Whats my age again?
+91|6601|Troy, New York

FloppY_ wrote:

h4hagen wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

Yeah but when you get to the point where you have sunfires.. they will most definately have magic ward or oracle... (Unless they are idiots ofc)

Eve + Zil can be done from level 1 to completely shut down a lane

EDIT: On another note, I finally had a good round with Irelia... She is amazing at countering a towerdive early game, and if you go Dagger + HPpot as starting items then upgrade that to Berserkers greaves and then get Starks fevor, she is very hard to kill.. After that you have to start building damage, as she can barely hurt people with her low default amount...
Irelia seems slightly OP to me, they need to pick either lifesteal tank (Sion esque) or Assasain (Akali, Shaco, etc)
Really? I don't think she is OP at all..
Whoops, meant UP
+1,010|6534|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

h4hagen wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

h4hagen wrote:

Irelia seems slightly OP to me, they need to pick either lifesteal tank (Sion esque) or Assasain (Akali, Shaco, etc)
Really? I don't think she is OP at all..
Whoops, meant UP
Better... I think she really needs an early game buff... It seems that EVERY character is able to harass her and completely shut down her farm until she gets her ulti.
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+1,010|6534|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
This seems pretty accurate since the last patch
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Whats my age again?
+91|6601|Troy, New York
I've actually played a ton of pantheon on the past, but not at all since the mega buff patch. Too many memories of him being god awful, haha.
His power rests in the HSS. He seems to be a bit of a one trick pony though and he still drops off late game.

Which ranged carry to learn?
I own:

I've been enjoying Corki because I almost always hit my rockets and hes so much fun to 1v1 with, plus his awesome passive, but trist and ashe both have a lot of extra utility he doesnt have. Twitch I've only ever played once in a 1v1 with my cousin (got him in the champion pack) but it seems like the current/ coming nerfs will make him not worth it.

And just for fun, everyone post champions owned:

+1,010|6534|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

h4hagen wrote:

I've actually played a ton of pantheon on the past, but not at all since the mega buff patch. Too many memories of him being god awful, haha.
His power rests in the HSS. He seems to be a bit of a one trick pony though and he still drops off late game.

Which ranged carry to learn?
I own:

I've been enjoying Corki because I almost always hit my rockets and hes so much fun to 1v1 with, plus his awesome passive, but trist and ashe both have a lot of extra utility he doesnt have. Twitch I've only ever played once in a 1v1 with my cousin (got him in the champion pack) but it seems like the current/ coming nerfs will make him not worth it.

And just for fun, everyone post champions owned:

http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m61 … 1291820038
I would say Trista or Ashe

Trista has better skills than Ashe imo, but for some reason I can never do as well with trista as Ashe, even though trista outranges her lategame...

Starting with that 425g lifesteal is a great way to keep survivability while still working towards your starks fevor...
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arrivederci frog
Depends on how you play really

Corki is strong in lane, once you hit 6 you get free harass. Later on he has great poke, escape/chase and nice damage. Very safe, very powerful, and it's very hard to do badly as corki. I go manamune -> trinity force.

Trist is trickier in lane and is a bit slow to get going. Her range doesn't hit 600 till like level 8 or something. Late game her AS steroid + trololol range means she carries harder than any other carry (or at least as hard as twitch) once she farms enough for the big items. Has a nice escape which means you're not as team-dependant as twitch as well.

Ashe is 90% ECA. If you can't land arrow don't play ashe. She's IMO the best carry because cross map arrow ganks early game are amazing. Late game arrow is one of the best teamfight initiates and her Q gives her perma slow which is really nice now that red has been nerfed on ranged dps.

Twitch is difficult in solo lane, really hard to farm well. If they pink ward your lane things get even worse. Huge damage but disproportionately squishy. Amazing ganking and anti-jungling power though and in teamfights a well positioned ult will pentakill teams easily, especially at dragon or baron.

Personally I'd play MF over all of these though
+1,010|6534|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Aries_37 wrote:

Depends on how you play really

Corki is strong in lane, once you hit 6 you get free harass. Later on he has great poke, escape/chase and nice damage. Very safe, very powerful, and it's very hard to do badly as corki. I go manamune -> trinity force.

