Well, it's back to uni next monday and I'm going to need a working computer around.
Not having one over the holidays was bad, but not having one when the year starts is pretty useless
I found this setup for 889 euro's, is it any good?
It will be used for gaming ofc, but not a lot (have the consoles for that)
Price: 889 € / 1.140 USD (+ an additional 65 € for windows7 home premium)
Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 945 / 3 GHz - Socket AM3 - L3 6 MB - Box
Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper TX 3
Display Card: Radeon HD 5770 - PCI Express 2.1 x16 - 1 GB GDDR
Memory: GeIL Value Dual Channel Kit - 4 GB : 2 x 2 GB - DIMM 240-pins - DDR3 - 1333 MHz / PC3-10660
Motherboard: MSI 770-G45 - ATX - AMD 770 - Socket AM3 - UDMA133, SATA-300
Operating System: None yet, going Windows7 home premium (extra 65 euro's)
Harddrive: Samsung SpinPoint F3 Desktop Class HD103SJ 1TB
Power supply: Corsair CX400W - ATX12V 2.2 - 90-264 V - 400 Watt
Case: Xigmatek Asgard - Midtowermodel - ATX - geen voeding - zwart - USB//Audio
Fan: 1 x Nexus 120mm Real Silent Case Fan D12SL-12 - 120 mm
Sound: Onboard - 7.1
Screen: Samsung SyncMaster P2270 - LCD - TFT - 22"
Keyboard: Logitech Classic Keyboard 200 - USB
Mouse: Sharkoon FireGlider - laser
Speaker: Logitech LS21 - 2.1-canal - 7 Watt
Headset: Sharkoon Rush Headset
2 year guarantee
http://azerty.nl/1-1979-292557/tweakers … =overzicht
Not having one over the holidays was bad, but not having one when the year starts is pretty useless
I found this setup for 889 euro's, is it any good?
It will be used for gaming ofc, but not a lot (have the consoles for that)
Price: 889 € / 1.140 USD (+ an additional 65 € for windows7 home premium)
Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 945 / 3 GHz - Socket AM3 - L3 6 MB - Box
Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper TX 3
Display Card: Radeon HD 5770 - PCI Express 2.1 x16 - 1 GB GDDR
Memory: GeIL Value Dual Channel Kit - 4 GB : 2 x 2 GB - DIMM 240-pins - DDR3 - 1333 MHz / PC3-10660
Motherboard: MSI 770-G45 - ATX - AMD 770 - Socket AM3 - UDMA133, SATA-300
Operating System: None yet, going Windows7 home premium (extra 65 euro's)
Harddrive: Samsung SpinPoint F3 Desktop Class HD103SJ 1TB
Power supply: Corsair CX400W - ATX12V 2.2 - 90-264 V - 400 Watt
Case: Xigmatek Asgard - Midtowermodel - ATX - geen voeding - zwart - USB//Audio
Fan: 1 x Nexus 120mm Real Silent Case Fan D12SL-12 - 120 mm
Sound: Onboard - 7.1
Screen: Samsung SyncMaster P2270 - LCD - TFT - 22"
Keyboard: Logitech Classic Keyboard 200 - USB
Mouse: Sharkoon FireGlider - laser
Speaker: Logitech LS21 - 2.1-canal - 7 Watt
Headset: Sharkoon Rush Headset
2 year guarantee
http://azerty.nl/1-1979-292557/tweakers … =overzicht