+194|5422|Markham, Ontario
Sun. Feb. 28/10                                    Pace51

BF2 Classes- Big and Small

Hey guys, its pace. This is my first forum post, and, (depending on your level of perseverance) hopefully not my last. 

In every map, each class has its advantage. However, the tactics and strategies of each class are very different, depending on the size. Below is a guide to all the classes, and how to use them effectively on 16 and 64 player sizes. (However, this guide is specifically for small maps. More info on my upcoming guides can be found at the bottom.) 32 player maps often have the same number of players as 16 player maps, their just bigger. A lot bigger. This guide will get more specific (or frustratingly long) as I edit it more. Also, it contains useful strategies for emergencies, such as parachuting in the middle of nowhere or getting into your m1abrams without remembering to use the bathroom.

The “best strategies” are not necessarily the best in all situations, but they are quite effective. Some of them can and have been used to great effect. Some won’t seem that special, but I detailed my guide. If you have any questions about a certain situation, ask and I will try my best to answer.

Call me the bus driver, cause I’m taken’ you to school! –Pace51 (stolen from a source unknown to me)

Small Maps


On small map sizes, the medic’s job is to pick a squad or group of soldiers, and travel with them. They are quite useful if placed in a team’s vehicle, as they can serve as an ambulance. Since the maps size and number of players is limited, a medic can easily heal soldiers in two different areas at once, with the help of a vehicle. However, because the number of medics in any map is usually pretty small, the medic must always stay out of sight when the enemy brings in armour or air support. The American and EU medics have a combat advantage, with their long range rifles. On smaller maps, if the medic gets separated from his squad, he/she should always return to the nearest base. Many medics may prefer to attempt a commando base capture, but since they are purely a supporting class, they possess no skills that will allow them to repel a coordinated attack, unless they can get to a vehicle. Medics will always have a short walk to their squads, no matter where they get lost, and they are very important. Any medic using an ak47/ak-101 has an advantage in smaller maps if they’re separated. Due to lots of obstacles and cover, most classes need to get close to you to attack. When they are closer, every shot counts, so take them down with your AK, as it will mow down most enemies. And, if your squad needs a decoy, have no fear. Run out into the open, shooting wildly and throwing first aid at enemy troops. The enemy will be to busy laughing at the stupid American infidel to notice the other Americans lining up a full scale assault right behind them. This strategy actually works, though only on small maps. The more enemies, the more they are tempted to kill you.
Best strategy- Squad survivability. As a medic, look on the map for the area with the most fighting. If a good amount of your troops are still alive and kicking, choose the nearest possible base, or the nearest base with a transport. Normally, if the enemy kills a medic, the nearby squad is in danger of getting annihilated. However, because you are so close to your troops, you can afford to take risks and actively fight with your troops. Killing you will not really help the enemies, as you can medic-spam them.


