The VERY BEST way to get any commander award is this.
Join a REALLY slow server.
By this I mean, join a server with as few people as possible (with match started of course e.g.10 players). I got all my commander stuff on Wake Island servers with around 10 people playing. Why? The map runs so slow that the enemy can take and lose flags very quickly and with 10 people playing that means there are more tickets per person.
Usually the Americans will take a flag and then lose it, get it back, lose it, get it back etc etc etc. This makes the two or three people who are doing all the work scores go sky high, and since your score is a direvitive of thier score, you come out on top. Not to mention it takes so long you will meet any time requirement for any commander award.
It is not unusual for me to get upwards of 130-170 points per round as commander on these servers.
Hope this helps,