Trist is trickier in lane and is a bit slow to get going. Her range doesn't hit 600 till like level 8 or something. Late game her AS steroid + trololol range means she carries harder than any other carry (or at least as hard as twitch) once she farms enough for the big items. Has a nice escape which means you're not as team-dependant as twitch as well.

Ashe is 90% ECA. If you can't land arrow don't play ashe. She's IMO the best carry because cross map arrow ganks early game are amazing. Late game arrow is one of the best teamfight initiates and her Q gives her perma slow which is really nice now that red has been nerfed on ranged dps.

Twitch is difficult in solo lane, really hard to farm well. If they pink ward your lane things get even worse. Huge damage but disproportionately squishy. Amazing ganking and anti-jungling power though and in teamfights a well positioned ult will pentakill teams easily, especially at dragon or baron.

Personally I'd play MF over all of these though
6300s are too expensive Q.Q

You wouldn't know about that tho' since you already have 4 full rune pages :'(
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Whats my age again?
+91|6601|Troy, New York
Just carried a couple games as corki (read 11-6-11 or so) seems enjoyable and fits my playstyle well.
+1,010|6534|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

h4hagen wrote:

Just carried a couple games as corki (read 11-6-11 or so) seems enjoyable and fits my playstyle well.
I think Corki is pretty bad since they re-nerfed his ulti

But I guess it's just my playstyle
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Whats my age again?
+91|6601|Troy, New York
Just got dominated mid as anivia, even with the egg.
arrivederci frog

h4hagen wrote:

Just got dominated mid as anivia, even with the egg.
I've not tested it thoroughly but apparently pantheon's huge damage is coming from a bug. Instead of the 24% AD per HSS tick it's getting 100% of your additional AD (so basically anything from items/runes/masteries). 5 ticks with double damage to champs would mean you get 500 extra damage just from a BF sword. With IE and bloodthirster I was doing almost 2000 damage just with one move

If you play ranked either first pick or ban him every game.
Whats my age again?
+91|6601|Troy, New York
This was a fun game:

I have the bird of prey anivia skin so thats sort of my catch phrase when I do well, lol

Last edited by h4hagen (2010-12-08 18:15:24)

+1,010|6534|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

h4hagen wrote:

This was a fun game:
http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m61 … 1291860667

I have the bird of prey anivia skin so thats sort of my catch phrase when I do well, lol
Anivia / MF will most certainly be my next 6300 purchase... I absolutely love playing Anivia...

I will have to finish my rune pages first though, which will probably take months
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Whats my age again?
+91|6601|Troy, New York
Kat build anyone?
+1,010|6534|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

h4hagen wrote:

Kat build anyone?
Ehm, Kat is pretty useless unless fed early tbh...

I still love playing her though, great fun...

AD gives best results thanks to bouncing blade... (which will help your farm)

I change it up alot but usually go for Long Sword + HPpot for start
then save up for whichever boots fits the enemy and then proceed to get some damage by getting a BF Sword and combining it with the long sword for black cleaver (cheap compared to infinity edge which you can use your next BF Sword for)

if the enemy is AP heavy you should consider a negatron when you see it fit
if they are AD heavy I've gone for a sunfire which seems odd but I find it helps her farm

unless you have exhaust as summoner spell you might have to get rylai's to keep enemies in your ulti and give you some hp

if you got plenty of gold later in the game and you have enough AD, you could get a guardian angel which would stop the enemy focusing you too much...

I dislike bloodthirsters because if you die once you lose all your bonus AD and lifesteal

EDIT: I've had to build some HP regen when laning against heavily herassing enemies btw.. If the enemy is AP heavy a FoN would give MagicRes aswell, but for AD enemies I think Warmogs is the only choice left

EDIT2: Oh and allways remember to use Killer instincts+Shunpo to start your ulti so you have 30% damage reduction early, and watch for stuns

Last edited by FloppY_ (2010-12-11 20:16:39)

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+1,010|6534|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
Who said Urgot is useless
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+1,010|6534|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
New patch out...
http://eu.leagueoflegends.com/news/rele … es-v100107