     These guys are the important backbone/disposable cannon fodder of your force. They’re really good at multi-tasking on smaller maps, as they can engage scouting vehicles and troops at once with the help of their rifle and grenade launcher. In a larger map, terrain, camouflage, guerilla tactics and special operations are used in great detail to great effect. However, in smaller maps, an assault class troop is more likely to participate in random charges and trigger-fests. Since, on small maps, enemies not only know which routes can be used to travel the map, but can also guard them, fight fire with fire. For a good ambush, use a UAV to locate an enemy offensive. Never put your ambushers in an area the enemy would be likely to bomb or scan. Position them on small less important roads, on both sides, with their grenade launchers equipped. A little known fact about terrain is that it can actually make you invisible. Put your troops in tall grass, but not near any obvious hiding places (ie. Rock formations, towers). When a small convoy comes, wait till they are right in the middle. No matter how accurate your rifle is, all grenade launchers are essentially the same. Now that the enemy convoy is within pwning range, open fire. Or, if you like being a smart***, use your rifles to shoot the enemies out of their seats and then drive the vehicles right back to where they came from, while laughing. Small map snipers use man made or obvious cover more than natural terrain, so go near them and use your smoke grenades to help them out. Also, small map assault troops can actually pull a Trojan horse. Allow enemies to capture one of your heavily armoured vehicles by delivering it to their base. Due to their small numbers on smaller maps, aroured vehicles are very valuable. Load a transport copter to the brim with assault troops(and one engineer). Then, when the enemies are driving up the road with their shiny new type 98, literally drop the entire load of troops on them. Since grenade launchers do small controlled amounts of damage, you can trick the enemy into prematurely abandoning the tank, shoot him, and repair it. Then, in an absolutely stupid move, drive the vehicle back to the base. They probably won’t even realize that the tank is under new management, because they just saw it leave. Then pull a Trojan charge. This strategy will probably never get used, but if it does, send me the you tube link. Please. It has to be done on smaller maps because it needs to be done very quickly.
Best strategy- Insertion. Assault troops are quite useful for getting in out of situations very quickly. Due to the small amount of bases in small maps, assault troopers cannot drain enemy tickets by invading their bases quickly. So, the minute an outpost is vulnerable, get a large amount of assault soldiers in their right away. Do not try to attack control points with assault troops, because control points often have armour and missile protection, and the grenade launcher takes almost twice as many hits as a an SRAW or ERYX, and you need to be a lot closer, eh.


     This class’s duties differ the most from small and large maps. On smaller maps, the battles are closer range. Units that utilize the especially short range pump-action shotguns can actually use them for attack purposes. When taking a building outpost, many enemies stand no chance against shotguns. The American, EU, and Chinese troops will have no trouble capturing an outpost. They are then free to booby trap the enemy vehicles with mines before they can retake the base or retreat. On smaller maps, engineers are invaluable because of the few but very important chokepoints. There are certain areas of the map only accessible by small roads or by going though valleys or over bridges. An engineer can blow up bridges, position self healing armour in valleys, lay down mines, retrieve mines, and repair bridges. In other words, engineers will always pick up after themselves. With engineers, you can block enemy troop movements while allowing your own troops to move freely. Engineers are the biggest pain in the face in the whole game. You can also remove enemy c4, and enemy claymores. However, almost everything that applies to a medic also applies to an engineer. In some cases, they have even worse disadvantages, because they cannot resurrect vehicles or hit anything more than 5 meters away. And if you use up your AT mines accidentally blocking the opposite road from the one the enemy is currently attacking, you will probably be dead by the time you pick up your mines and run back to start playing Boom Frisby. Oh, and to those idiots out there who love planting mines and other explosives in front of their own teams vehicles so that we can’t use them, go to hell.
Best Advantage- Tank Doctor/Vehicle Rehab. You can auto repair your vehicle from the inside. I don’t even need to explain this awesomeness . Most people know this, but it’s still the best advantage, FTW, eh.


