I've played both in global unlocks, noticed that the DAO-12 you need to get rather close, and obviously I am not that good with the shotgun - get the scared look on my face with non-ranged weapons. Took me 3-4 shots to kill someone hiding behind a trailer, then had to reload often, running out of ammo was my biggest concern not the kills or deaths, found myself searching (when I didn't get killed) for ammo. But I do like the AT when everyone tank whores anyway. But I am doing better at the SAW and PKM and kill most but I lay down mostly. Anyway should I stick with the PKM (is it a noob-non aiming machine?) or the close combat DAO?
Both guns are good, DAO close range only, PKM, close and mid range
It depends on what kit you enjoy playing more
i love my PKM..that thing will mow down like 10 peps...jus finda nice spawn rappen spot on say...sharqi, and goto town!!
Last edited by US|dirtysouth (2005-10-21 19:57:20)
DAO before PKM, though both are worthly unlocks.
i say dao
i like the dao a lot, not impressed by pkm. all a matter of opinion and style. dirtysouth, nice sig.
Last edited by Kr3G (2005-10-21 22:31:43)
Dao > Pkm
Two different types of weapons, depends what you are trying to do...
me wrote:
2nd: PKM
If you know how to use it this weapon spells pwnage in CQC, and even at middle range. Going prone is the key, or even crouching if you're close enough. While standing, G36's and L85's don't do much for your enemy, with your PKM in hand. You never have to worry about ammo either. I've gone on countless suicide runs with the PKM, doing so well that i may have to take out the word suicide because I slaughter them all without dying. At long range you can still take out people, or even just scare them into cover giving you time to run up. In close 1on1 combat just bunnyhop and spray to get your first one or two shots in before they start reloading and you drop and pepper 'em.
3rd: DAO-12
This gun makes the Anti-Tanker fit for all situations. Longrange? Rockets. CQC? DAO-12. Vehicles? Rockets. You know you've had countless experiences where you can't do jack to the tank taking your control point, becuase you chose the wrong kit. Or rather, you can't take out a certain something, like shooting a sniper with your jackhammer, but with the AntiTank you've pretty much settled the CQC problem with your previous SMG, and now don't need to worry if you picked wrong. The only problem is the reload time, which can be a real hassle if you expend it all too fast. Ammo count is no problem at all, I personally don't think I've ever seen it gone below 30 shots remaining.
Okay you picked the PKM first, on the DAO-12 you said at long range you use the launcher , - won't that give away your position/area and you have like 5 or something (never really looked), why would you waste rockets on people, unless you have support? Imagine you use the rocket launcher on infantry and then a tank rolls up...damn, should've saved them... If they made the AT alot faster in running I can see this Kit would be unstoppable. I've mowed 2 ppl down with the standard SAW(without them bunnyhoppin') , of course they respawned and killed me, by a knife no less, but was impressed with the Support kit, alot of ppl do not use this Kit.Coolbeano wrote:
me wrote:
2nd: PKM
If you know how to use it this weapon spells pwnage in CQC, and even at middle range. Going prone is the key, or even crouching if you're close enough. While standing, G36's and L85's don't do much for your enemy, with your PKM in hand. You never have to worry about ammo either. I've gone on countless suicide runs with the PKM, doing so well that i may have to take out the word suicide because I slaughter them all without dying. At long range you can still take out people, or even just scare them into cover giving you time to run up. In close 1on1 combat just bunnyhop and spray to get your first one or two shots in before they start reloading and you drop and pepper 'em.
3rd: DAO-12
This gun makes the Anti-Tanker fit for all situations. Longrange? Rockets. CQC? DAO-12. Vehicles? Rockets. You know you've had countless experiences where you can't do jack to the tank taking your control point, becuase you chose the wrong kit. Or rather, you can't take out a certain something, like shooting a sniper with your jackhammer, but with the AntiTank you've pretty much settled the CQC problem with your previous SMG, and now don't need to worry if you picked wrong. The only problem is the reload time, which can be a real hassle if you expend it all too fast. Ammo count is no problem at all, I personally don't think I've ever seen it gone below 30 shots remaining.
I'd go for the DAO first, after that the PKM (that looks SO badass).
But really, you should choice wich kit you enjoy most
But really, you should choice wich kit you enjoy most
Exactly, Ghost. Choose what you like, or what you need. With the support, you can get points for reloading peoples ammo. (Even if they don't notice it.) The DAO, you can kill tanks. I have to admit, I only have the G36C, L85A1, and G3. I'm probably gonna get the DAO or the PKM next though. I think the PKM might be more fun.
both hilariously good; both have different roles though.
both hilariously good; both have different roles though.
PKM takes down choppers??!! I think I am leading towards the DAO-12, but still torn...if you notice my shotgun is 5% acc. And just learned the SAW, got alot, well 20, points just putting ammo on the road.
As the admins use to say: Use the search function. In the end it's your choice, and if you choose the "wrong" unlock it's not a big deal. you'll be able to unlock another weapon soon again with this new rank system.
Unlocking the PKM has made me wanna play Support. U can do some real damage with it. Prone, though.
The shotguns....hmmm

The shotguns....hmmm

After using your Shotgun to nail some guy from real up close I always like to say "I'm the Pump Action Pimp, baby!" ofcourse that would just be me .
I unlocked the PKM before thinking about the shotgun (more like wasn't paying attention), but its fun to lay down cover fire for team mates to move up.
i wish i had unlocked the PKM instead of the L85.I only play medic when im on mec because the l85 and I do not get along.Anytime i can grab a pkm i do.i have even taken out people at long range with single shot bursts,It is a great weapon.Up close ownage even against a dao(unless they get a lucky headshot),and from medium distances you have the advantage.the Dao rocks too though but since i like to take my opponent out at a moderate distance i prefer the pkm.It will be my next unlock.I have the dao and it is loads better than the mp5 but it lacks distance.I use my eryx or sraw for lomg range sniping LOL.