Went to go see the A-Team movie rather than watch the match. Good thing cuz 1-1...WTF is that shite
a drawn game?
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
lol wow.. every soccer game i watch guys go down holding their shins. try a mans sport like rugby, American football or hockey. People play with broken legs and hands in hockey and they're fine. Rugby you don't even have armor and they are tough.
England,1 USA,1 wtf m3thod, i thought you were into English football . . .
I live by good old Ricky Bobby's saying, "if you aint first, you're last"
they don't call me Dauntless "The Ruler" trickshot McStyles for nothing
remember those guys who got owned at bf2 and thought it must be that the other guy is hacking because there is just no way they could be terrible at the game
new ruleDauntless wrote:
remember those guys who got owned at bf2 and thought it must be that the other guy is hacking because there is just no way they could be terrible at the game
during the tourney you need to videotape yourself playing to prevent cheating.
remember those guys on bf2 who bragged about being mediocre while they were hacking?
remember that Samtheman53 bf2 player, prolly the best ever
he owned the whole bbuk clan as i recall.
remember that guy who posted the video and got a 3 day ban?
it was dauntless btw.
remember that guy who posted the video and got a 3 day ban?
it was dauntless btw.
Last edited by 13/f/taiwan (2010-06-12 18:35:53)
remember when england and usa tied 1-1 in that soccer match
remember when america beat england in that war
you painting a picture m8?SamTheMan wrote:
i've potted each ball within a second of being able to pot with jihad
he's mad he's bad
he's mad he's bad
ye, wana see?
dauntless rage quit on sam n me. aint that riight sammy?
Bevo wrote:
remember when england and usa tied 1-1 in that soccer match
dauntless you still playin or you want to play me?
dauntless you still playin or you want to play me?
so what fags we're still both goin through to the next round easy peasyburnzz wrote:
Bevo wrote:
remember when england and usa tied 1-1 in that soccer match
easy Sambo, i'm as surprised as you are. fucking Group C innit
sureBevo wrote:
dauntless you still playin or you want to play me?
jihad and sam wouldn't let me play anymore because i kept beating them
more like we kept beating you innit