The support class is very useful on a smaller map, because it is good for wearing down troops and armour. PLA and USMC soldiers, with their rapid fir but low damage MG’s, are good for mowing down small waves of infantry, although the type 99 only has half the clip size of the M249. Also, on smaller maps, every enemy vehicle destroyed counts. Due to the smaller vehicle count, and therefore a smaller reinforcement count, heavier damage machine guns are quite useful for wearing down enemy vehicles. The MEC RPK-74 and the unlockable PKM are good for laying down a withering fire on enemy forces. The RPK is better for infantry fighting, because its lower accuracy yet higher damage is much more useful on vehicles. The low-recoil when crouching PKM is very good for wearing down enemy armour. Since the support class gets the ammo bag, they can resupply indefinitely. If you can get into a small tower or concrete bunker with windows, you can really cut down enemy infantry. Since the small versions of Karkand and Gulf of Oman have closely spaced buildings, you can jump from building to building. On a smaller map, you encounter more charges then on larger maps. Since the enemy troops travel in conveniently shreddable groups, they tend to feel safer and will often ditch their cover in favour of a charge. They also know that since there are only 8/16 players per team, they do not expect a heavy bombing raid or rolling artillery barrage. When they ditch cover, make sure you are hidden, but can see them. This strategy is nothing new to most players, but it makes a good refresher. When they are close enough, stand and spray. They will get so confused and useless, that their first reaction will probably be to get out of the way if they cannot see you. Another good strategy is to ticket drain enemy teams by getting near a spawnpoint and sending them your regards (and over 9000 bullets). Cheapness alert. This does count as spawn killing, and is very mean. This may get you banned, so apologize after doing it, and make a good excuse for it.
Best Strategy: The Hijack. Grab an important enemy vehicle such as a helicopter, and get away with it. Since smaller maps have very few vehicles, this could actually end with your team winning. The enemy only has one of certain vehicles. And if it is something like a MI-28 helicopter with its cannon, you now have an enormous advantage over the other team. However, this is useless if your vehicle runs out of ammo. Helicopters only have 4 rocket barrages available, and 8 hellfire missiles, plus the 20mm/25 cannon. So, grab it and use it. Note: I put this strategy with the support and not with the engineer because although the engineer will keep the vehicle alive, it doesn’t take much to take down certain vehicles, like helicopters. Plus, you have to escape with the vehicle to repair it. Since you obviously will get killed eventually, use the support with your hijacked vehicle. If you have infinite ammo, you don’t have to fire small rocket bursts. You can fire 14 rockets at every puny FAV you see.


     In smaller maps, the anti-tank soldier will rarely be seen in large numbers. You only need one or two, but they can go commando on their own, and are very good at it. On a smaller map, both weapons have their advantages, but the ERYX is probably slightly more useful. The ERYX reload starts much quicker than the SRAW reload. Certain players prefer the SRAW because it allows you to track your missiles progress and aim it with the sight, but the ERYX lets you do this too if you hold down the left mouse button after firing. The camouflaged AT rocket launchers allow you to ambush armored convoys, by crawling through the tall grass at the side of the road. However, the minute you leave the grass cover, you will probably be seen. AT troopers, like assault troopers, should resort to charges in many situations. A vehicle driver will abandon his vehicle early if he cannot locate you fast enough, and a charge allows you to fire shot after shot. However, moving from cover to cover is actually not recommended with an AT trooper. Using sniper tactics, like hiding on a rooftop, to take out vehicles is not recommended if the vehicle can stand more than one or two hits. The missiles always leave a smoke trail, so the enemy will know where you fired from. In a small map, this matters more because many control points will be surrounded by buildings, and if the enemies find out your approximate location, they will often send out a spare troop if they have one to take you out. An AT Trooper’s SMG (Mr.Useless) is pathetic against enemy infantry, even up close. Because of all these factors, you will see many AT class experts employing a strategy of running around buildings. They will literally move around the outside of the city and when they pass a gap they can spot a vehicle from, they will shoot while still running, allowing them to get to another hiding spot really quickly. Remember, cowards actually get to use their retirement package. But protect teammates if you can. On smaller maps, save your missiles, because every enemy vehicle destroyed counts, due to their low number. However, if you are engaged by infantry armed with long range weapons from a distance, use your SRAW/ERYX. After all, you may waste a missile killing those enemies, but you would waste 5/6 by getting killed.
Best Strategy: Armored Support. Get in the back or side seats of Vodniks or Blackhawks or RIB’s. With your missile launcher, you can cover your teammates and keep them alive by taking out enemy vehicles. And if you can’t aim properly, get out and shoot. I consider this the best AT strategy because, many times, my team has lost a huge number of valuable tickets because the damn Humvee got blown up before we finished capturing a base. Going commando works on smaller maps, because every vehicle kill will help your teammates, but on larger maps, going commando is better for improving your K/D ratio than actually helping your team. More on that later.

