
Agwood69 wrote:

dr4gonman wrote:

USAF 1981-1992  CE/Power Lineman  CA/AK/UT(Desert Shield/Storm)/Italy

Why is the F35 in the game and not the F22?  Didn't the F22 get the nod for production over that single engine VTOL?  Or did the USN pick it up?  If they are trying to keep to the USMC/Navy equipment the F15 shouldn't be in the game.

Two very different programs.. the Lockheed YF-22 beat out the Northrop YF-23 (one of the most beautiful fighters ever designed IMHO) in the US Air Force's ATF (Advanced Tactical Fighter)program.

The Lockheed F35 was born out of the DOD's JSF (Joint Strike fighter) program. The X35 beat out the UGLY as sin X32 from boeing. The JSF is supposed to be the largest military procurement in history and includes the Royal Navy, the US Marines and about a dozen other NATO partners. The Aircraft is designed to come in 3 standard configurations

(1) The Smallish NON STOVL (Short Take Of Verticle Landing) Air Force Version. 
(2) The Larger NON STOVL folding winged Naval version with super rugged landing gear.
(3) The STOVL Version developed for the Royal Navy and US Marines to replace the Harrier.

About the F-15.. I just dont know why its there.. I am sure there is a good reason.. but it sure isnt a Department of the Navy Aircraft as far as I know.... and it is modeled after the F-15E model which is primarily a ground attack version..

but interestingly enough.. the US helicopters are not REALLY correct in the game.. The Navy has a few versions of the H-60.. they are the SEAHAWK family (the one represented in BF2 appears to be the MH-60S NightHawk.

http://www.sikorsky.com/details/0,3036, … 64,00.html

As far as I understand it (which is pretty good) they are not used as combat insertion A/C for the USMC troops (they have their own CH-46's, 53's and H-1 Hueys for that stuff). The Navy's H-60 versions are called Seahawks and are used for different missions including ASW operations, INFIL/EXFIL of Special Operations Forces, Search and Rescue, Cargo Hauling for some of the versions. I would seriously like to see the 53 and 46 make appearances, let the seahawks alone.

Also the Version of the Cobra that the USMC uses in the game exists only in a Pre-Production/Testing version.. but I will say that it is ready to go into full production whan the CORPS decides to buy them

http://www.bellhelicopter.textron.com/e … lAH-1Z.cfm

and the new HUEY is going into full swing production starting now for the USMC....
http://www.bellhelicopter.textron.com/e … lUH-1Y.cfm
Thanks for the info bro.

I reckon my real question was- if this is a modern combat game and the F-22 is to eventually replace the F-15 (which is my favorite AF fighter) why is it not in the game along with the F-35? 

I took a look at that 32.  You're right, it is ugly as hell.  Delta wings never were my favorite type of wing design anyway.  The YF23 is "prettier" than the 22 but it appears  bigger as well.  The Mad Major Boyd (Colonel by that time I think) fought for years to get tactical fighters built smaller and more manueverable and this is probably why they chose the F22 to avoid his pitching everyone else involved a ration of his cigar ashes.

Has the F-35 actually been placed into service?  I didn't get that far in my reading.  If it hasn't then my question still begs an answer.  Since they decided to include an Air Force jet,  why is the F-15 and not the F-22 in BF2?  Damn game designers and their arbitrary decisions anyway. 

Last edited by dr4gonman (2005-10-21 08:40:22)

Yea...very little combat training is good in this game.....IRL people wouldnt do half the crap they do ingame. Although there are some good parts to having real combat training/experience...it helps keep the nerves down when you are being shot at which is one of the most important parts of a FPS...staying calm. It also helps with the siloutte(sp?)/low profile things and you will know as soon as you are in a bad position. House clearing techniques are ok to use ingame....i still just like throwing some C4 or grenades in a window (Im lazy) Armored combat is NOT applicable ingame although all air tactics I know of seem to work well. Oh and "I'm up he see's me, I'm down" tactic....works in game! (Dolphin diving or superman'ing) I wish they had a Mk19 grenade launcher ingame though...that weapon was just as fun as the .50cal MG and would be very entertaining ingame I think.

