Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:
Flembo70 wrote:
There are some very stupid rules out there but what makes me laugh is the amount of poeople who break the rules they don't agree with and then come here and bitch getting kicked and banned for doing it...
Don't like the rules - Dont play the server
Our server has the no base raping rule enforced maually. It is one of the most commented on and most appreciated rules...the automated swear monitor and banning script is not ;-)
There are some server specific rules that don't violate the ROE or TOS. The server may not have rules that violate these, and still be a ranked server. Don't have a ranked server, you can make up any rules you want.
That is very true and I do agree but it seems that many people spend far too much of their time bitching about things they don't like about the game, servers they think they got a raw deal on and rules that they don't agree with. Personally, I bought the game to have fun, kick back for a few hours and shoot as some virtual bad guys on a screen in my computer room - nothing more.
My own opinion, which I appreciate is not going to be shared by all here, is that if you become so annoyed having been unfairly kicked or banned from a server that you run right out to post here and report the server for 'breaching the rules' then you have lost sight of why you bought the game in the first place.
Playing BF2 should not be about absolute adherance to ROEs and TOCs - you are never going to get that. There will always be 'grey' rules just as there will always be cheats. It should, again in my view, be about fun.
Find a server which has the right balance and make it your home, OR, rent your own server and make it a home for others but most of all, just have fun.