote:
I'm in the same arrangement with a completely different attitude.
It's not about you being able to buy nice things. I don't think anyone gives a shit, at least I don't and I don't think ATG does. The problem is this shit:Some people don't have the money to drop $900-1000 on skates, and the fact that you're making fun of them (us) for that makes you a pretty shallow and/or immature person. Particularly when the money you're spending isn't even yours.Uzique wrote:
and how can you say "anything more than $100 on your feet"? riiight. you've never bought some decent football boots? skis/snowboard? nice formal shoes? you get what you pay for, drop the cheapass/gay rebel attitude.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
i've got pair of Elk Skins. now gtfo with the serious talk, i wanna hear about brittney murphy . . .Flaming_Maniac wrote:
No, they haven't, and this just highlights your ignorance and naivete.Uzique wrote:
everyone has spent $100+ on an item of footwear at some point, fucking come on, dont be pathetic.
i think people are just exaggerating their cheapassery. any decent pair of football boots or ANY item of footwear associated with a hobby cost $100. like i said rollerblading is hardly the provincial hobby of the bourgeoisie middle-classes. being questioned or derided because of buying a $100+ pair of skates is ridiculous. it's far from a case of me "making fun" of people, because anybody that has such a hobby can bloody afford it. 13 year olds skate and rollerblade, they're not stock-brokers.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
No, they haven't, and this just highlights your ignorance and naivete.Uzique wrote:
everyone has spent $100+ on an item of footwear at some point, fucking come on, dont be pathetic.
and yes, poschy thanks for reiterating the point i made against flaming in the first place. he's in debt and doesnt own any big assets, either, and im sure his logitech g15 keyboard and other 'expensive' gadgets were bought using money that "isnt properly his", or is as much his as the cash ive spent on skates is mine to spend. EVERYONE buys and indulges in luxuries and toys/gadgets, no matter what financial situation they're in. the fact that furthermore he's wrong in claiming im "making fun" of people just shows the utter retardation of this 'debate', cause im not doing that at all, im defending my decision to spend a not-excessive amount of money on a goddamned hobby.
Last edited by Uzique (2009-12-20 12:34:00)
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
This for oneburnzz wrote:
sauce?Ultrafunkula wrote:
Hö... Brittany Murphy's dead
ok, if I had to destroy the ring: Cast it inside of a gaudy medallion so no one recognizes it at a glance. Teach Islam to the eagles, suicide flight for the ring to Mt. Doom /movie
And Moneypenny too! Everybody's dying these days... Some sort of trend going on?
No, it's the claim that YOU made, that I didn't respond to. It's not what the conversation is about. You want a response though, here it is.Pochsy wrote:
The final sentence of your acerbic claim is precisely what is being defended- the fact that NOBODY can legitimately claim they are spending money that isn't theirs. Thanks for providing the start of the conversation and making the perfect circle...I guess?
It's not about what you can or cannot afford with your own money. If your parents are paying for your education, room and board, and other large expenses (completely reasonable) and you have money then you can do whatever you want with that money (obviously). The point is making any sort of claims about self-sufficiency or, even worse, making fun of people for their economic status with ridiculous claims about the commonality of $100 shoes because you pay for your own booze drugs and hobbies is beyond ridiculous.Pochsy wrote:
I never understood how people expect anybody to be able to pay ENTIRELY for their living and a few frivolous expenses while in university. That is, unless you expect to live in squalor. Most of the decent universities are in areas that are so expensive it's simply an untenable claim. Assuming you do go to a proper university you'll be able to pay back your parents when you're through anyways if your parents are so austere as to demand reparation.
There is nothing wrong with being a leech in youth, so long as you remember that that is exactly what you are. Uzique seems to have forgotten.
Not everyone can afford a hobby. I have a few friends that can't.Uzique wrote:
i think people are just exaggerating their cheapassery. any decent pair of football boots or ANY item of footwear associated with a hobby cost $100. like i said rollerblading is hardly the provincial hobby of the bourgeoisie middle-classes. being questioned or derided because of buying a $100+ pair of skates is ridiculous. it's far from a case of me "making fun" of people, because anybody that has such a hobby can bloody afford it. 13 year olds skate and rollerblade, they're not stock-brokers.
You are very, very sheltered.
I know you're talking about hobbies such as skateboarding/football and such, but I must disagree with your statement as well. Most of my dress shoes, which should be the most expensive, have been hand-me-downs that weren't really expensive to begin with, at around $60. The most expensive footwear I've bought have been track spikes and those only ran about $75 (and they weren't shitty either).Uzique wrote:
i think people are just exaggerating their cheapassery. any decent pair of football boots or ANY item of footwear associated with a hobby cost $100. like i said rollerblading is hardly the provincial hobby of the bourgeoisie middle-classes. being questioned or derided because of buying a $100+ pair of skates is ridiculous. it's far from a case of me "making fun" of people, because anybody that has such a hobby can bloody afford it. 13 year olds skate and rollerblade, they're not stock-brokers.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
No, they haven't, and this just highlights your ignorance and naivete.Uzique wrote:
everyone has spent $100+ on an item of footwear at some point, fucking come on, dont be pathetic.
in england you aint gonna get a pair of football boots, basic school-required footwear accessories for less than £50. basically $100. perhaps it's a case of things just being more expensive here, i dunno. i dont find anything ridiculous, naive or 'sheltered' in my statement. you really wont get a decent piece of footwear or a good footwear-accessory for < $100 here, im not making some contrived-absurd statement as a subtle hint to my opulent middle-classishness. it's just a fact of how much things cost here, on average.
and yah sure flaming, im very very sheltered and i have forgotten that im a leech. you dont have my bank statement so wtf are you talking about. i know what i pay for and what i own that i have earned or accrued through my own work/wealth. as already established my big costs are probably financed in much the same way as yours are, so we're on an even plane, and seemingly neither of us have 'forgot' or 'overlooked' that.
and yah sure flaming, im very very sheltered and i have forgotten that im a leech. you dont have my bank statement so wtf are you talking about. i know what i pay for and what i own that i have earned or accrued through my own work/wealth. as already established my big costs are probably financed in much the same way as yours are, so we're on an even plane, and seemingly neither of us have 'forgot' or 'overlooked' that.
Last edited by Uzique (2009-12-20 13:02:15)
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Ultrafunkula wrote:
This for oneburnzz wrote:
sauce?Ultrafunkula wrote:
Hö... Brittany Murphy's dead

wat?!Ultrafunkula wrote:
This for oneburnzz wrote:
sauce?Ultrafunkula wrote:
Hö... Brittany Murphy's dead