    * Terrify cooldown changed to 14/13/12/11/10 from 12
    * Terrify mana cost reduced to 65/80/95/110/125 from 65/85/105/125/145
    * Drain mana cost reduced to 80/90/100/110/120 from 80/95/110/125/140
    * Crowstorm mana cost reduced to 150/200/250 from 200/300/400

Yet another buff for fiddle, he is getting more OP by the minute



    * Bouncing Blades
          o Now scales off of 80% bonus attack damage (instead of 100% of all attack damage)
          o Base damage increased to 60/95/130/165/200
          o Now has a 0.35 ability power ratio
    * Death Lotus
          o Base damage decreased to 40/50/60 from 50/65/80
          o Now scales off of both attack damage and ability power rather than one or the other
          o Now hits the closest 3 targets rather than 3 random targets
          o Cooldown reduced to 60/55/50 seconds from 60

Katarina getting nowhere near usefull still :<



    * Mace of Spades now resets the attack timer when used
    * Iron Man shield generation reduced to 20/25/30% from 30%
    * Iron Man shield decay increased to 5% from 3%

FINALLY a mordekaiser nerf



    * Fixed a bug that was causing Urgot's auto-attack to have a slight delay when clicking a unit for the first time
    * Range increased to 425 from 400
    * Attack damage reduced to 51.6 from 54.1
    * Attack damage per level increased to 3.6 from 3.1
    * Acid Hunter
          o Base damage reduced to 15/45/75/105/135 from 30/60/90/120/150
          o Attack damage ratio increased to 0.85 from 0.7
    * Terror Capacitor base shield changed to 80/140/200/260/320 from 80/120/160/200/240
    * Noxian Corrosive Charge
          o Now deals physical damage instead of magic damage
          o Damage changed to 75/130/185/240/295 (+0.6 bonus attack damage) from 100/155/210/265/320
          o Now reduces 12/14/16/18/20% of the target's armor instead of 10/15/20/25/30 flat armor
    * Updated recommended items

Urgot nerf... wtf? Nice to have better dmg scaling though


Sunfire Cape

    * Upgrade cost increased to 800 from 700
    * Passive is now unique

No more stacking sunfires The rage on the forums will never end


Phantom Dancer

    * Upgrade cost reduced to 400 from 900
    * No longer provides Dodge Chance



Innervating Locket has been removed


Last edited by FloppY_ (2010-12-14 05:34:58)

­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Whats my age again?
+91|6601|Troy, New York
Awww, I liked inervating locket. Thankfully none of this changes anyone I play except garen. I actually used him to great effect last night in ranked, but I don't know if people realized they could just ignore me, lol. I found my early game went find but I had literally shit for damage except for ignire and my ult. Ill try something like boots, warmogs, atmas, warmogs, armor/ magic resist instead since I still think hes an amazing tank but that would give him a bit of extra damage and Crit chance.
+1,010|6534|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

h4hagen wrote:

Awww, I liked inervating locket. Thankfully none of this changes anyone I play except garen. I actually used him to great effect last night in ranked, but I don't know if people realized they could just ignore me, lol. I found my early game went find but I had literally shit for damage except for ignire and my ult. Ill try something like boots, warmogs, atmas, warmogs, armor/ magic resist instead since I still think hes an amazing tank but that would give him a bit of extra damage and Crit chance.
Heh, garens role lategame is to OffTank and Killsteal xD

Words cannot express how happy I am for Morde's nerf
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arrivederci frog
Morde is so bad now lol
+1,010|6534|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
AP Katarina > AD Katarina

And she's finally epic win

I don't see any reason to get the new holiday runes.. they are just normal T3 quints that cost 300IP less as far as I could tell

I'm loving the new login screen for the holidays tho'

Last edited by FloppY_ (2010-12-15 18:33:12)

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+1,010|6534|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
I've fucking had it with this game today....

Every single fucking game I get paired with feeders that can't even defend a fucking lane... While I am outherassing Karthus in mid as Yi or MF as Trista...

Last edited by FloppY_ (2010-12-16 06:57:53)

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+1,010|6534|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
Right now I want to go to the RIOT offices and kill whoever thought it would be a good idea to merge the premade and solo queues...

fucking retarded matchmaking system
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+1,411|6990|FUCK UBISOFT

trrrrrrrriple post
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

Miggle wrote:

trrrrrrrriple post
That's our FloppY_

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