Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
you're incredible. Labour is our (mainstream) liberal partyWar Man wrote:
Say, aren't liberal and labor both left wing?
Last edited by seymorebutts443 (2010-05-06 18:21:39)
SNPDauntless wrote:
who did you two vote for anyways
Scottish National Party?CammRobb wrote:
SNPDauntless wrote:
who did you two vote for anyways
Scottish junkies use the dole to buy heroin. See: Train spotting.seymorebutts443 wrote:
Gordon Brown for UN Prime Minister.
edit: whats this i hear about scotland, the dole and heroin. whats the relationship with those.
I don't see the problem there. Every government has some form of vice that their members use.Finray wrote:
Scottish junkies use the dole to buy heroin. See: Train spotting.seymorebutts443 wrote:
Gordon Brown for UN Prime Minister.
edit: whats this i hear about scotland, the dole and heroin. whats the relationship with those.
so what about the people who actually need welfare.Uzique wrote:
right and that's a reason to do away with nation-wide welfare
i dont vote or support labour but some people's counter-arguments are incredibly weak
makes me lose faith in people, to be honest, not democracy. nobody makes a wise choice. just ignorant dumbassery.
You're trying to argue politics with a guy 6000 miles away from a country he isn't even apart of. Who is the incompetent one here?Uzique wrote:
jesus christ seymore do you read a fucking thing
that's two posts in a row that you've proven your utter incompetence
you for even trying to talk about things you have no fucking idea aboutseymorebutts443 wrote:
You're trying to argue politics with a guy 6000 miles away from a country he isn't even apart of. Who is the incompetent one here?Uzique wrote:
jesus christ seymore do you read a fucking thing
that's two posts in a row that you've proven your utter incompetence
Yes he was here a page agoGooners wrote:
has anyone seen dauntless?
Well with all this gobbldygook you throw about like a monkey throwing shit, hard to tell what the fuck you're saying sometimes.Uzique wrote:
you for even trying to talk about things you have no fucking idea aboutseymorebutts443 wrote:
You're trying to argue politics with a guy 6000 miles away from a country he isn't even apart of. Who is the incompetent one here?Uzique wrote:
jesus christ seymore do you read a fucking thing
that's two posts in a row that you've proven your utter incompetence
and it's the basic MEANING of my posts that you're not getting... not the political system
Last edited by Dauntless (2010-05-06 18:39:25)
gooners is looking for you mate. ask him if i can get that 50g back tooDauntless wrote:
i'm getting mixed signals from you seymore