Perhaps there will be new maps which will be played in Special Forces mode, and the old ones will be played in conquest mode.
This is interesting.
IGNPC: Are you planning any big changes to the classes or will they also pretty much remain the same aside from some new equipment?
AJ: We've decided to leave the classes alone, but your going to find that what we've added does change things up a bit. It's something we joke about now when we talk about making the player feel like a super soldier. We'll go ahead and test Special Forces and then go back and play BF2 for our own enjoyment and we're suddenly saying "damn I don't have that!" or "damn I can't do this!" and we miss those abilities that are in Special Forces.
Although we haven't really tweaked the classes at all, by adding in the new elements like the grappling hook and zip line that David mentioned, now the classes that carry these items play a little differently. They have a bit more versatility to them. So now you really want to have these guys as part of your squad. And the squad becomes more powerful as a whole now.
Yee: There's some additional equipment that makes those
support classes a bit different. There's the flash-bang and the tear gas grenades. Those two really do change the way the game plays when it comes to infantry.
IGNPC: OK, how many new vehicles and such will be included, then?
Yee: So the new bread and butter features for the expansion pack are six new armies, ten new vehicles, and twelve new base weapons
12 new weapons? The Zipline + Grappling Hook, night vision, flashbang and tear gas grenade have already been mentioned. Also mentioned is this:
IGNPC: What's with the equipment for each? New stuff or repurposed stuff?
AJ: The insurgents will be based mostly around the Russian weapons since that's more accurate. The Americans we're adding a new FNScar which is the new special forces assault rifle. And the SAS have a full complement of weapons too.
Last edited by Talon (2005-10-24 23:53:32)