SOOOO. I was playing Wake Island the other day and I was flying the attack helo for the chinese... well.. nobody was getting in my gunner seat after multiple "get in!" commands. so I took off.. killed a few jeeps/tanks and noticed our Radar was down.. well since I was engi.. I hovered over the radar. while Iwas repairing it, my commander was screaming for a pickup. as much as I hate commanders being in choppers, I figured, "nobody else wants to be gunner, and the gunner seat doesn't need full attention all the time, he can surely command while gunning." so I go to pick him up. he ended up sliding down the hill. so I hover down slowly and try to pick him up. well since he was such a dumbf*** he didn't hold 'E' when I came to get him(since I couldn't really land anywhere) I ended up crushing him, giving me a TK. AND HE DECIDES TO PUNISH ME! I was going out of my way to pick the asshat up and I TKed him(which was moslty his fault) and he punishes me. so I go back to the heli pad, and he has the nerve to spawn back, and jump in the gunning seat and constantly yell "GO GO GO" "MOVE IT" "GO GO GO".... I just sat there. finally I gave up, and took him out to the edge of the map and killed him. I died as well.. but boy did it feel good. So when I spawned back I said "Think before you punish next time"
I doubt he learned anything. but. oh well. I got revenge.
I doubt he learned anything. but. oh well. I got revenge.