Beep boop beep
Hows it goin' everyone?
ugh. sitting in a car. about 20mins to go. getting sleepy, not a good thing.
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
nobody cares
They don't go back to the same timeline in the first film as that picture suggests. I can't remember it properly, but they visit an alternate world when they go back to their home timeline where McFly's family is more successful than it was before and other stuff due to McFly changing things in the past.AussieReaper wrote: … 5852_n.jpg
Can't remember enough about what happens in the other films
not bad for a Saturday, and you?SEREVENT wrote:
Hows it goin' everyone?
going shit liverpool are winning
is that bad?
yes, nobody likes liverpool
oh, ok. is that why the Beatles left it too?
* You may post 8 seconds ago
* You may post 8 seconds ago
Well I've never actually been there, but in terms of the football club and anyone that supports it, they're all highly unlikeable
"Excuse me."
"When's your birthday?"
"22nd of February."
"What year?"
"Every year."
"Get out!"
"When's your birthday?"
"22nd of February."
"What year?"
"Every year."
"Get out!"
Hot Fuzz?
Can someone post that picture of the Pocahontas and avatar comparrason? I'm having an argument with someone about this and want to show them it,

Dauntless wrote:
Can someone post that picture of the Pocahontas and avatar comparrason? I'm having an argument with someone about this and want to show them it,

Fuck you BMW and your rare altenators, £150 and I fit myself or £350 and labour and BMW garage will fit
I Friggin Love The Nhs
Eifa wrote:
ugh. sitting in a car. about 20mins to go. getting sleepy, not a good thing.
lelwhaaaaaaaaaat wrote:
nobody cares
i wonder how shes getting on
hey lads
Pirates have invaded Tampa.. oh noez
Xbone Stormsurgezz
100011110 1110000010101 11001 111 10011 1110101111 1000000 100

the fuck are you talking about, you dick>rush.Durex wrote:
Haha, says the tit who takes every drug under the sun so he can act almost 'normal'Uzique wrote:
as if we needed to see this again
you social retard
the point of taking drugs for anyone is to be in a state that ISNT normal
good job, go back to being a meathead pushing weights in your fucking shed
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
whaaaaaaaaaat wrote:
nobody cares
my care extends as far as to be concerned over his retarded logic
i dont care what he's talking about or who it's directed at... but what the fuck is he even trying to say
i dont care what he's talking about or who it's directed at... but what the fuck is he even trying to say
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.