I didnt want to say this but did think it.baggs wrote:
you're logged in, what does that tell you?pace51 wrote:
Is this bf2s's anti-Happy Hour? Barely anyones ever on at this time.
Karma for that comeback. That was an one.baggs wrote:
you're logged in, what does that tell you?pace51 wrote:
Is this bf2s's anti-Happy Hour? Barely anyones ever on at this time.
Sam, whats happening? You keeping well etc. Doing/Finished exams?
i think that calls for a...Bazinga!
27! How the heck have YOU been?
Tucker and Baggs (no particular order other than Ladies come first, well they do when in my company).
How are you both and how is family life/other halfs getting on?
How are you both and how is family life/other halfs getting on?
Good ty Tucker. Working very hard, very long hours unless Im playing sport or having Mollie. Also got a little bit fed of this place, I like to come and go like a dodgy fart. I am a dodgy fart.
On topic, how has Uzique and Sheriff and Shifty been? Haven't seen them for a bit, eh.
Life is going ok so far, it was nearly off the rails a few weeks back. Long story. Antonia is fine, flat out busy with her teaching etc...
How about yourself squire?
How about yourself squire?
I'm well thank you, not in college/uni anyway just working part time at a stone masons, its good but I need a new job as alot of the time I'm only in once or twice a week.1927 wrote:
Sam, whats happening? You keeping well etc. Doing/Finished exams?
How are you? Still in the sign making business?
Last edited by SamTheMan (14 years, 9 months ago)
1927 wrote:
Tucker and Baggs (no particular order other than Ladies come first, well they do when in my company).
How are you both and how is family life/other halfs getting on?
We are doing really great! Helena is growing like a weed. I am certain that she will be walking well before a year old. Hubby is working a bit, but it's great 'cuz he has the flexibility to stay home when my RA is flaring up(the last week or so). I am selling my bags in an Art Gallery here in Lansing now...very exciting. Things are generally looking up.
Baggs - Shit, well hope that rocky ground is out of the way, its hard to tell through a forum but you two's seem pretty solid, hope it dont go all shakey again mate. Read up to Gusto's reply mate, working hard, just had Moll Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues, lol picking her up again in hour and a arf. So all of that and when it gets on my tits I tend to stay away from here.
Sam - Wow, that'll be a good career. Does that mean your building Dry Stone Walls/Brick walls etc or working with Headstones for graves? Yeah turned buisness around for the time being, last year was hard but a lot better this year thank you. I work a lot of 12 hour days, dont get paid o/time, but its worth it. I have to make sure in 9 years time Mollie can come here if she still wants to and knuckles down in school.
Sam - Wow, that'll be a good career. Does that mean your building Dry Stone Walls/Brick walls etc or working with Headstones for graves? Yeah turned buisness around for the time being, last year was hard but a lot better this year thank you. I work a lot of 12 hour days, dont get paid o/time, but its worth it. I have to make sure in 9 years time Mollie can come here if she still wants to and knuckles down in school.
Not sure I know what RA is: I hope its nothing serious though.tuckergustav wrote:
1927 wrote:
Tucker and Baggs (no particular order other than Ladies come first, well they do when in my company).
How are you both and how is family life/other halfs getting on?
We are doing really great! Helena is growing like a weed. I am certain that she will be walking well before a year old. Hubby is working a bit, but it's great 'cuz he has the flexibility to stay home when my RA is flaring up(the last week or so). I am selling my bags in an Art Gallery here in Lansing now...very exciting. Things are generally looking up.
Great News on ya bags, if it didnt cost so much in postage Id sort you out with magnetics for ya car etc, help push the bags along a bit. Good the other half has some work and is flexible, Im very lucky like that, I fucking walk out now if I want, go grab Molls from school or summat.
Lol walking before 1, awww bless, she flying along. You prolly regret that she is as she leans on the coffee table and starts grabbing new things she can reach, she'll be like 'ahhhh cheers Mum you left ya phone for me to pick up, oh and ya hand bag, what have you got in here for me to play with etc'
Strangely enough, this time wasn't Antonia and i falling out, it was other things. One of the dogs got cancer back at my parents house and that fucking destroyed me for days. And then our cunt landlord hasnt paid his mortgage in a year so we are being evicted but thankfully our neighbours are like the nicest people in England and have allowed us to rent their place even tho they was looking to cash in on holiday lettings. Then i got the news of my start date with the HM Prison Service, which is the 31st of this month.1927 wrote:
Baggs - Shit, well hope that rocky ground is out of the way, its hard to tell through a forum but you two's seem pretty solid, hope it dont go all shakey again mate. Read up to Gusto's reply mate, working hard, just had Moll Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues, lol picking her up again in hour and a arf. So all of that and when it gets on my tits I tend to stay away from here.
But the dog still isn't well, it won't be long now and i'm gutted mate. He is a diamond, never known a dog like him.
Fire places mainly, but also staircases and gravestones.1927 wrote:
Baggs - Shit, well hope that rocky ground is out of the way, its hard to tell through a forum but you two's seem pretty solid, hope it dont go all shakey again mate. Read up to Gusto's reply mate, working hard, just had Moll Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues, lol picking her up again in hour and a arf. So all of that and when it gets on my tits I tend to stay away from here.
