Just in case anyone is curious it takes 2:40-2:50 to get there on foot, barring incident.

caleqs wrote:

What I don't understand is why someone would actually spend the time to post about this.
Hell, why not? There are many other frivolous threads, that is essentially what the Chatter forums are for, no? Since I sort of recognised the name for future reference I wanted to know whether or not to be afraid if I were ever in a server with him as commander.

caleqs wrote:

But to come on a forum and bitch about it just makes it seem like you take this stuff waaaaaay too seriously.
Hey dude, there are forums here just for complaining. This wasn't just a complaint; if it had been I wouldn't have put it in Chatter.

caleqs wrote:

Anyway, I feel your pain, brother, but let it go. You can't honestly be surprised that people will act like asshats once in a while, can you?
Not in the least. The debate here makes it sound like more than it is to me but I like to stand up for myself; I hate unreasoned arguments and that whole "players of class X suck" thing, usually from people who don't play it (or who don't play it well). If it had bothered me that much I would have logged in to BF2 and fragged him myself at the time hehehe.

M1-Lightning wrote:

You think that's bad Todd, try having an asshat for a commander screaming at you over VOIP.
Okay, you win; that officially tops my story

Inc|LoKi wrote:


First let me apologise if I offended you or your brother in any way

Inc|LoKi wrote:

Imagine sitting commanding for hours on end watching a bunch of noobs all run to the hotel at the start of them map. The one time it is not a good place to go as the entire MEC team is there.
FWIW unless I'm sniping my standard thing on Karkand if I'm there at the start of the round is to go as special ops, get a Humvee, drive over the slope to the east, drop down to beside the train tracks, floor it before the punishment kicks in and go and destroy the opposing commander's assets, then grabbing a flag if I can manage it.

Oh and for the generous person who just gave me negative karma for "being a dork who doesn't consider teamwork", get a life dude - only 29% of my time is lone wolf.
+34|6925|Orange County, California
welll i can be very assholish when i command. I wont drop supplies or uav enless they take hotel and square soo  usually the people listen when i say that. ANd sometimes they will just suffer and not have uav while i am dropping artiliary and getting free kills

IM JUst sick of camping nubs

Last edited by Homie22 (2006-05-04 19:22:31)

My post was neither in defense of Loki nor as an attack ( well maybe a little) on Todd, my whole point was the constant whine about this and that is just maddening.  I could care less if Loki was my brother or Jesus Christ I still think if a guy is commanding asks you to go cap a undefended flag you should at least try no matter what kit you have (my whole naked with a cold hot dog thing got missed I guess ) Or just say no  if the server is voice enabled tell the commander why, like "Sorry Im a noob and have no freaking clue what I am even doing"  Yes dropping arty on a single person is a waste but hell who hasn't shot that load to kill the enemy commander or just for the hell of it to waste a guy doing nothing.  I bet the percentage of people who have done it is higher than those who haven't and if you say you haven't you probably thought of doing it or you are just plain fibbing. 

The point is just play the game stop the insanity and go shoot up the joint.. The game is alot more fun without the constant whine, Im sure most of us with Gf's/wives hear that whine enough anyway....

Last edited by Freezer (2006-05-04 20:38:37)

Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7078|Toronto Canada
todd, you are clearly a little bitch. Vengeance and Nastie are soo much better than you so dont be talking shit. hell, most people are better than you. And why are you so afraid to show us your game name? you must have shit stats or sumthing. (lilone)

you are also beefing with everyone because they criticize you. YOU DESERVE TO BE CRITICIZED! jesus, you randomly come and bitch to thousands of people who dont give a flying fuck! So you better watch what the fuck flys outta your mouth or ima hijack a plane and fly it into your house!

Last edited by kessel! (2006-05-04 20:52:21)

+183|6986|A sunburnt country
If you don't want to take orders from the Commander, don't be in a squad.

I don't agree with what the Commander did but it is extremely infuriating when Squads don't do as they are told.
+721|6894|the dank(super) side of Oregon
most commanders are retarded, so unless i know them and can here them speak over voip, i could not give less of a shit about what they say.  if they're just playing for points, they can pick up a weapon and go to work.  if they want to win, they can talk to me and actually support me with uav's, supplies, artillery, whatever i need to cap or hold a flag.  i dont respond well to blind orders, especially when i dont get support.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Todd_Angelo: Your screenie says NOTHING.

