The new Predator Film - 7/10
The film starts off well however as it goes on, it gets worse...
There is a good mix of characters, very cliched as you would expect from a predator film (if you've watched the first). The leader is an ex merc whos the usual badass leader typ;, cue the gruff voice and refusal to reveal his background to ANYONE. The rest are a rag tag bunch of spetz naz, convicts, African militants - you get the idea.
As for the predators, they are looking pretty mean, there seems to be a few more than usual and apparently have a social structure... Hunters and bitches.
Basically, the beggining is great. As the film goes on and the action kicks in it gets progressively worse, to the point where there is even a samurai sword fight between the Yakuza member and the predator...
I don't know why but this scene really gripped me.
Picture this, its midnight and the moon is shining, the yakuza gang member suddenly has a change of heart whilst fleeing with the others...He stops in the field they are running through (in the middle of a jungle - god knows). Suddenly the wind picks up blowing the long grass around his feet, he takes off his suit (lol) and reveals his sword (chinese music kicks in) he turns around and sees the predator...A battle begins, they both die. Some people start sobbing at the beauty of this moment, I cry inside at the death of this movie.
Last edited by PureBeef (2010-07-16 03:22:12)