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+387|6637|New Haven, CT
Look, either way, the complaint that FIFA is mishandling the World Cup and giving us laughable results stands. Both games today were completely ruined by the refereeing, the US sweated out its advancement from the group stages because it was robbed against Slovenia and against Algeria, and Germany lost to Serbia in the group stage largely because of a horrendous red card call. I can't take the World Cup seriously with such low standards for officiating integrity, and soccer fans should be universally appalled that their sport's premier event is marred by the inability of the governing body to ensure proper calls are made.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

ig wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

The announcers are able to do it within 30 seconds of seeing it happen. It doesn't seem that difficult to judge whether or not something crossed a line.
But you and I both know it doesnt work like that. I reversal would and should be made by the ref on the field. This means a challenge, stopping playing, running to the sidelines, and watching the review a few times. Really the solution is much simpler. Instead of +2 or +3 count on +15 or so.

I wrote:'s just more competent refs that are needed. This current batch leaves alot to be desired.
no running to the sidelines is necessary; they already have headsets...
I would be amazed if it was done within 30 seconds as well. Make the right call in the first place .. consistently. Offsides is a very simple call. These fellas have just been unbelievably horrible.

lol ig, running to the sidelines to watch it, not get the ruling.. man ur funny.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

nukchebi0 wrote:

Look, either way, the complaint that FIFA is mishandling the World Cup and giving us laughable results stands. Both games today were completely ruined by the refereeing, the US sweated out its advancement from the group stages because it was robbed against Slovenia and against Algeria, and Germany lost to Serbia in the group stage largely because of a horrendous red card call. I can't take the World Cup seriously with such low standards for officiating integrity, and soccer fans should be universally appalled that their sport's premier event is marred by the inability of the governing body to ensure proper calls are made.
Some calls have certainly made things tougher but I personally don't see "laughable" results. I have not seen anyone knocked out because of a call yet. Close perhaps.

You say the results are laughable. Who should be still in it?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Aye up duck!
+440|7022|England. Stoke
Yeah but you simply use a video official who isn't on the field that makes the call when video evidence is required and pass the ruling onto the referee. As in cricket...
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5797|Bolingbrook, Illinois

Kmarion wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

Look, either way, the complaint that FIFA is mishandling the World Cup and giving us laughable results stands. Both games today were completely ruined by the refereeing, the US sweated out its advancement from the group stages because it was robbed against Slovenia and against Algeria, and Germany lost to Serbia in the group stage largely because of a horrendous red card call. I can't take the World Cup seriously with such low standards for officiating integrity, and soccer fans should be universally appalled that their sport's premier event is marred by the inability of the governing body to ensure proper calls are made.
Some calls have certainly made things tougher but I personally don't see "laughable" results. I have not seen anyone knocked out because of a call yet. Close perhaps.

You say the results are laughable. Who should be still in it?

the games would've been played out differently
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

coke wrote:

Yeah but you simply use a video official who isn't on the field that makes the call when video evidence is required and pass the ruling onto the referee. As in cricket...
I disagree.
a reversal would and should be made by the ref on the field
The NFL had video review judges at the beginning. They had to make it a 90 second limit. They then had to make it so the referee made all determinations. If you start allowing for challenges and play stoppage it's no going back. Slippery slope IMO. Just make the right call the first time. Train the official to better position themselves. Make the simple call/
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

HaiBai wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

Look, either way, the complaint that FIFA is mishandling the World Cup and giving us laughable results stands. Both games today were completely ruined by the refereeing, the US sweated out its advancement from the group stages because it was robbed against Slovenia and against Algeria, and Germany lost to Serbia in the group stage largely because of a horrendous red card call. I can't take the World Cup seriously with such low standards for officiating integrity, and soccer fans should be universally appalled that their sport's premier event is marred by the inability of the governing body to ensure proper calls are made.
Some calls have certainly made things tougher but I personally don't see "laughable" results. I have not seen anyone knocked out because of a call yet. Close perhaps.

You say the results are laughable. Who should be still in it?

the games would've been played out differently
Neither has a right to be in it. Both were beat handily despite the calls.

Do you really think they should be in the next round, with the worlds best? I find that hard to believe.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

HaiBai wrote:


the games would've been played out differently
That's bollocks. England and Mexico were both roundly beaten by superior teams.
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6637|New Haven, CT
Who should still be in it? I'm not sure, but it's impossible to view them as valid given the abhorrent officiating quality and FIFA's antiquated policies regarding correcting such errors.

And neither has a right to be in it? Are you serious? Don't you think an English side tied at 2-2 against their archrival plays slightly better and more inspired than one down 2-1 and robbed? Don't you think Mexico plays the game a bit better mentally when they weren't trailing 1-0 due to an obvious offsides call that was missed? Goals are way too important in soccer to think the outcome would have been the same regardless the call made by the referee. We don't know who deserves to be in the quarterfinals, because the refereeing so badly skewed the final result of the games.
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

CameronPoe wrote:

HaiBai wrote:


the games would've been played out differently
That's bollocks. England and Mexico were both roundly beaten by superior teams.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5797|Bolingbrook, Illinois

Kmarion wrote:

HaiBai wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Some calls have certainly made things tougher but I personally don't see "laughable" results. I have not seen anyone knocked out because of a call yet. Close perhaps.

You say the results are laughable. Who should be still in it?

the games would've been played out differently
Neither has a right to be in it. Both were beat handily despite the calls.

Do you really think they should be in the next round, with the worlds best? I find that hard to believe.
maybe not england, but definitely mexico.  the first team to score wins 70 to 80% of the time.

besides this is all hypothetical.  it doesn't matter who the better team is, since when does the better team advance every time?
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
by nature of being the better side.

