So many people think its easy to get the Pistol and knife badge, not me, its kill me for real.  I played for 7 hours striaght tring to get the damn knife badge.  The most iv got in a round is 4.  Please can someone help me im going to go crazy.  Tips, hints, best map, best kit anything will help. please please please.

I may sound like a n00b here but who cares.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland
The pistol badge shouldnt be as hard as the knife one right?
Just be an engineer to get the pistol badge.
And be either a medic or a sniper or a spec-ops for knife badge, they have longer stamina
KK Thankz m8 ill try but if theres any other tips please share.
i dont think so that pistol is harder than knife, pistol you can get quite easy, just need 5x - 7x hit into body or few into head

knife is pretty easy when you are able to sneak to enemy base, i got many knifes at Zatar Wetlans on central point ...

you have to keep working
+31|7137|St. Louis, MO
The rooftops by the first flag on Karkand are a good place to snipe with the pistol.For the knife badge the top of ladders work well too.

Last edited by YoBabysDaddy (2005-10-16 05:26:59)


Here's what I did for vet pistol and expert knife:

Knife Kit: Medic (self healing)
Pistol Kit: Spec Ops (silenced pistol)

Knife: Locate commanders who are busy looking at the map. Locate snipers who aren't paying attention. Locate squads who are all facing in one direction, shooting over the side. Anywhere you stab them will kill them. You can even stab a foot emerging from a static mesh, while they think they're safe. If you get desperate to get some kills before the match is up, sprint after some guy who isn't paying attention. When you're right up behind him, stop sprinting and stab. *GAAARGH!*

Pistol: Wait until people aren't facing you, are standing still/prone (or are running in a fairly direct, predictable trajectory away from you). Go prone, aim down the sights, pop them in the head. Repeat four times. The silenced pistol is the best handgun to get your badge with. You can pistol commanders and snipers the same way as described in knifing. Just aim for the head first.

Locations: I've gotten my vet and expert knifing badge on Sharqi Peninsula, but any place that sports many hiding places for commanders and snipers is easy pickings for knifing and pistoling. Go out of your way to shoot people in the back, or knife them while they aren't looking. Travel alone.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Here's what I did for vet pistol and expert knife:

Knife Kit: Medic (self healing)
Pistol Kit: Spec Ops (silenced pistol)

. Anywhere you stab them will kill them. You can even stab a foot emerging from a static mesh, while they think they're safe.
Im afraid not, not a long time ago I sneaked up on some guy and knifed him. He dindt die, so I knifed him again. THEN he died. Sometimes it takes 2 stabs *probably on AntiTank and Assault, they have increased body armor*
I think you missed. Its a one hit one kill deal with the knife, anywhere you hit them. you either missed or it was a bug.

For the record I also am going insane over that damned knife badge. I found the pistol pretty easy, and actually a lot of fun to get. Since I played that round I have a new appreciation for what a useful weapon the side arm is. I got multiple kills while I was a sniper sitting on a building right above a flag, multiple boggeys came in and were right below me, I figured if I used my rifle I might get one, two if I was lucky, so I said the heck with it and started plugging away with my pistol. Got the badge in that one single shootout (it helped that two of the 4bad guys were medics and committed that cardinal sin... try to revive your fallen companions BEFORE you get the guy who whacked them)

I think the knife requirements are unreasonable. I've followed every tip in here and I'm sorry to say I just can't seem to get 7 in a round. One time I was a commander on a 16 player sharqi and used my UAV to find the other commander every time. I got him like 3 times, then got kicked AND BANNED because he was a clan member and got the admin to boot me.


Last edited by dshak (2005-10-16 08:25:32)

Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland
Im sure I hitted him. Maybe it whas a bug..
It must have been cos u can hit a guy in the foot and still kill him.  Nothing like losing a toe.

dshak wrote:

I think the knife requirements are unreasonable. I've followed every tip in here and I'm sorry to say I just can't seem to get 7 in a round. One time I was a commander on a 16 player sharqi and used my UAV to find the other commander every time. I got him like 3 times, then got kicked AND BANNED because he was a clan member and got the admin to boot me.
The knife requirements aren't all that unreasonable. It just takes a LONG match (look for a server with a ton of tickets), as well as some inherent ninja-like sneaking skills, for some people. And it only takes a prerequisite of 100 global knife kills to be eligible for an expert badge in the same round, whereas pistol kills require 500 kills.

Try playing on an EA server to avoid clan bullshit. I've had the same thing happen to me a few times, and merely blacklisted the servers.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2005-10-16 10:29:04)

Flying Solo
+98|7084|Canada, Ont
Sometimes it makes the sound and shows the Effects of a Knife Connecting but it dosen't Kill them It didn't do some damage, it did no Damage, its just a weird Bug. It is one hit kill with a Knife.

