Uzique wrote:
mad innit.
camm people could practically, if they cared to, trace your forum behaviourism towards me. i started ragging on you for unrealistic expectations, trollin' banter to do with your 'dreams' of being a microsoft engineer with a HE qualification from some scottish shithole state-college. i made a little laugh of it, you took it to heart and replied with a cancer-dying joke. ultimate cheapshot, ultimate form of admitting defeat, really. now in every single thread since then you have used the typical ploy of hopping on my dick in every-thread, siding with every form of opposition to 'make a point', and generally acting far less old than the 20 year's old you profess to be.
also you made a miserable excuse to try and 'apologize' on steam-chat, being all 'i know ive done wrong...' to which you were duly told to "fuck off". made empty threats? not at all. somebody with the past-the-point-of-taste idiocy of yourself is going to learn a very hard lesson, someway... someday... from somebody. im sure anybody on these forums that has an equally dire and damning opinion of you can agree. it's about as terminal as a life-threatening cancer. it's imminent. you have been a scum-sucker your whole life, get cracks out of making serious death-jokes, and accept no real responsibility for your actions. doesn't work like that IRL, pal. enjoy it whilst you can .
Come and stab me then.... it sounds hilarious. Honestly. It's the funniest threat I've had. Oh teh noes... an internet gamer is going to stab me.
Ever thought of allll the times you've put me, my family, my whole existence down? And how shit it's made me feel? Well it was no ultimate cheapshot, I just wanted to be really vindictive and nasty back, because you really are a horrible fucking person
Last edited by CammRobb (2010-07-26 21:15:55)