Special Forces

     Ahhh, special forces. Every single Special Forces excursion or mission always ends up as Operation make Michael Bay proud. Since SF troops are the badasses of the army, they almost always go commando, or with other special forces. The C4 they carry is very dangerous, and therefore awesome. On a smaller map, for the billionth time, I once again take into account the importance of vehicles. An accurate assessment of vehicle usage will show that the light armored cars and heavier armored cars are probably the most commonly used transport/interception vehicles in the game. Therefore, (this works best in small maps), I present the car bomb. This strategy has a million different variants. The most common is when a Special Forces operative will attach C4 to a car near an outpost, or control point, so that any enemy capturing the flag will be incinerated. Also, players commonly get in the Kord or Brownimg heavy machine gun mounted on top of the Russian or American vehicles respectively, so that they can capture the flag and fiht off attacks. The car will maximize the explosion, and also prevent the enemies from making a quick escape if they try. You can also C4 vehicles lying around, or my favorite, attach C4 to an FAV or DPV, the more the better, and go tank hunting. Now, in smaller map, the special forces will have a much easier time destroying priority targets, such as assets (more on this below) or air vehicles. However, they often need resupply drops to use the C4 effectively. All of the assault carbines are incredibly accurate, and even though they do less damage than other rifles, they are just as useful, if not more, because of their accuracy and lack of recoil. For smaller battles, the MEC’s ak-74u is a good choice because it does more damage than the other carbines. However, the others are more accurate. In a small map, take the long way around to attack enemy bases, because the most direct routes are probably monitored by armour and aircraft. In a smaller map, because of the greater amount of cover and less open spaces than in larger maps, special forces can last very long against an airstrike. Especially in Shonghua Stalemate, they can hide in dense forests. In the special forces expansion pack, all special forces are essentially the same, but their equipment will make the difference.
Best Strategy: All your assets are belong to me (Purposeful error, please don’t spam me in the comments section grammar police).  This strategy isn’t news to anyone, but I’m listing it as more useful on small maps for a reason. A smaller number of players means that the enemies main control point will be less defended. Using a small car or boat is recommended, or an atv, jet ski, or muscle car in the expansions, because these are very inconspicuous vehicles. Drive to the enemy base, or wherever their assets are located. On carrier insertions, the USMC artillery is located usually on a small archipelago, island group, or peninsula while their radar and UAV trailer can be found on the Aircraft Carrier. Now for the fun part. If you use a helicopter or a jet to parachute in, or a large vehicle, chances are you will be spotted. If you encounter any resistance, take them out. However, if a very small amount of enemies are nearby, but don’t see you, or if you need to get to an asset that is being guarded but do not want to alert other nearby enemies, use your pistol. It’s silence really comes in handy, and it is actually quite quiet. If you aren’t, take your c4 and blow up any important enemy asset in a 25 mile radius. If you get a troop too, bonus points. Don’t go near a destroyed asset, it is smoking, and WILL kill you. Now for the escape. Find any nearby vehicle, and use it to get out. If I sound like a hypocrite after strictly advising stealthy vehicles, I promise you, if they didn’t know you were there before, they will now. Grab something fast and powerful, and, while humming the Mission Impossible theme song, re-enact Die Hard at the enemy control point. Actually, at this point, escaping is optional.


