To be fair though, that only happens in competitive matches, I've never seen that happen in a normal game. Maybe you'll get someone who will quickly revive someone else after being revived (I know I do it sometimes) but they aren't gonna die instantly again.Blade4509 wrote:
Good thing I'm not the only one that sees that broken revive invuln. It's garbage.genius_man16 wrote:
How the hell do they revive each other so fast? That's ridiculous.Rod Foxx wrote:
Hilarious revive invulnerability video demonstrating how broken it is. Supposedly a scrim of rival vs empire.
Although I'm curious as to how the two russian medics felt that constantly reviving each other is beneficial. I know you regain tickets but when the entire other team surrounds you there is no way you can get out of that. It's just a stupid cycle.