haha, there are no spots ona  crane that I don't look. and if there is a place to be on a crane, anywhere at all, even if it requires some jumping (or falling) around, I've been there... and I've been killed by another sniper while being there.

You can have the cranes.
I know of one spot where I've never been picked off when up in a crane.  Eventually I had to go down for more ammo but that spot is pretty good.  Line of sight is limited to a specific portion of the map though.
+0|7081|Philadelphia Suburbs, PA
Finding that 'perfect' sniping spot is fun as hell, especially when you have someone else on your squad as a sniper.  Communicating over VOIP and both watching the same targets, firing at the same time...

ViperGTS19801 [killed] King_N00b#1
SnipingTeammate [killed] King_N00b#1
ViperGTS19801 [killed] King_N00b#1

AK Whore
+152|7109|Barrington, RI
well there is a very good vantage point on Sharqi that I use all the time becasue it allows me to snipe most of the crane snipers without having to worry about getting a bullet in return becasue it's a one way thing, I can see them but they can't see me.  It's so much fun.
You can all have the opinions that you want; but how many of you have actually been in a REAL combat zone?  I guarantee you that in a real combat zone, if some dumbass on your team is refusing, upon your request, to stop giving away your position (no matter how imperfect it is to begin with) and doesn't, you have a choice to kill or be killed.  Simple.  No disrespect Sharky, but you can bang your "Self-righteous GONG" all you want and throw judgement all you like.  But the over all unspoken rule in the game is to have gameplay that is as realistic as it can get.  That is what sells.  EA knows this and they have gone through great lengths to make everything in this game look and feel like a real combat zone and we BOTH have bought into it.  Believe it or not, it DOES create some of the same emotion as in real life.  This game is also great at evoking emotional/psychological responses as well.  You wouldn't be commenting in this forum if it didn't!  I can tell you that during some conflicts when certain TV news organizations show up on the beachfront of certain theaters of war shining their camera lights on me as I storm the beach before daybreak (US Invasion of Panama 1989) are going to get a bullet thrown their way to take their "lights out".  Do you think that there is no possibility of "friendly fire" taking out worthless platoon leaders who are "book smart", wet behind the ears but dumb as a box of rocks on the battlefield who are trying to lead a platoon of 30+ men?  It happens.  I guess if anything, you can call my actions "acting on a fantasy".  I TK'd him in the spirit of all of the superiors above me who almost got me killed, or any other veteran who has ever been in a similar position (there have been hundreds of thousands i'm sure) in leiu of doing it in real life.  This game allows me to do this for the same $49.95 price as the looser who was his own victim.  The victim of ignorance.  You don't show up with a big red flag, stand next to someone in a combat situation and start waving it trying to get everyone in the immediate area killed.  My point, which some of you have missed, is keeping the game as realistic and true to real life as possible.  Sure, I can say that the guy next to me in combat paid the same $1 for the pen he used to sign his enlistment papers in the military, whether or not he's gay, straight, black, white.  But he still doesn't have the right to act inappropriate for the current situation.  In ANY situation.   Here's another misconception that many who have replied have made.  I'm not denying that what I did was questionable.  I'm saying that my actions, though as imperfect as they may have been, were done to make a point.  You don't sit next to a sniper with an automatic weapon, which doesn't have nearly the same maximum effective range as a sniper rifle to begin with, and give away someone else's position.  I realize that for some people it is hard to sell them on a concept or other ideal that is not tangible, so I'll word it in another way for those of you who can't understand my angle.  One could argue that I paid the same money for this game that he did so WHAT GIVES HIM THE RIGHT TO INVADE MY EXPECTATIONS THAT THIS GAME EXPERIENCE IS GOING TO BE REALISTIC?  For every argument you may throw at me, via your "Gong of self-righteousness" I can in return bang my own by countering it with a point of my own.  We could go on all week this way!  It's pointless.
Usually when this happends i simply find another spot to snipe from and let the PKM bastard saty and be sniped. The "golden spot" is still there next round
Teh Milho
+0|7077|Sumter SC

Ultimate_Mercy wrote:

My point; is that I was there trying to be an effective sniper.  I don't need some "tardzilla" giving away my position.  It isn't realistic in the field for an automatic weapon blasting away right next to a sniper.
Perhaps not realistic, but it IS a game, oh and BTW cranes are about the most obvious places to look for a sniper. personally I have "sniped" with an AK from a crane and was much more effective because no one thought someone would be doing that. And the M95 is a pretty loud weapon, I doubt that anyone who listened and tried to find you by the sound of your weapon would have any easier a time because of another person.
haha. When did BF2 become a real combat zone? If games were too real, they wouldn't be fun. ask a real jarhead how much fun it is to have mortors lobbed at you. Ah, if only we could respawn 15 seconds after death, then war would be a blast...

anyway, if anyone wants to read something cool check out "Marine Sniper," the biography of Gunnery Sergeant Hathcock, 93 confirmed kills during Vietnam. A legend just like Vassili Sietzev was in WWII. Its a great book and there is great detail on what makes a good sniper position. Most of these guys could be 5 feet away from a grunt in plane view and still be invisible, but the trick is being invisible to other snipers, the ones who know were to look and how to look.