Edit: OHHHHHH....wouldnt a elimination match be fun!!! 1 life...when you die....your done till next round. Probably would have to be smaller maps or maps with less than 4 control points to keep it moving.

Last edited by Effreem (2005-10-21 08:56:27)

I got my DD-214 way back in 2002. An early discharge, but medically necessary at the time. I kind of got screwed over, but hey, you learn and you live.  I'm new to these Forums (obviously)--I can imagine most of you will read this and say, "Who the hell is this KtotheIMMY?". I just recently "enlisted" into the BF2 world, 4 days ago in fact. My fiancé got me hooked  and now we fight over the computer for game time.

Back to the topic though, I was supposed to be a US Army 96B intelligence analyst. I joined in August of 2001. I was held over at Fort Leonard Wood for so long I saw the seasons change from winter to spring to summer. Thankfully I got to leave about two months earlier than my other intel friends who moved on to Fort Huachuca. Of course they screwed up on our security clearances.

Anyways, just wanted to say "hi" :-)

Last edited by KtotheIMMY (2005-10-21 10:01:24)

Army 19D
Can anyone tell me how to get started and stuff?
Hi Xenos! I just joined today too, but  I'll do my best to help you out. What do you want to do?

XENOS wrote:

Can anyone tell me how to get started and stuff?
Cookie Monster
+0|7079|Shaw AFB
USAF 2002-present
Been stationed at SHAW AFB for my entire enlistment. Not to bad.  With a little help from BF2.
10 years Active Air Force here.  Then 2 in reserves which ended up active duty after 9/11.  got the bug for civilian law enforcement and bugged out.
USARMY Present rank 1SG hard to find time but no sleep sometimes help..
Faith +1
USAF AD- 97-01 -Osan AB 51st Comm Sq, DMAFB 612th ACOMS

E-4 missed E-5 on the test before I got out by 10 points.  I was the first to finish both tests in about 15 mins.  Friend and I had a bet who would finish first and I won.  Beat his score by a ton too! haha.
SSG King
SSG King here.

First 4 years (1995-1999) were spent as an 11H (Heavy weapons / Anti-tank Infantryman).

2nd ACR at Ft. Polk was first up.  Then onto 1/506 INF on the DMZ in Korea.  Ended my Infantry life at 2/327 INF at Ft. Campbell, KY.

From 1999 to present, I'm a 15T (Blackhawk Helicopter Crewchief)

Started my aviation career at Ft. Campbell, KY with 6/101 AVN.   Deployed in support of Op. Iraqi Freedom at the beginning of the war in Feb 2003.  After returning, I was then assigned to Ft. Eustis, VA where I now instruct new recruits on becoming a Blackhawk Mechanic in a 14 weeks Advanced Individual Training course.

Just rolled over the hump of 10 years in service.  It's all down hill from here.

Joining Army Special Forces (if i make it) if not then something with computers, gonna ship out in a month or so to boot camp
+-2|7115|The Seventh Circle of Hell

dr4gonman wrote:

Agwood69 wrote:

dr4gonman wrote:

USAF 1981-1992  CE/Power Lineman  CA/AK/UT(Desert Shield/Storm)/Italy

Why is the F35 in the game and not the F22?  Didn't the F22 get the nod for production over that single engine VTOL?  Or did the USN pick it up?  If they are trying to keep to the USMC/Navy equipment the F15 shouldn't be in the game.

Two very different programs.. the Lockheed YF-22 beat out the Northrop YF-23 (one of the most beautiful fighters ever designed IMHO) in the US Air Force's ATF (Advanced Tactical Fighter)program.

