Just wanted some feedback on this as I will probably get my 6th unlock today and the 7th and final unlock is 30,000 points away. I will probably not get 30,000 more points for at least a year. Does anyone have any idea how this will work when the expansion comes out? Will there be new weapons to unlock and will you only have access to those unlocks after crossing your next rank?

If there are new weapon unlocks showing up in the expansion it would be nice if they let you chose all your unlocks again, but I doubt they would do that.
+7|7150|California, USA
Not sure if there will be new unlocks, but I am saving my last unlock just in case I decide to get the expansion.  If there is, I bet foos who decided to unlock all weapons like it's Christmas might have some type of regret, lol.

Last edited by Rakasan (2005-10-24 10:13:02)

Semper Fidelis
if anything i bet they will add all of the officer ranks and condense it again (IE 2nd lt 75k 1st lt 100k ect..) to allow players to get the new unlocks...

stupid to have stuff unaccessable to the mass of players.
The Last Man Standing

CplClarkUSMC wrote:

if anything i bet they will add all of the officer ranks and condense it again (IE 2nd lt 75k 1st lt 100k ect..) to allow players to get the new unlocks...

stupid to have stuff unaccessable to the mass of players.
True, but EA are not just releasing it for us, there using something new and flashy to attract even more players.  So hopefully they will have accessable things, but when you think about it, there most probably will be a large increase in the number who play.
So how do these expansions work then, will the game be the same only with new maps and a new player class to chose from with new weapons? That is, when I join a game will a new rectangle pop up in the list of classes on the left of the screen?

Or is the expansions a totally different game or game type within the original game? I never played the first Battlefield so I didn't see how they did their expansions.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland
Oh man, getting an unlock on 75 and 100k? That will take freaking ages! I aint got that long man =/ .
Also I heard there arent that many vehicles in the expansion, this could either suck or pwn..
If there are like no vehicles youll have to play BF2 if you whant to fly and youll have to play BF2expansion if you whant to use the super kuwaii shit like nightvision (omg).
The Last Man Standing

Sgt.Gh0st wrote:

Oh man, getting an unlock on 75 and 100k? That will take freaking ages! I aint got that long man =/ .
Also I heard there arent that many vehicles in the expansion, this could either suck or pwn..
If there are like no vehicles youll have to play BF2 if you whant to fly and youll have to play BF2expansion if you whant to use the super kuwaii shit like nightvision (omg).
I think that there are a large variety of vehicles still but they are being dummed down.  There are still helo's, like the Hind and the (I think this is true) Apache.  There are also new ground vehicles, and from the images there is still mobile AA, so possibly there might be more?  Just speculation, I dont know.

However, the entire point of Special Forces is so that you have to play with a different stratagem in mind.  You cant just run in anymore, you have to think about how you approach certain things.  I think the change of style of play was one of the major reasons for bringing an expansion out.

Well, thats my opinion anyway
+5|7136|United Knigdom
There's the possibilities to use all the current vechiles, plus all the new vechiles. On installation, you need to specify where the origional BF2 is located, so the expansion can re-use stuff from the main game. (sounds, vechiles etc.)

It shouldn't be less, it should be extra to what we have already.
So by the way you are talking it sounds like the expansion is like a seperate game so then there wouldn't be any sense in saving an unlock since your unlocks for regular BF2 have nothing to do with the expansion.
+7|7150|California, USA
I am pretty sure that it would be the same game since it's an expansion pack.  Just like the Secret Weapons expansion for BF1942 (which made a nice coaster, lol).  Not sure about unlocks, but I definitely do not want my last available unlock.

edit:  Dammit, I accidently selected my last unlock...oh well

Last edited by Rakasan (2005-10-24 17:48:35)

Get your body beat.
from the game vidoe ive seen, there are.
new weapons which include teargas, stun grenades and grappeling hook.
new vecihles, including jetski and civilian transport.
new night maps, and possibly a few new day maps.
as for unlocks, ranks, and medals, its possible, seeing as more and more are getting close to getting everything.
+27|7142|OP, KS
Check out this link. If you read between the lines enough you geat a small hint as to what will be in the Special Forces Expansion Pack

EA and Digital Illusions Announce Development of Battlefield 2 ™: Special Forces Expansion Pack

Battlefield 2: Special Forces First Details



Check out the Aurstralian release date for "SF"
Games Wharehouse Australia

Iffy Links

Last edited by Neoburn_1035 (2005-10-24 17:54:42)

One Shot, One Kill
+4|7107|Canberra, Australia
I am saving my next Unlock just in case.

