Jenspm wrote:
You can go for Foam-tips like what you get from Shure (for example). Basically, you squeeze them together and they expand in your ear, thus filling it. Full isolation, and nobody else hears you. Also, a lot cheaper.
I haven't tried custom ones, but I'd seriously take a look at regular foam if you haven't already.
lol. That isn't what a custom in-ear monitor is. This is what a custom in-ear monitor is: … e11pro.phpDauntless, that isn't what custom in-ear monitors are for. They are built for stage performing and shouldn't really be used out and about. Not worth the cost and they aren't exacty "portable".
If you're going to shell out big on earphones, I suggest … i10pro.phpor you want custom fit (which will significantly reduce background noise) then the HF2s will be absolutely delightful. Now, the problem is if you listen to "bassy" music. Then you aren't going to get the best out of them. They have amazing mids and highs, but the bass is slightly lacking, as they focus more on clarity. If you want good bass, then the Sennheiser IE8s would be a good bet.
If you own an iPod, then I'll tell you right now you're wasting your time (iPod lovers gtfo - iPods DO have bad audio quality in comparison with other media players). They have such poor audio quality and volume levelling that the best in-ear earphones just make it sound worse because you're used to the crackling and background noise with your normal earphones.
I own the UE 700s and I commute to work every day on 2 trains that are jam packed. I cannot hear what the person next to me is saying and the volume on my Zune is bang in the middle. The 700s might not have the class the others do, but they are hellishly comfortable, tiny and light. Sound quality is absolutely crystal clear and the bass isn't lacking either. Cable is perfect as well. The best noise cancelling earphones I've had are the Etymotic (closely followed by the UE 700s with foam eartips) but the gel inserts with the Etymotics aren't for everyone. Foam or custom is the best way to go (you get 2 sets of Comply Foam eartips with the UE 700s and my god are they lovely)... Unless you've tried the gel inserts that Etymotic supply and enjoy them, if so, then the HF5s would be a better choice. Their gel inserts are like no other earphone, so its best you know what you are buying.