Very well said. They annoy the shit outta me, infact, all groups annoy the shit out of me, unless it's for a legit reason, such as a band or some sort of actual group, not "I STUB MY TOE EVERY MORNING ):<"liquidat0r wrote:
What the fuck is the point is the point in all these Facebook things where you have to "like" the page before you can view the content? But then you still can't see the content once you've liked it, you have to go and complete a survey and enter your mobile phone number .... I mean seriously. Do people actually do this just to find out what Justin Beiber's tattoo is or to see 10 pictures that definitely aren't photoshop'd. And then if you actually enter a mobile number it doesn't work anyway.
Occasionally one of the pointless pages catches my eye and I think it might be interested, but:
a) I don't want to "like" it
b) I don't want to do some shitty survey
c) it's probably a scam anyway
Facebook should do something about this.
The state of facebook is reflective of the intelligence of its users.
Funny you should mention that. I was just reading this. Tis a good read.liquidat0r wrote:
What the fuck is the point is the point in all these Facebook things where you have to "like" the page before you can view the content? But then you still can't see the content once you've liked it, you have to go and complete a survey and enter your mobile phone number .... I mean seriously. Do people actually do this just to find out what Justin Beiber's tattoo is or to see 10 pictures that definitely aren't photoshop'd. And then if you actually enter a mobile number it doesn't work anyway.
Occasionally one of the pointless pages catches my eye and I think it might be interested, but:
a) I don't want to "like" it
b) I don't want to do some shitty survey
c) it's probably a scam anyway
Facebook should do something about this.
Hmm, I don't really agree with most of that. Quite a bit of it is out-dated, too.ebug9 wrote:
Funny you should mention that. I was just reading this. Tis a good read.
Yes I will be playing some Halo Reach beta.Arc wrote:
May the 4th be with you!
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Stop it, you willies.
just made myself a burger
it's touch yourself good
it's touch yourself good
what the fuck, ketchup overload!
deliciousliquidat0r wrote:
what the fuck, ketchup overload!
Yeah, I noticed that.RTHKI wrote:
bf2s is slooow atm
mustard + bbq sauce >>>>>>>> ketchup
mustard + bbq sauce >>>>>>>> ketchup
Reminds me of my brother, he always uses way too much ketchup.
Reminds me of my brother, he always uses way too much ketchup.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me:
So I got that barcode scanner today. Been adding my dvd's to the collectorz thingy. Got around 70-80 dvd's with a barcode unrecognizable. Was almost gonna stab myself but I got the bright idea to make the information sheets myself since I have a scanner to get them cover pics. After starting on the first one and almost stabbing myself again I realized I can do a research n00b and get the movie from the database and change the barcode afterwards. Win. Now if someone wants to take a doovde for loans I can just search it with the scanner. Joy.
So I got that barcode scanner today. Been adding my dvd's to the collectorz thingy. Got around 70-80 dvd's with a barcode unrecognizable. Was almost gonna stab myself but I got the bright idea to make the information sheets myself since I have a scanner to get them cover pics. After starting on the first one and almost stabbing myself again I realized I can do a research n00b and get the movie from the database and change the barcode afterwards. Win. Now if someone wants to take a doovde for loans I can just search it with the scanner. Joy.
i don't like ketchup or catsup. Or mustard that comes in yellow plastic bottles.
Your musical compatibility with InKursion is Super
I probably use a gallon of ketchup per fry, or on a hamburger. I need to see a thick layer, and actual mound of it, on my food. I can't stand it when people lightly coat it, like they're only doing it to make their food red.
agree 100%RTHKI wrote:
no sauce>bbq sauce>ketchup
No jk, nothing new about my life to spam on EE (hats May today...
No jk, nothing new about my life to spam on EE (hats May today...
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.