Now that Blackhawks are gimped down so bad, I'm finding more and more that Jet whores are dominating this game. A good pilot can continually destroy ground targets and enemy choppers, with little or no risk of counter attack except from another jet.
Blackhawks were a great team oriented vehicle. Now jets reign surpreme, encouraging more and more loner behavior and less team work. You obviously need ground troups to take bases, but given how useless AA defenses are vs planes, makes it very difficult to capture bases if you will get bombed before you get 1/3 the way to the next base.
I like flying planes, I just wish they we're so immune to ground forces.
Blackhawks were a great team oriented vehicle. Now jets reign surpreme, encouraging more and more loner behavior and less team work. You obviously need ground troups to take bases, but given how useless AA defenses are vs planes, makes it very difficult to capture bases if you will get bombed before you get 1/3 the way to the next base.
I like flying planes, I just wish they we're so immune to ground forces.