I could get the kills in a plane, bail and claim I got it on foot, who would know better? You could have been claymore whoring, who would know better?

No offence, but i tend to lean more towards the 'snipers are teh suck' side. MOST snipers (better ones not included) are idiots who play CS and know that the AWP is pwnage, thus they think the same applies in BF2. Sadly, it doesn't, and these very 'camp in one corner and frag snipers' just pull the team down.

Further more, fucktards that: camp for jets/snipe take up precious squad space.

For that matter: i find commander ORDERS (from the command screen) fucking irritating. When I'm within 50 m of a flag I DON'T NEED A FUCKING 'Attack this position' popping up and pissing me off while I'm watching my back. Or having it appear in during a firefight. I wish the SL could put up a 'busy' sign to show the comm he's DOING SOMETHING IMPORTANT SO FUCK OFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE.

Any good commander knows better than to use the ingame orders, they do it over VOIP, or when the squads cannot hear, type it out.

Last edited by polarbearz (2006-05-04 22:10:27)


kessel! wrote:

todd, you are clearly a little bitch.
Why thank you, it's so rare to get such a well-reasoned assessment of character in an online forum such as this.

kessel! wrote:

Vengeance and Nastie are soo much better than you so dont be talking shit. hell, most people are better than you. And why are you so afraid to show us your game name? you must have shit stats or sumthing. (lilone)
First, I'm not talking shit. And sorry, you can see my stats very easily and if you hadn't you shouldn't be commenting on them one way or the other. If you're talking about my other account that's just to practice as sniper, but because it's relatively new the stats don't really mean much.

Since you don't know I am under no illusions about how good I am: I'm a mid-range player, no more (in this game*) and it doesn't embarrass me in the least to admit it; if it did I wouldn't have a link to them, so anybody who tries to use them for this purpose is wasting their typing. About the only thing I am proud of is my flag caps and defends.

*Now low-grav, high-speed CTF in UT with an average ping of 350 on the other hand, that I kill at and I have the screenies to prove it.

kessel! wrote:

you are also beefing with everyone because they criticize you.
I'll debate things with anyone any time I feel like, just as you do I'm sure.

kessel! wrote:

jesus, you randomly come and bitch to thousands of people who dont give a flying fuck!
One, this is obviously some definition of the word random I was not previously aware of. Two, how exactly do you think this doesn't translate to you, hmmm? You're doing exactly what you're accusing me of.

kessel! wrote:

So you better watch what the fuck flys outta your mouth or ima hijack a plane and fly it into your house!
Oh good finish sir <golf clap>

polarbearz wrote:

Todd_Angelo: Your screenie says NOTHING.

I could get the kills in a plane, bail and claim I got it on foot, who would know better? You could have been claymore whoring, who would know better?
Granted, but as I said it was all as sniper and all on foot.

Look at my main account's stats - I suck in armour, I have almost zero time in aircraft (1 kill, woot, go team) and not much more in choppers, so you better believe it's the truth!

BTW I don't have basic explosive ordnance on either account, so although I use the claymores all the time I wouldn't think anyone would say it's at the level of whoring

polarbearz wrote:

No offence, but i tend to lean more towards the 'snipers are teh suck' side. MOST snipers (better ones not included) are idiots who play CS and know that the AWP is pwnage, thus they think the same applies in BF2. Sadly, it doesn't, and these very 'camp in one corner and frag snipers' just pull the team down.
None taken and no argument there - unless the guy's on a level where he can stay in one spot but still rack up 25+ kills and no deaths on a busy 64-player map, in which case more power to him; and I sure don't want to be on the opposite team!
Ooo, good one. Did it take long to think that post up?