Sorry, in BF2 being in a crane just makes you sniper meat if there is at least one other sniper with half a hair of talent on the other team. Not to mention that I know when I'm a commander Im relentless about spotting them for my teammates, just look on the Sat Scan for someone that isn't moving much and use the old zoom. I spot like a maniac and if they still don't get him, finally I'll call in the arty on him. As I sniper I HATE when that happens to me, but as a sniper I also know how much damage a truly talented sharp shooter who is also spotting can be if he's in the right place.

I've found three positions, each on different maps, which provide superb cover, great view of flags (which lets be honest you need unless you want to pick your nose the whole game), and two of them are even impervious to artillery strikes. NONE of them involve a 5 minute climb up a ladder or sticking my head out with the clear blue sky as a backdrop for all to see. All of them are on the ground, and the two that involve altitude are not the highest points for anyone shopping for my little grass headed guili suit silouette.

I said it before... you guys can have the cranes!

Last edited by dshak (2005-10-24 12:35:20)

Teh Milho
+0|7077|Sumter SC

Ultimate_Mercy wrote:

WHAT GIVES HIM THE RIGHT TO INVADE MY EXPECTATIONS THAT THIS GAME EXPERIENCE IS GOING TO BE REALISTIC?  For every argument you may throw at me, via your "Gong of self-righteousness" I can in return bang my own by countering it with a point of my own.  We could go on all week this way!  It's pointless.
LOL. Dude relax, BF2 is soooo realistic... anyone want to counter that one? Bunny Hopping, Prone Hopping, More than one shot kill to the torso, sprinting while gravely wounded, taking an enemies life worth as much as handing out some ammo to two people whether they are completely out of ammo or down one grenade.
What would me more realistic is if your commander ever asked you to "attack here" and you said no to the order. He should then be able to shoot you without repercussion. Judgement on the battlefield. ...realistic... you make me laugh. I would have warned you, not kicked you though.

Ultimate_Mercy wrote:

It's pointless.
Then spare us the tirades.  Here's a little tip for you:  BF2 is NOT a real combat zone.  I don't think anyone is arguing your point about position giveaways in real combat, whether they've seen it or not.  Simple common sense tells me that I'm not going to get into a firefight, stand up, raise my hand, and go "hey fuckers I'm over here" before I start shooting.

Bottom line is you're too damn uptight, you TK'd the wrong person b/c you think you know better than everyone else and got booted for it.  Get over  yourself.
+0|7081|Philadelphia Suburbs, PA

Ultimate_Mercy wrote:

... EA ... game... bought ... game ... fantasy ... game ... $49.95 ... game ... I paid the same money for this game that he did ... It's pointless.
So...you're quite aware that this is just a game that was bought for just shy of $50 + tax.  So why, fo FUCK'S SAKE, are you so goddamned riled up over it?!  You harp on and on about how your alleged combat experience (which could be a lie all in itself) and how the crane is YOUR territory and he shouldn't be giving away your permission.  Let me school you, you little twerp.  If you have a sniper rifle you don't fucking belong in a crane, because you are at such a severe disadvantage from the height and the limited scope of view.

Secondly, chill the fuck out, dude.
I love bf2 for not being a realistic game, you can do anything you can't do in real life. Do incredible turns with a jet or sprint a long distance with a gun that weighs 25 Kilo. BF" is not suposed to be realistic it's suposed to be a fun game.
+0|7092|Phoenix, AZ
I have to disagree as well. And this is a GAME! I swear people get too into this. I like the fact it is realistic, but it is a game. If you feel a need to kill a team mate to take a vehicle or because they spawn on you you deserve to be kicked.

I was with some idiot squad leader on Mashtuur city that was under the rigging of a bridge. I spawned on him because he was the closest to the only spawn base we didn't have with the M16/203. He started calling me an idiot and stating I gave his position away. Which was BS because I had been killed at the flag below it watching people shoot at him. I started popping off 40mm and taking out the guys running frantically to try to hold their base. Personally I think he was just pissed I started taking his kills.

I have never served in the military but am an avid shooter and military history buff. I have read and seen pictures with snipers with the spotter had a scoped M16/203 and also M4s and even M249 and M240s in the sniper nest. Hell Carlos Hathcock took out a VC at 2500m with a M2 .50cal machine gun equipped with a scope! My brother and I play and regularly use him as a support gunner to resupply me as the sniper.
If you want to focus on the "crane" argument then fine, I said it.  However, I also in my first post, said "or other advantageous position/mountain.  It just so happened that the incident in question happened on a crane.  And since some of you so elloquently pointed out, this IS a game and this gives me the right to gut anyone who sillouttes me, sniper or not, $49.95 paid or not, crane or not.  I am relaxed, simply put in a position to explain myself for all of the retards out there.
And ViperGTS you can go fuck youself.  I know you wouldn't have the guts to say that to my face if you knew me or my experiences.  I didn't claim that "anything" was my "territory" either.