The Lockheed F35 was born out of the DOD's JSF (Joint Strike fighter) program. The X35 beat out the UGLY as sin X32 from boeing. The JSF is supposed to be the largest military procurement in history and includes the Royal Navy, the US Marines and about a dozen other NATO partners. The Aircraft is designed to come in 3 standard configurations

(1) The Smallish NON STOVL (Short Take Of Verticle Landing) Air Force Version. 
(2) The Larger NON STOVL folding winged Naval version with super rugged landing gear.
(3) The STOVL Version developed for the Royal Navy and US Marines to replace the Harrier.

About the F-15.. I just dont know why its there.. I am sure there is a good reason.. but it sure isnt a Department of the Navy Aircraft as far as I know.... and it is modeled after the F-15E model which is primarily a ground attack version..

but interestingly enough.. the US helicopters are not REALLY correct in the game.. The Navy has a few versions of the H-60.. they are the SEAHAWK family (the one represented in BF2 appears to be the MH-60S NightHawk.

http://www.sikorsky.com/details/0,3036, … 64,00.html

As far as I understand it (which is pretty good) they are not used as combat insertion A/C for the USMC troops (they have their own CH-46's, 53's and H-1 Hueys for that stuff). The Navy's H-60 versions are called Seahawks and are used for different missions including ASW operations, INFIL/EXFIL of Special Operations Forces, Search and Rescue, Cargo Hauling for some of the versions. I would seriously like to see the 53 and 46 make appearances, let the seahawks alone.

Also the Version of the Cobra that the USMC uses in the game exists only in a Pre-Production/Testing version.. but I will say that it is ready to go into full production whan the CORPS decides to buy them

http://www.bellhelicopter.textron.com/e … lAH-1Z.cfm

and the new HUEY is going into full swing production starting now for the USMC....
http://www.bellhelicopter.textron.com/e … lUH-1Y.cfm
Thanks for the info bro.

I reckon my real question was- if this is a modern combat game and the F-22 is to eventually replace the F-15 (which is my favorite AF fighter) why is it not in the game along with the F-35? 

I took a look at that 32.  You're right, it is ugly as hell.  Delta wings never were my favorite type of wing design anyway.  The YF23 is "prettier" than the 22 but it appears  bigger as well.  The Mad Major Boyd (Colonel by that time I think) fought for years to get tactical fighters built smaller and more manueverable and this is probably why they chose the F22 to avoid his pitching everyone else involved a ration of his cigar ashes.

Has the F-35 actually been placed into service?  I didn't get that far in my reading.  If it hasn't then my question still begs an answer.  Since they decided to include an Air Force jet,  why is the F-15 and not the F-22 in BF2?  Damn game designers and their arbitrary decisions anyway. 
The YF-23 was no bigger than the F-22...in fact it was about the same size, maybe even a bit smaller...I helped with the teardown of the demonstrator so it could be shipped to Wright -Patterson for museum display. And I will agree, that the X-32 was the UGLIEST plane I've ever seen. When I would see that thing taxiing down the way to go fly, ugh, I'd just laugh, cuz it looked like a guppy. Speaking of JSF, in the game, the F-35 has a REALLY long pitot probe (the probe sticking out of the radome, or nose of the plane). That probe is used solely for test purposes and does not exist on production aircraft. I think it looks so tacky when a game developer puts something like that in the game. Oh and the designation is wrong too. It should be the F-35C for the STOVL, not F-35B. That's the Navy version.
SSgt - US Air Force - 6 years Active Duty, and still counting
I thought the designator was A for Air Force, B for Navy (STOL)  and C for Marine (VTOL)
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7071|MA, USA
Active Infantry:
A/2-14 IN, 10th MTN, Ft. Drum '92-'95
Somalia 8/93-12/93 Haiti 9/94-12/94

Currently Reserve MP:
Iraq 4/03-8/04

Infantry was better.  And there aren't many tactics that apply to both the game AND real life.  A couple that do; spread the hell out...and don't give away my position.  I haven't been playing that long, but if I had a nickel for every clown that wants to hang around me and get me killed when I find a good position...

