Smokin right now and I'm really feeling this song...
Welcome to last year
Hate the song and i hate her.
CapnNismo, it was funny the other night when you were baked but now you're just bragging and trying to look cool.
Guys guys guys give the guy a break he likes the song let's stop posting negatively and embarrassing the poor guy
Nice song !
Nice song !
Thank you, Kez
I quite like her album. It's not bad.
[brag]Incidentally, the guy who produced it has taught me, and is a tutor at my college[/brag]
[brag]Incidentally, the guy who produced it has taught me, and is a tutor at my college[/brag]
fixtliquidat0r wrote:
Welcome to the 80's
Quote of the year so far "Fifa 11 on the other hand... shiny things for mongos "-mtb0minime