So, recently I've been getting this problem when I reboot. My monitor's native resolution is 1920 X 1200, and it displays that accordingly, however, if I play a game that isn't my native resolution (For example, GTA:IV @ 1680 X 1050, CoD4 @ 1280 X 1024, etc.) then the next time I reboot, Windows will display in that resolution, and I have to change it back to 1920 X 1200 each time.

System Specifications:
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo [E8400] 3.0 Ghz, stock speeds, Freezer7Pro HSF cooling
Motherboard: ASUS P5Q Pro
Graphics Card: XFX 9800GT 512MB @ stock speeds/clocks
RAM: Corsair XMS2 4GB @ 800Mhz
Hard Drive: WD Caviar 250GB
Power Supply: OCZ StealthXStream 600W
Operating System: Windows Vista Ultimate (32-Bit)
Running NVIDIA driver version 186.18.

Any helpful tips would be appreciated and rewarded.