Can't access any of those sites from work.  So what is the release date in Australia?
I can't wait, bring on night missions.
+27|7142|OP, KS

IronGeek wrote:

I am saving my next Unlock just in case.

Can't access any of those sites from work.  So what is the release date in Australia?
I can't wait, bring on night missions.
It says Nov. 28, 2005
Well, at least we know the AK-101, AK-74U, and the M4 WILL be in the expansion, judging by those screenshots

Yeah, it was a joke.  Im not stupid.

Something tells me this will allow you to use your BF2 name, but keep the stats seperate - like an arrow at the top of your BFHQ screen that will allow you switch from Base BF2 to Special Forces, etc.

Just my view, though.  Could be totally different.  I for one have always wondered why there are scroll arrows under the unlockable weapon viewers in BFHQ.....
+1|7086|Brisbane, Australia
I think you will have to register a new and seperate nickname to play Special Forces. It just makes sense that way.
+27|7142|OP, KS

Incontrovertible wrote:

I think you will have to register a new and seperate nickname to play Special Forces. It just makes sense that way.
No you will not have to have a new name. It would not work like that. They added the 2nd LT rank because there are very few inlisted men in the Special Forces. SO you could not just have another game with a new nick then it wouldn't be and expansion pack. It would be a whole new game.
+1|7086|Brisbane, Australia
I'm having trouble reading that. But from what I can gather I will respond.

- Officer ranks: they were promised these before BF2 came out. Remember they said you could be a General?
- SF's being Officers: it's a game, who cares?
- Special Forces isn't a new game. It is an Expansion that changes gameplay. Gameplay, as in how you play the game.
- Unlocks: with new weapons both standard (base) and unlockable it wouldn't make much sense to have the same account. EA needs to make money out of this, money. To do that it would be smart to have a seperate account for BF2 and a seperate account for BF2: SF. It means the game would get played more.

Last edited by Incontrovertible (2005-10-24 21:32:39)

stuff the new guns, AK101 and nade luncher ftw!

Character Persistence and Growth. With in-game success, players can attain additional ranks and unlock new awards.
Stop reading this and look at my post
Perhaps there will be new maps which will be played in Special Forces mode, and the old ones will be played in conquest mode.

This is interesting.


IGNPC: Are you planning any big changes to the classes or will they also pretty much remain the same aside from some new equipment?

AJ: We've decided to leave the classes alone, but your going to find that what we've added does change things up a bit. It's something we joke about now when we talk about making the player feel like a super soldier. We'll go ahead and test Special Forces and then go back and play BF2 for our own enjoyment and we're suddenly saying "damn I don't have that!" or "damn I can't do this!" and we miss those abilities that are in Special Forces.

Although we haven't really tweaked the classes at all, by adding in the new elements like the grappling hook and zip line that David mentioned, now the classes that carry these items play a little differently. They have a bit more versatility to them. So now you really want to have these guys as part of your squad. And the squad becomes more powerful as a whole now.

Yee: There's some additional equipment that makes those support classes a bit different. There's the flash-bang and the tear gas grenades. Those two really do change the way the game plays when it comes to infantry.


IGNPC: OK, how many new vehicles and such will be included, then?

Yee: So the new bread and butter features for the expansion pack are six new armies, ten new vehicles, and twelve new base weapons


12 new weapons? The Zipline + Grappling Hook, night vision, flashbang and tear gas grenade have already been mentioned. Also mentioned is this:

IGNPC: What's with the equipment for each? New stuff or repurposed stuff?

AJ: The insurgents will be based mostly around the Russian weapons since that's more accurate. The Americans we're adding a new FNScar which is the new special forces assault rifle. And the SAS have a full complement of weapons too.


Last edited by Talon (2005-10-24 23:53:32)

completely off topic, but for the guy who said 'super kuwaii', the word is 'kawaii' and it means 'cute'. i never seen a cute pair of night vision goggles.
It would be sweet if u could use the grappeling hook and the zip line in Karkand. It's not going to happen but i would be very usefull in that map. >
TALON IS RIGHT There are 12 new weapons in the game so of course there are new guns.Ive seen screen shots of FN2000 assualt rifle and nade launcher and SAS mini G3.I dont think unused unlocks from BF2 will work on expansion because EA say the rank system is different

Last edited by *DuTcH* (2005-10-25 01:31:55)

has anyone noticed in bfhq the slightly darker arrow above the unlocks... hinting that there will be more than one for each charecter class???

or maby its just a dumb glitch ea/dice forgot to sort out...

+0|7084 … x_info.htm

i just found this link

it has bmp3's and hind d's wow

Last edited by Major-Numb-Nuts (2005-10-25 02:02:45)

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