Sam - Wow, that'll be a good career. Does that mean your building Dry Stone Walls/Brick walls etc or working with Headstones for graves? Yeah turned buisness around for the time being, last year was hard but a lot better this year thank you. I work a lot of 12 hour days, dont get paid o/time, but its worth it. I have to make sure in 9 years time Mollie can come here if she still wants to and knuckles down in school.
I'm not an actual stone mason, I just cut the stone down, bit of forklit driving, aswell as going to peoples house and building sites to actually fit the fireplaces etc.
Oh yeah...anything up to waist high is up for grabs already...lol.1927 wrote:
Not sure I know what RA is: I hope its nothing serious though.tuckergustav wrote:
1927 wrote:
Tucker and Baggs (no particular order other than Ladies come first, well they do when in my company).
How are you both and how is family life/other halfs getting on?
We are doing really great! Helena is growing like a weed. I am certain that she will be walking well before a year old. Hubby is working a bit, but it's great 'cuz he has the flexibility to stay home when my RA is flaring up(the last week or so). I am selling my bags in an Art Gallery here in Lansing now...very exciting. Things are generally looking up.
Great News on ya bags, if it didnt cost so much in postage Id sort you out with magnetics for ya car etc, help push the bags along a bit. Good the other half has some work and is flexible, Im very lucky like that, I fucking walk out now if I want, go grab Molls from school or summat.
Lol walking before 1, awww bless, she flying along. You prolly regret that she is as she leans on the coffee table and starts grabbing new things she can reach, she'll be like 'ahhhh cheers Mum you left ya phone for me to pick up, oh and ya hand bag, what have you got in here for me to play with etc'
RA = Rheumatoid Arthritis
fuck! thats harsh, you manage to get that at a relatively young age, how comes?tuckergustav wrote:
RA = Rheumatoid Arthritis
What breed? Got any heartwarming dog stories? I used to have one, but... for the last 5 years, its been guinea pig after guinea pig.baggs wrote:
Strangely enough, this time wasn't Antonia and i falling out, it was other things. One of the dogs got cancer back at my parents house and that fucking destroyed me for days. And then our cunt landlord hasnt paid his mortgage in a year so we are being evicted but thankfully our neighbours are like the nicest people in England and have allowed us to rent their place even tho they was looking to cash in on holiday lettings. Then i got the news of my start date with the HM Prison Service, which is the 31st of this month.1927 wrote:
Baggs - Shit, well hope that rocky ground is out of the way, its hard to tell through a forum but you two's seem pretty solid, hope it dont go all shakey again mate. Read up to Gusto's reply mate, working hard, just had Moll Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues, lol picking her up again in hour and a arf. So all of that and when it gets on my tits I tend to stay away from here.
But the dog still isn't well, it won't be long now and i'm gutted mate. He is a diamond, never known a dog like him.
Last edited by pace51 (14 years, 9 months ago)
Apparently, it is not uncommon for women(who have the predisposition for RA) to have sudden onset after childbirth...yaybaggs wrote:
fuck! thats harsh, you manage to get that at a relatively young age, how comes?tuckergustav wrote:
RA = Rheumatoid Arthritis
i appreciate you asked, but without intending to be as cunty as usual, i don't want to talk about it.pace51 wrote:
What breed? Got any heartwarming dog stories? I used to have one, but... for the last 5 years, its been guinea pig after guinea pig.baggs wrote:
Strangely enough, this time wasn't Antonia and i falling out, it was other things. One of the dogs got cancer back at my parents house and that fucking destroyed me for days. And then our cunt landlord hasnt paid his mortgage in a year so we are being evicted but thankfully our neighbours are like the nicest people in England and have allowed us to rent their place even tho they was looking to cash in on holiday lettings. Then i got the news of my start date with the HM Prison Service, which is the 31st of this month.1927 wrote:
Baggs - Shit, well hope that rocky ground is out of the way, its hard to tell through a forum but you two's seem pretty solid, hope it dont go all shakey again mate. Read up to Gusto's reply mate, working hard, just had Moll Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues, lol picking her up again in hour and a arf. So all of that and when it gets on my tits I tend to stay away from here.
But the dog still isn't well, it won't be long now and i'm gutted mate. He is a diamond, never known a dog like him.
He hasn't yet, pace
hasnt asked you either mek
Keep at it mate, you'll have ya own business in 10 years if you want to! Just think about that eh?? Skilled in FLT driving aswell, thats a good string to have on ya bow, look how many people need those. Glad to hear its all RosieSamTheMan wrote:
Fire places mainly, but also staircases and gravestones.1927 wrote:
Baggs - Shit, well hope that rocky ground is out of the way, its hard to tell through a forum but you two's seem pretty solid, hope it dont go all shakey again mate. Read up to Gusto's reply mate, working hard, just had Moll Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues, lol picking her up again in hour and a arf. So all of that and when it gets on my tits I tend to stay away from here.
Sam - Wow, that'll be a good career. Does that mean your building Dry Stone Walls/Brick walls etc or working with Headstones for graves? Yeah turned buisness around for the time being, last year was hard but a lot better this year thank you. I work a lot of 12 hour days, dont get paid o/time, but its worth it. I have to make sure in 9 years time Mollie can come here if she still wants to and knuckles down in school.
I'm not an actual stone mason, I just cut the stone down, bit of forklit driving, aswell as going to peoples house and building sites to actually fit the fireplaces etc.