I haven't seen you showing much in the way of circumspection with regard to what, or how, you post so how about taking your own 'suggestion' before expecting someone else to? Unless you were made mod overnight and it hasn't shown up yet I'll pay as much attention to what you tell me to do as you would in reverse.
yes, Todd, shutup.  go pursue a more productive endeavor, because you're never going to convince anyone of anything on here.
i hate you all
Some of you guys take this game to seriously, whats wrong with playing for fun? I`ve had players in my team tk`ing the commander and blowing up our own assets to be a prick, and you flame about a sniper?
After reading the same psot (with minor variations) for pages, I've come to the conclusion:

(1) Loki was the wrongdoer
(2) "Sniper noob" - fact. not an insult, since he JUST started playing
(3) He paid the same $50 (or so) that you did - you have no precedence over him - just because he wants to have fun and NOT be a commander kiss-ass -- so be it! This is a game, not a warzone. Let him have the fun he wants, it is nor more Loki's game that it was the brother's.

thanks...bring on the karma, if you think it matters to me.
Actually I believe that both parties were wrong in thier actions me and the sniper noob.

Do I care though ? Probably not it was just a bit of harmless fun that some guy blew out of proportions...

So since your wrong on no.1 I wont waste any more space commenting on 2 or 3
this is the best we can do?

Freezer wrote:

My head hurts....  Anyone want some cheese for all this WHINE  god damn just play the freaking game not like you are going to get a dishonorable discharge if you don't do as you are told.  All classes have their uses, what burns me is a damn commander that runs the hell around trying to cap flags and does NOTHING to help the people asking for supplies, UAV, Arty etc those are the fools that need to be kicked in the ass.  So what he blew up your brother who cares, sniff sniff...  Get over it   Don't you have something a little more constructive to do lik e getting your brother his knife badge or something.  You will never play a round in this game with out wanting to strangle a team mate or an opponent there are way too many fucktards in this game to worry about someone in the top 10 blowing up your brother, he could have at least attempted to move towards a flag to help out the team hell I would have run there nekkid with a cold hot dog as a weapon just because thats the whole point of the game kill and cap flags and defend the ones you have until your opponents tickets reach zero   Fun aint it..
reminds me of high school...he said this and they said thing you know...fight behind the grocery store...lets get it on!!!!!
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7093|Great Brown North
just no rotten lettuce, that smell will stick to you for days

Inc|LoKi wrote:

Actually I believe that both parties were wrong in thier actions me and the sniper noob.

Do I care though ? Probably not it was just a bit of harmless fun that some guy blew out of proportions...

So since your wrong on no.1 I wont waste any more space commenting on 2 or 3
Wow. #1 was true - you confirmed it, saying you were A wrongdoer. Since i was right on 2 & 3 you choose to bluff and "not comment" on it.

antin0de wrote:

yes, Todd, shutup.  go pursue a more productive endeavor, because you're never going to convince anyone of anything on here.
Well actually if you bother to check there are a bunch of people who do agree (a number of whom have given me positive karma to compensate for the negative karma that, lemme go check... yes, is all anonymous because people like that don't have any spine). But that's beside the point, the issue with Loki is resolved: he apologised and it was accepted, end of story.

What we're now down to is people strutting their egos around, some people inevitably think they can bully other members. It's quite sad really.

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

Shutup forever.
Perhaps you didn't read my last post, let me rephrase it for you: er, no.

Take my advice dude: stop reading. You may be able to kick my ass in the game but that does not extend to here. You are not capable of making me back down, ever; better men than you clearly are have tried. I suggest this thread is locked so you don't embarrass yourself further with your attempts.

Here, except for Chuy or a mod I take orders from nobody.

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

Nobody gives a flying fuck about your gripes about a video game.
Who's griping?

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

Fuck yourself sideways.
Dude, get over yourself. -1 again.

Inc|LoKi wrote:

Actually I believe that both parties were wrong in thier actions me and the sniper noob.

Inc|LoKi wrote:

Do I care though ? Probably not it was just a bit of harmless fun that some guy blew out of proportions...
I didn't blow it out of proportion, it just looks that way because of the arguments in this thread. I wanted to know if you were normally like that, since if I were ever in a server with you and you wanted to command your rank will ensure that you'll almost certainly win the election. Anyway, as I said the issue between us is resolved.
The H4xor Mod
+161|7160|North Texas
That should about do it for this thread.

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