Gameplay:Army of Two: The 40th Day focuses on two-player cooperative play and employs a cover system. It features Tyson Rios and Elliot Salem as combatant partners who, with the assistance of their handler Alice Murray, must fight to survive and prevail over invading forces that have engulfed Shanghai, China in a devastating terrorist attack. A demo of the game has been released on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network.
My brother just bought this game yesterday, and we've been playing Co-op. It takes a bit of getting used to the controls, and the stupid vertical split, but once you get into it it's a lot of fun. We played the first game on the XBox and never stopped laughing. This game is a bit more serious, but it still has funny points too. All the game mechanics, once you get used to them, work really well, and you find yourself automatically running and rolling from cover to cover, and flanking when your teammate fires off a full mag of ammo to grab the enemies attention. It's a great fun game and I highly recommend it.