Doctor Strangelove wrote:
CapnNismo wrote:
I've found it's always at least 50% tobacco with the various people from various countries I've talked to. Why do you mix it with tobacco at all? I've never understood it.
Two reasons.
First tobacco is less expensive, so putting it in with the marijuana is done so that the dealer can sell you the same grammage with less cost to him. This kind of dilution is very common in illegal drug sales.
Secondly, tobacco is more addictive than marijuana, so the consumer will require more of a fix, making him come back to the dealer.
It's hard to know whether to take nonsense like this seriously.
CapnNismo wrote:
I've found it's always at least 50% tobacco with the various people from various countries I've talked to. Why do you mix it with tobacco at all? I've never understood it.
Smoother even burn. Spliffs that don't go out. Nicotine in spliffs actually increases the hit from the THC as nicotine is far faster acting than cannaboids and so better prepare the receptors in the brain and means the THC hits you more rapidly (it's to do with dopamine somehow - I forget the details).
Also, smoking pure skunk tickles. Gives you that nasty tickling sensation leading to tickly coughing.
You want a mix of somewhere between 70/30 and 80/20 - not 50/50. That's just plain wrong.