papatas fritasphishsux wrote:
papas fritas
zzzz, diffraction gratings?liquidat0r wrote:
No. I was just talking about the properties of a laser beam really. Mainly coherence.PrivateVendetta wrote:
Mention the laser the USAF are strapping to a 747 to shoot down missiles?liquidat0r wrote:
Hi guys.
So I wrote 6000 words about lasers. Was quite interesting, I suppose.
A level stuff maaaan

I wanna buy a SCUBA tank
Tu Stultus Es
It's more commonly written as laser, however LASER and Laser are also accepted.eleven bravo wrote:
you mean LASERliquidat0r wrote:
Hi guys.
So I wrote 6000 words about lasers. Was quite interesting, I suppose.
I prefer Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

not clicking that
If I won 10 million dollars, Id buy a mansion and a private jet
Tu Stultus Es
i wouldnt
if i won 10 million dollars i would build a house in the country with a fuckload of land to protect it from developers.... because they're a plague around here
i'd give it all to charity
Listening to W&W's performance from A State of Trance 450. I can almost hear myself cheering.
Private jet would waste your money faster than a golddigger, you need to be EARNING 10mill to do that.

if I won 10 million dollars id give everyone I like here a thousand dollars
Tu Stultus Es
I could invest a few mil and live off the dividend or the interest for the rest of my daysPrivateVendetta wrote:
Private jet would waste your money faster than a golddigger, you need to be EARNING 10mill to do that.
Tu Stultus Es
I'd give 5 away and use the rest to buy myself a tropical island.
and make everyone you dont like give you 1000?
id buy a solid gold prostitute
Tu Stultus Es
I would buy this and a modest house

id buy bf2s hahahaaaha
I'd buy big apartments/condos in the main city centres, places like NYC/London. Have something in monaco too. None of that mansion in the middle of nowhere with a butler. Some nice cars
i'd give it all to charity
Y'all crazy.