Yea, I've known for awhile that we both listen to the twit network
. I can tell by the stories you share on FB and twitter. If I miss a show I dl it from odtv and watch it later
on my Zune. Leo is actually a very nice fella. I was watching once and a handicapped man walked into the cottage when he was doing a show. He went out of his way to make sure he was ok and helped him find his way home. Not all celebs would do the same.
Leo is very pro consumer. He has a very fuck the RIAA/MPAA attitude with all the shit they do.. as well as pointing out the crappy service in the cell phone industry. I think he just has an admiration for "Sir Steve". My guess is because of his drive.. not his control freakishness. He's abandoned his iPhone for a Nexus one.
His position, the last time I checked, is basically PC for business, Apple for leisure ..excluding gaming.
I watch tekzilla also. Mostly because I have a geek crush on
Veronica Belmont.
Someone wrote the other day the Apple has become the controlling figure in their famous 1984 ad. Myea it's kinda like that.