she got Romo'd
or hackers
Tu Stultus Es
Gentlemen, Lady~ i go to start my Friday \o/ by going to bed Thursday night.
don't grow old, you*ll end up like me . . .
don't grow old, you*ll end up like me . . .
night burnzzburnzz wrote:
Gentlemen, Lady~ i go to start my Friday \o/ by going to bed Thursday night.
don't grow old, you*ll end up like me . . .
EE (hats
I got Friday off. My project now has me waiting on them. Sweetwaters for me.burnzz wrote:
Gentlemen, Lady~ i go to start my Friday \o/ by going to bed Thursday night.
don't grow old, you*ll end up like me . . .
Did you ever go to the Jags game? I could head East.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Only 6 Users Online?
n-n-n-n-nothing on you
G'night BF2s <3
And just in case you didn't catch it the first three times I posted it in any relevant thread I could find, Medal of Honor 2010 sucks rat schlong. What a preachy, self-righteous piece of garbage. Maybe it's the anger talking, but it was all just...terrible.
It looks quite ordinary.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
And just in case you didn't catch it the first three times I posted it in any relevant thread I could find, Medal of Honor 2010 sucks rat schlong. What a preachy, self-righteous piece of garbage. Maybe it's the anger talking, but it was all just...terrible.

Honestly, that's what I thought it'd be. I was wrong. It was TOO ordinary, with a splash of irritation, glitches, uninteresting characters and unfinished writing that just makes it irritating.

£2.40 in coppers, away to change it for real money then buy some smokes.
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
did you just play single player? seems odd if you just did that. well unless it is a cracked version.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Honestly, that's what I thought it'd be. I was wrong. It was TOO ordinary, with a splash of irritation, glitches, uninteresting characters and unfinished writing that just makes it irritating.
ok well im off to eat the best country fried steak breakfast in the world....maybe jessica simpson will be there for her mid morning snack.
cya, good luck!
Smooth jazz always clams me down. Lately it's all I've been listening to. Anybody else have some jazz to share?
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families

jazz mags
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
I always play single player first. But after my exposure to it and hearing about all the lag and imbalances in MP and yet another game that strips prone, I don't really want to hit MP.11 Bravo wrote:
did you just play single player? seems odd if you just did that. well unless it is a cracked version.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Honestly, that's what I thought it'd be. I was wrong. It was TOO ordinary, with a splash of irritation, glitches, uninteresting characters and unfinished writing that just makes it irritating.
jizz mags

Sup guize

AR: thanks for pointing that out. didn;t notice the dirt on my monitor there.
EE (hats
Shit's slow