contact, 12 o'clock, 600m, enemy OP
left side set, right side move
left side set, right side move
Baba Booey
It said "Happy Meals" you tit.11 Bravo wrote:
"Please use descriptive and appropriate titles when creating a thread."
Fuck Happy Meals
why would you say 12 o clock1stSFOD-Delta wrote:
contact, 12 o'clock, 600m, enemy OP
left side set, right side move
cause drill sergeants are gayjord wrote:
why would you say 12 o clock1stSFOD-Delta wrote:
contact, 12 o'clock, 600m, enemy OP
left side set, right side move
contact front
bam bam bam
11 Bravo wrote:
what was wrong with that thread?
Yeah bbboooii!11 Bravo wrote:
kys, don.
Apparently you are the only one who gives a flying fuck. Please, if you feel like you've been wronged, you are free to leave and find another forum to troll.11 Bravo wrote:
ya i know........
just another example of inconsistency