You'll have to trust me...In my younger days I was a better soldier IRL than I am in bf2 ;-)

Last edited by whittsend (2005-11-22 08:57:54)


Effreem wrote:

I thought the designator was A for Air Force, B for Navy (STOL)  and C for Marine (VTOL)
I don't think those are "Branch" designators.  Rather, they are simply version numbers meaning the A was built/designed first and/or was the first "production" run.  A few years from now if not already, the C, D and E versions will appear.  The A model was probably easier to produce, if it didn't have the SVTOL capabilities, so they ran it first.
Expendable Miracle Worker
SSgt - USAF - 6 years in - Airborne Systems Engineer
10 years USN ETC(SW)  Been out 9 years now.
Trinity ®©
Current: Major: Airforce
Teh Milho
+0|7077|Sumter SC

Cookie Monster wrote:

USAF 2002-present
Been stationed at SHAW AFB for my entire enlistment. Not to bad.  With a little help from BF2.
Woot woot, gotta love being at Shaw,

Been stationed here 3 years now, and can't seem to get sent anywhere else.
+0|7070|Baghdad, Iraq
Jeez, where do I start...

Started off as an M60 Tank Crewman in Illesheim, Germany (it was still West Germany then) in the 1st Armored Division watching "evil communist Czechoslovakians" watch me.  Then Fort Polk, Louisiana for 2 years swatting mosquitos.
Got out, stayed in the reserves as a Field Artilleryman ("What!?") <-- bad hearing...
Graduated college and commissioned as an Armor Officer and spent a year in Korea on M1IPs watching "evil communist North Koreans" watch me. 
Changed over to a Transportation Officer at Fort Lewis, Washington and really liked living in a warm tent.
Many jobs over the next few years at Fort Bliss, Texas; Fort Campbell, Kentucky (speaking of which RAKASAN if you were in the 502nd shouldn't your name be Bastogn-er or something like that?; anyhoo, then to Fort Hood, Texas.

Currently in Baghdad watching "evil fanatical islamic jihadists" try and blow me up.  They have come close a couple of times but I just bunny-hopped out of the way of the incoming rocket (not really but my hearing's gotten worse).
+0|7156|Atlanta (Metro) USA

Teuf wrote:


eas '95

God how I miss it so.  If it wasn't for my kids, I'd be back in.

Semper Fidelis, carry on
I have been curioous about an aspect of BF2 and now that I see there are a few Marines in here...What is the deal with the sniper rifle? I have a co-worker who is in the USMCR and while he was in the corp he was a gunney. I asked him if USMC snipers ever used the M-24. You wanna know what he said? "What is the M-24?" So I do a Google on it and come to find out, the M-24 is the rifle used by the ARMY!

So my question is, why is the USMC in game using this rifle and not the one used by real Marines?

I would appreciate any input. Thanks.

Simper-Fi. Carry on.
+0|7156|Atlanta (Metro) USA

3stitches wrote:

There is no way I could possibly relate this game to real life military training.  The only thing training might have helped with is vehicle ID.
What about RL Vs. AA:SF?

Nufuhsus wrote:

Teuf wrote:


eas '95

God how I miss it so.  If it wasn't for my kids, I'd be back in.

Semper Fidelis, carry on
I have been curioous about an aspect of BF2 and now that I see there are a few Marines in here...What is the deal with the sniper rifle? I have a co-worker who is in the USMCR and while he was in the corp he was a gunney. I asked him if USMC snipers ever used the M-24. You wanna know what he said? "What is the M-24?" So I do a Google on it and come to find out, the M-24 is the rifle used by the ARMY!

So my question is, why is the USMC in game using this rifle and not the one used by real Marines?

I would appreciate any input. Thanks.

Simper-Fi. Carry on.
I think the Marine Advanced Marksmanship\snipers use a "home-made" rifle and ammo, basically the Marine armoury builds the rifle to fit the man and hand loads the ammo.

Same thing goes for the marine marksmanship competition team.

Saw a documentary on it a while ago, i'll see if i can dig up the info (google is your friend )

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