well, Italy are loosingDauntless wrote:
So my engine light just came on and I think my brakes are binding, it's 10 past 8 and I haven't even got home from work yet, I'm still 50 minutes from home. Now I have to wait an hour for the breakdown people to get here
I had a long day even without this : (
oh well, lol
Wait, mek, who's on "detainee's that need to be freed" list? Just delete the crossed off names, and then you'll have some room to put mugshots of the ninjas who stole your advertisement space or something.Mekstizzle wrote:
aight crew?
I've got €10 on Paraguay at 3. something
A lot of my friends have high hopes for paraguay.
Got a sweep goin with the family with a £50 top prize. Picked two teams each out of a hat. Japan (won today ) and Honduras for me.
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
in your testicles.steelie34 wrote:
lies!pace51 wrote:
A lot of my friends.
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
Testicle-ize the member above you
as said. kezticle.
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
GrowapairEifa. Sorry, it's hard to testiclize women.Eifa wrote:
as said. kezticle.
why delete the picture member above you thread? it was just starting to take off (lololololololol geddit? like how a uav takes off)
ffs junior
it was shit.
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
Pace what's your summer break going to consist of?
He's trying to break Lisbon by making a thread, deleting it, then making the exact same thread.
Fucking retard.
Fucking retard.
Last edited by mtb0minime (2010-06-14 13:16:10)