that wasn't Reavis' man that scored, was it?
jesus fucking christ almighty
this is a shambles
poop on a stick
Dauntless, are you rooting for poseidon's team?
jets are my favourite team too, i thought you knew that...
if i forgot it, sorry - i just thought SD was the better team going in . . .
don't fucking apologise
i apologized for forgetting, not for the j-e-t-s, they can take care of themselves.Mekstizzle wrote:
don't fucking apologise
how 'bout them cowboys, Mek?
they're playing better right now for sure
Jensp, you just made justice' day . . .
is that a good thing? i mean Chelsea of course - the niners haven't won since Steve Young . . .
this is a defensive game. is it good to be a Chelsea fan?
nm, no one can tackle. if i said it was an offensive game, i'd only be half lying . . .
god damn
REVISburnzz wrote:
that wasn't Reavis' man that scored, was it?
i don't care if it was BEAVIS, butthead - it's 10 - 7 in the fourth, and the winner gets to exit next week instead of today . . .
Last edited by burnzz (15 years ago)