     Yes, I saved the best for last. Often, snipers need range. Due to the fact that BF22 “small” maps are actually pretty big, snipers have to assume different positions and roles. The best thing is their camo. It is so freaking fun to be stuck crawling in the tall grass behind enemy lines, next to a road where a convoy drives by without noticing you. The part where you go into the conveniently abandoned outpost and take it over is the icing on the cake. A snipers best friend is a wooded and overgrown hill. The vantage point is amazing, and although the enemy may suspect you could be their, your camo will prevent them from seeing you at range. On smaller maps, you won’t find too many of these beauties. So, hide near the top, and try to be as silent as possible. The semi-auto snipers are good for close encounters, but for range, I really have to recommend the super accurate M24(USMC) or the AWM(L96)(EU)(SF). The AWM delivers slightly more of a punch, though. In many of the USMC/EU vs. MEC maps, there are often many buildings, and some are quite tall. A good strategy is to hole up in a house, and use your claymores (explodable do not disturb signs) to ensure maximum privacy. The best pro’s will tell you that headshots, although instakill, are very unreliable. Since BF2 aiming is realistic, the bullets low velocity at longer ranges mean that you will hit slightly below your crosshairs. Going for chest shots may not always be a good idea either, if the target wears body armour, but a couple of hits should do the trick. When your squads attack a target, cover them. Snipers are as invaluable as Support class units when it comes to covering fire. A rifles range means that you can cover your friendlies from a safe distance. Snipers have actually kept me, and others, alive and pwning in the past because they take out pesky enemy medics and engineers. Snipers do pretty low anti-vehicle damage, but it can take out a smoking chopper or car quickly. Since on a small map, there is less space for a commander to use his assets in, a sniper often has to choose a position that gives them a tactical advantage. If necessary, even obvious cover like towers or rocks can be used. While these covers are quite obvious, they more than make up for it with defensive advantages. Even though an enemy may have a hard time locating a sniper in a grassy hill, artillery is more than enough to wipe a hill clean of resistance. A tower is a great place to hide, since you can shoot while the barrage is ongoing without too much risk. Shift positions often, because if you are too close to the action, a UAV will pick you up and close range troops will try to flush you out. Even a Dragunov SVD stands little chance against an m-16, m-4, or a G3.
Best Strategy: Dead silence. The snipers are undoubtedly the most adept at silent reconnaissance. Special forces don’t have camo, and although you won’t here their pistol shots, a large umbrella cloud slowly rising from where your assets were located is slightly suspicious. This strategy has been used billions of times, I kid you not. First off, get near the enemy base very quietly. And by this, I literally mean drive most of the way, and walk the last half. When you ditch your vehicle, destroy it with grenades. If you have a pilot drop you off, parachute to a forest. Always walk to your position of attack. Then, when you are near a key enemy target, crawl or walk quietly towards a tall building or heavily wooded forest. When there, use claymores to cover your back. Then, take out enemies left and right with your sniper. Any nearby enemies can be quietly disposed of with your beretta, mr44, or qsz. Be very careful, the key to getting a lot of points like this is stealth. Even when they know your there, never let them see your exact position. If you are on a nearby hill, you can get away quickly. If large amounts of troops open fire on you, because you are getting a lot of kills, get out of there. When they actually spot you, your finished. They will flush you out with arty or MG fire. If you are in their base, make sure you can parachute from your tall structural hideout to a nearby vehicle. Or, if your on ground level inside their base (not recommended), ask your commander to cover your escape with an arty strike, or if your team is really nice, an air strike. A couple of helicopter gun ships should do it, and they can get you out quickly too.

Well, this was my first post. Thank you, if you like it. If you have any personal tips or comments, or strategies, feel free to post them in the comments section. If you really need help with something concerning bf2, post it in the comments and someone will probably answer your question. I will try to answer it, but if another person provides a better solution, use it.

Last edited by pace51 (2010-03-05 09:47:10)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Nice thread.

Wonder if you'll do any more.
+194|5422|Markham, Ontario

AussieReaper wrote:

Nice thread.

Wonder if you'll do any more.
I'm thinking about it, but trotsky and ig have a anti-matter cannon ready to vaporize me if I do anything else like this, so it could be a while.
pub hero!
+603|6630|the land of bourbon
i have a real problem with you posting this crap in the bf2 section.  it used to be a treasure trove of good info, that people spent alot of time researching and creating for the bf2 community.  now you are in here, posting regurgitated garbage that isn't even accurate, and it's all over the top page of the forum.  i know bf2 is getting on in years, but there are still people who play the game, and might come here for tips, guides, etc.  instead of the great wealth of info, YOU have reduced it to a meaningless and trivial pile of shit that helps no one and ruins the good name this place used to have.  just stop posting here.  i don't care if you spread your fail over in EE or anywhere else, but please stay out of the bf2 section.

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