Bevo wrote:
Jonah Hex - 1/10 for pretty lights. Saw it fathers day with my dad 'cause he wanted to see it. Felt like I was watching ghost rider all over again.
Do not. watch. this. movie.
I gave Ghost Rider a round 7 for a comic book movie. Still, I was going to wait for Jonah Hex on DVD anyway.
Obiwan wrote:
Harry Potter 6. It was on tv 10/10. Shame there splitting 7 into 2 movies and I bet they will make a prequel after.
Speaking from an HP fan's viewpoint:
The first two movies were criticized for sticking too close to the books. Only problem is, when new directors started adding tons of twists and omissions, each film seemed to become more and more disjointed than the last. On each of my first viewings, I tried to watch them with the viewpoint of someone who hasn't read the books, and they're just confusing. #3 was good, #4 was ok even if they did omit the execution of Barty Crouch Jr., but #5 and #6 offered very little explanation for anything. One of the things that sticks out the most is that they never really explained to the audience why Harry was forced to spend his early life and mid-year summers at his aunt & uncle's.
Splitting the last part into two is both a relief and a mistake. On one hand, they'll finally get to tie up loose ends now that they have the completed series to work with and know what's important. On the other, non-fans are going to view it as money-grubbing and lose any patience they once had for the franchise. So if you end up watching these movies a lot (fan in the household), you pretty much
have to either read the books or listen to the audio [I like Jim Dale's, but I haven't heard the other guy's (name escapes me) UK version].