I Tested it on a Game before the round started if your the right Distance away from the enemy it may show that you hit them but it dosen't.
+27|7085|Atlanta, GA USA
Compared to the other basic badges, the Knife badge is unreasonable.  It is easy to get 7 pistol kills in a round (only took me about 5 minutes), but a helluva lot harder to get 7 knife kills.  So why is it they lowered the pistol requirements but left knife at 7?
I am tempted to just run around with my knife out and hope I get the 7 kills in a round and don't make my KD ratio worse than it already is (I know its bad but getting better).
The Soup Nazi
+18|7101|North Lauderdale, FL
a hint about the pistol badge...  go as a sniper.  find a secluded camping spot as sniper with a good view of the battlefield.  snipe like you normally would.  if you have the m95, use that.  once you hit an enemy with the m95, (assuming it's not a headshot) they will be taken down to 2 bars of life.  finish them off with your silenced pistol.  this counts towards your pistol badge. 

in my opinion, this is a much easier way of getting it than shooting your sidearm at soldiers with full health.
sniper or spec op's are the best for them. silencer on both if they have there freinds around you don't want them to hear you right.. thats for the pistol and or knife 64 karkand server is the best place for it.
Get your body beat.
maybe we can sticky one of the knife pistol badge help threads?
Chopper Whore Extraordinaire
OK, here's my list of tips for knife and pistol badges:

1) SHARQI PENINSULA - this map is loaded with lots of cover, the best thing to do, is go to the buildings that are under construction when the enemy controls it and then kind of chill outside the east wall of the east building, the one with the flag, and watch for people to spawn, nobody ever heads east, and nobody is ever naturally lookign that way, when they do spawn, run up and knife them, ive gotten 17 in a round when Iw as trying, just stay out of the open

2) MEDIC - Assuming you get a knife but perhaps get hurt, you can heal yourself, also they have a lot of stamina so you can move fast if need be.

3) MOVE - Dont stay in the exact same spot, if you knife someone in their spawn area, move away from it, cause they'll respawn and come looking for you where you were, so dont be there, be where you can knife them again when they come around.

4) MY SILLY TACTIC - Alot of people will go prone trying to shoot you, if you have a good run, sprint at them and go prone while you are in the air, thus you dive onto them, a knife while you are both prone is an instant kill and you are very hard to hit while diving, I get a lot of support, engineer, and anti-tank guys like this.

5) THE FLANK - If a natural line of fire develops, say 2 opposing control points near each other and lots of people are shooting into a no man's land, then go around and come at them from behind or the side.

6) LISTEN - Most of the time, if you are around the coner from someone, they'll shoot or say something and alert you to their location, use this, stay behind them and move in, if they are running, they cant hear you, unless they are really 1337 like me.

That's it for knife, for pistol just insert the word pistol anywhere you see knife above and there's your answer.

Edit: Just noticed that knife is my best ratio weapon, lol.

Last edited by redfoxster (2005-10-17 20:13:26)

nice tips thankz m8.
im fairly new to the game but i found pistol very easy...

for pistol i just basically got sniper/spec ops for the silenced pistol got on a building and watched a flag that pistol has good range and almost no deviation. i found both very easy...

the knife was much harder i ened up cheating for my last kill i kept getting 6 kills in a round finally after about the 10 or 11th time i made a friend of mine switch sides at the end of the round and i killed him for my 7th and got the badge... maybe unethical but it was only one kill....
i got vet. pistol and knife badge, and know i'm trying to get expert pistol badge, and is soooooooo! hard, the closes i had been was 13 kills, but i got pretty piss when i realized i have 6 dammages assist
AK Whore
+152|7109|Barrington, RI
Pistol is easy, i got both my basic and Vet pistol on Sharqi, just don't use anything but the pistol, or use your primary weapon to lower their health down to just a few bars then finish them off with the pistol.  as for knife just run around Karkand using nothing but the knife and sprint after people, slow down and stab.  if playing as the USMC on karkand spawn at the leftmost arty spawn point and run down to the narrow alleway where there are two addtional allewys while the Hotel is being fought over, you can almost guarantee that there will be some MEC troops spawning there.  just wait for them and then run after them and stab them.  that will do for a few kills, like up to three or so before they get wise of that tactic, and besides you don't want to get your badge by spwan killing all seven.  if you can manage to get say two or threee in the first few minutes of the round, then you will have plenty of time to chase down staggelrs and before you known it you will have seven.
For both be spec ops and be one with the shadows thats how i got knife and veteran pistol....Karkand is the easiest with all the alleys to hide out pop knife or pistol.
here is what i did to get both badges for the knife it was rather easy play mashtuur be usmc and get a jeep from the hill cp asap and drive to the hotel dont wait for anyone and go up the orange stairs and run into the hotel and wait by the couches and they will spawn with their backs to you. and they will know your there fairly fast so get ready to do some dancing in there cause they will have msgs and stuff so gotta be quick. i got the knife badge with two tries. the pistol one isnt hard at all just go around with your pistol and camp the spawns and if you feel like a challange chase down a guy with a machine gun and test your skill. i went up against spec op guys and didnt have a prob with it so you should have an easier time with the spawns.
birdman, you are not alone, though I think pistol badge is easier.  I've got my pistol badge while I only had 8 kills by pistol.

However, the knife badge is really hard, and almost frustrating, to me.  I've tried in every single city map for about a week, but still in vain.  The most I can get is 5.

I summarise that I fail because I'm not patient or calm enough.  For a few times, when I saw an enemy running in front of me, I did not make sure that he's alone.  So, when I ran after him, I was shot my his squad members.

I will keep going.  Wish me all the best please. 
I got the knife hiding out at the construction site on sharqi. A non armored class helps when you need to chase someone down from the back, and the cover from the walls will help you spot them before they spot you, then you move around to flank & shank them.
Pistol took a bit longer, I did it as medic on karkand using only the handgun when I shot at someone.
I got a bit lucky on sharqi I think and actually finished with the gold medal that round.

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