See world cup winners list....all deserved winners, by the fact the played the best throughout the tournament (maybe not italy 1982....drew all 3 group games lol)

i'm an england fan...we had our arses handed out to us.  In the end i was praying they dont beat us 5 fucking 1.

Last edited by m3thod (2010-06-27 16:06:08)

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
11 Bravo
+965|5550|Cleveland, Ohio
why is everyone bashing capello when mr rooney the zomg best playa ever in the world universe galaxy did fuck all?
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
its what you do when the clowns dont perform.  You can take a bunch of donkeys to water but you can make the cocksuckers drink it.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

HaiBai wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

HaiBai wrote:


the games would've been played out differently
Neither has a right to be in it. Both were beat handily despite the calls.

Do you really think they should be in the next round, with the worlds best? I find that hard to believe.
maybe not england, but definitely mexico.  the first team to score wins 70 to 80% of the time.

besides this is all hypothetical.  it doesn't matter who the better team is, since when does the better team advance every time?
It's called mental toughness and it's just as much a part of the game as anything else. The US fought back twice because of early goals and officiating let downs. Mexico was beaten by Argentina more-so than the officials. This I thought was clear.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
arrivederci frog
You blame the manager because the team is filled with quality players, who prove themselves week in and week out in the premiership

It's just psychologically and tactically they were shit this tournament. A lot of that will fall on the manager. However Rooney did get his fair share of hate headlines after the Algeria game.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
he deserves more shit, he sucks on the big stage.

2006 world cup, 4 games = 0 goals

2010 world cup, 4 games = 0 goals
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
This topic seems to have no actual posts

Kmarion wrote:

ig wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

The announcers are able to do it within 30 seconds of seeing it happen. It doesn't seem that difficult to judge whether or not something crossed a line.
But you and I both know it doesnt work like that. I reversal would and should be made by the ref on the field. This means a challenge, stopping playing, running to the sidelines, and watching the review a few times. Really the solution is much simpler. Instead of +2 or +3 count on +15 or so.

no running to the sidelines is necessary; they already have headsets...
I would be amazed if it was done within 30 seconds as well. Make the right call in the first place .. consistently. Offsides is a very simple call. These fellas have just been unbelievably horrible.

lol ig, running to the sidelines to watch it, not get the ruling.. man ur funny. … orelli.jpg
derp. learn to interpret posts better. i obviously meant that the officials upstairs would make the final call, and let the guys on the field know via headsets

its easy to say make the right call in the first place, but that obviously isnt good enough. have you not watched any of these games? something needs to be put in place to make sure all goals and red cards are legit. anyone that says otherwise, like marine said, has serious mental issues
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

No making the right call usually is good enough. I've watched and seen every one of the mentioned questionable calls. I've also played longer than you have been alive.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
This topic seems to have no actual posts
USUALLY. this is what we need to get rid of. it needs to be ALWAYS, at least as far as reds and goals go. why is this so much for you to accept?

and you know your argument sucks when you throw in the age thing, lol

shit, you cant even really call your side an argument tbh

Last edited by ig (2010-06-27 16:47:06)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Always?, and you really think always is a realistic goal? Your argument sucks when you ask me if I have seen the games when I've been talking about them for two pages. I don't know if you are mocking me or if you've just not been paying attention. Experience matters when talking about making changes, officiating a sport. Yea we could make sure we had everything right every time if we poured over video for hours at a time. But at the cost of turning soccer into a game that is not.. No thanks. The stop and start process of video review would destroy the fluidity of the game. We already have a sport like that.

It's not an argument it's a point of view. We are talking about something that does not exist right now.

HaiBai wrote:

besides this is all hypothetical.
Go back to poker chump. .. or Bass fishing.. or whatever the fck it is you do. (lol)
Xbone Stormsurgezz
This topic seems to have no actual posts

how about you go back and actually read my post before you come back with another fail response. I SAID GOALS AND REDS. WHERE DID I, OR ANYONE FOR THAT MATTER, SAY ANYTHING ABOUT GETTING EVERY SINGLE CALL RIGHT?

jesus man...i expect better out of you

Last edited by ig (2010-06-27 17:01:54)

Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6637|New Haven, CT
Lol -

It takes ten seconds to establish if something was a goal. It takes 30 seconds to a minute to determine offsides. The maximum a foul call would need to be confirmed or denied is a couple minutes. None of these incidents happen too frequently - in each instance in the world cup, it's been a single call in the game that has dramatically altered the outcome. Soccer's sacred fluidity is already fractured by the pseudo injuries players suffers, the sauntering to prepare throw-ins, and setpieces/corner kicks. It's laughably unrealistic to claim that one video review a match, one that would drastically improve the validity of the end result, would have too great a cost in terms of game flow to justify implementing.

As ig noted, it doesn't seem as if you understand what replay would be implemented for. Think of it as the soccer version of baseballs review of disputed home runs.

Last edited by nukchebi0 (2010-06-27 17:09:21)

All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

Kmarion wrote:

The stop and start process of video review would destroy the fluidity of the game.
This is why you wont get the video review.  The game is based around end to end play (unless the divers/bad refs dystroy a good game).
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

ig wrote:


how about you go back and actually read my post before you come back with another fail response. I SAID GOALS AND REDS. WHERE DID I, OR ANYONE FOR THAT MATTER, SAY ANYTHING ABOUT GETTING EVERY SINGLE CALL RIGHT?

jesus man...i expect better out of you
I used what is called an extreme circumstance to illustrate a point. Although, as I said before, the slope, it's a slippery one. Start allowing challenges during the game and the door is open. Red cards can be appealed for the following games.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

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