liquidat0r wrote:
What the fuck is the point is the point in all these Facebook things where you have to "like" the page before you can view the content? But then you still can't see the content once you've liked it, you have to go and complete a survey and enter your mobile phone number .... I mean seriously. Do people actually do this just to find out what Justin Beiber's tattoo is or to see 10 pictures that definitely aren't photoshop'd. And then if you actually enter a mobile number it doesn't work anyway.
Occasionally one of the pointless pages catches my eye and I think it might be interested, but:
a) I don't want to "like" it
b) I don't want to do some shitty survey
c) it's probably a scam anyway
Facebook should do something about this.
Very well said. They annoy the shit outta me, infact, all groups annoy the shit out of me, unless it's for a legit reason, such as a band or some sort of actual group, not "I STUB MY TOE EVERY MORNING ):<"