wow that is some great stuff you guys got there, brahs!
'Lets eat grandma!'
'Lets eat, grandma!'
Punctuation saves lives.
'Lets eat, grandma!'
Punctuation saves lives.
but he's from brahfornia
all his friends and muchacho's say it all the time
all his friends and muchacho's say it all the time
how ya fucking doin?
no one says brah here. It's all 'bro' and 'dude'
soup what does your sig even mean
yes lads
stfu ken brah
hollaa back
woot woot
dauntless you sound like an effeminate schoolboy waiting for his balls to drop.
thanks ken brah
git at me
nopeGooners wrote:
git at me
fuck youColCarnage wrote:
nopeGooners wrote:
git at me
you tell him sgt. sexesColCarnage wrote:
nopeGooners wrote:
git at me
sgt faggot
nice comeback gooners but not really it wasn't very good