Last edited by Ultimate_Mercy (2005-10-24 14:38:33)

Anyplace that your silloute is against a lighter background color (ie the sky) its easy to spot you 1/2 way across the map.  Cranes are notorious place for inexperienced snipers to hang out (if you are dumb enough to climb up the ladder a second time, I'll wait till your 3/4 up before I drop you).

TK'ing on purpose with your knife is just plain dumb.  If you were smart, you would have just pushed him off the side or moved to a different location.

You dont "own" any spot in the game.  You look for places that are nice and quiet with good cover.  If someone comes and takes your spot, you move and counter-snipe for that person.

"There is no I in TEAM, but there is a ME".
The Last Man Standing
Woah guys lets calm down, theres no need to get angry over a post, lets chill, k?

Back to the subject matter, what spots do you like besides the crane?  I mean, for me, I can use almost any weapon, barring pistol or submachine gun and get a nice set of kills from a crane.  Its a nice defensive position, but on Sharqi Peninsula there are so many good places to find.  I found pleanty, and for me its the obvious ones that work best.  Yeah, I get fired at, but I'm too far away to get hit badly, and in that time I've already picked people off.  In fact, I would have to say for me the Sharqi is the best sniping map, but what do you think, have you found one thats better?


CBRad929 wrote:

"There is no I in TEAM, but there is a ME".
Just saw that as I posted, very good

Last edited by Paladus902 (2005-10-24 15:01:40)

Cranes are the worst place for a sniper. When someone gets sniped the first place they look is the high vantage points. Also, there is no point of wasting 5 minutes to climb a 3 mile ladder when you could be killing people and when you die your screwed. Also, you have no right to claim a spot on a map in Battlefield 2 because you do not own the map. TKing is just gonna show how much of a pussy you are.
What kind of a freak goes to a forum specifically called, "complaints", reads said complaints and then tells them that they shouldn't be complaining?  He's just looking for a fight in my opinion!!

Last edited by Ultimate_Mercy (2005-10-24 15:05:14)

AK Whore
+152|7109|Barrington, RI
The water tower on sharqi is hands down my favorite spot.   I can see and hit the fools on the crane and they can't see me, and when I drop someone from there they are clueless as to where the shot came from.  no one looks for me there and it is easy to hide.
The Last Man Standing

sewermasta324 wrote:

The water tower on sharqi is hands down my favorite spot.   I can see and hit the fools on the crane and they can't see me, and when I drop someone from there they are clueless as to where the shot came from.  no one looks for me there and it is easy to hide.
Thats a nice and nasty tactic, thanks for the information, I'll give it a try

CharminXtra wrote:

Cranes are the worst place for a sniper. When someone gets sniped the first place they look is the high vantage points. Also, there is no point of wasting 5 minutes to climb a 3 mile ladder when you could be killing people and when you die your screwed. Also, you have no right to claim a spot on a map in Battlefield 2 because you do not own the map. TKing is just gonna show how much of a pussy you are.
Hmm, anyone feel like making an elevator mod?   Just dont put any elevator music in please
+0|7092|Phoenix, AZ
I agree that when sniped on that map, its the first place I look, however I have also spent nearly an entire round on that map, been resupplied for ammo and died only once sniping from there. The trick I have found is that there are a few places on the crane to get behind and it makes you VERY hard to spot. I come out, take a shot and move back again. I have been wanting to try the water tower but lately I have been riding in the gunner seat on the choppers.
+66|7154|Missoula, MT
@ post #1

If you must play sniper as a squad leader and don't want company...lock your squad.  Else, go lone wolf.   Simple and effective. 
"It's Recharging!"
Besides Dave, I've never seen any of these other people on the forums, and you all sound like 12 year old kids if you ask me.

This isnt a place for flame wars, take them elsewhere okay? And take a fucking chill pill, I don't care who you are, if you see a sniper somewhere sniping, and you go give away his position, you are a bastard. Period.
"A sniper somewhere sniping" haha... six snipers sniping should be added to the lyrics for a new Twelve Days of Christmas... BF2 style... I know, totally off topic. I apologize.

Ryan_Mercury wrote:

Besides Dave, I've never seen any of these other people on the forums, and you all sound like 12 year old kids if you ask me.

This isnt a place for flame wars, take them elsewhere okay? And take a fucking chill pill, I don't care who you are, if you see a sniper somewhere sniping, and you go give away his position, you are a bastard. Period.

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