And apparently you want it to be BC2.FloppY_ wrote:
Sniper is the one class that is ruining battlefield as a game...menzo wrote:
no engineer is mines and fixing things. and you die in a fire sniper is a must classFloppY_ wrote:
Engineer = AT
Sniper can die in a fire
Engineer with a choice of either mines or AT is the best tbh... proven by BC2
EDIT: Stop wanting BF3 to be BF2 and go play BF2 instead
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Before they nerfed the GL? Best counter against the medic squads.FloppY_ wrote:
Why?jord wrote:
The only good thing on that list is more unlocks.
We don't need 5 classes, as proven in BF2.. "Assault" was fucking useless
A tank worked wonders too.Ilocano wrote:
Before they nerfed the GL? Best counter against the medic squads.FloppY_ wrote:
Why?jord wrote:
The only good thing on that list is more unlocks.
We don't need 5 classes, as proven in BF2.. "Assault" was fucking useless
As for killcam... It has no useful application except to prevent hacking. As such at the end of the round you should be able to review all your deaths. But as for in game... It's just a horrible feature. If you're a sniper who has found a nice spot and the enemy can't find you, then frankly you deserve your anonymity. If you are able to flank the enemy and shoot them from behind and they can't work that out by the directional dmg indicators then again you deserve to have that advantage and not have your work undermined by what realistically is just a built in hack.
No, but BC2 is the latest incarnation and therefore, the latest inspiration for DICEcoke wrote:
And apparently you want it to be BC2.FloppY_ wrote:
Sniper is the one class that is ruining battlefield as a game...menzo wrote:
no engineer is mines and fixing things. and you die in a fire sniper is a must class
Engineer with a choice of either mines or AT is the best tbh... proven by BC2
EDIT: Stop wanting BF3 to be BF2 and go play BF2 instead
The 4class system has been there since 2142 and worked wonders, doubt DICE will just ignore that
Last edited by FloppY_ (2011-02-08 13:24:55)
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Killcam is the best thing to happen to Battlefield since squads.
[img]Not sure if srs?[/img]Doctor Strangelove wrote:
Killcam is the best thing to happen to Battlefield since squads.
I am serious. Killcam is fucking great. Only people who don't like it are campers and those stuck in the past.DrunkFace wrote:
Not sure if srs?Doctor Strangelove wrote:
Killcam is the best thing to happen to Battlefield since squads.
Well I disagree entirely. Stealth is a fundamental part of gameplay. UAVs, spotting and commanders already hinder this aspect and killcam is just another nail in the coffin concerning the use of intelligence and tactics over spam.Doctor Strangelove wrote:
I am serious. Killcam is fucking great. Only people who don't like it are campers and those stuck in the past.DrunkFace wrote:
Not sure if srs?Doctor Strangelove wrote:
Killcam is the best thing to happen to Battlefield since squads.
Camping is a perfectly legitimate tactic, especially in a defensive role and there are already many features which give away someone's position without just telling you. As above UAV, spotting, commanders but also directional dmg indicators and noise. If after all those you still can't find someone then quite frankly you don't deserve to find them.
Train-of-Thought TL;DR Wishlist - unexpected features over the course of vanilla + expansions
1. No kill-cam. The punishment for death in Battlefield 3 (NOT Bad Company 3) should be, aside from the death itself, not knowing where it came from until you and/or your team figures it out. Put commanders back in and reform UAV, sat scans and other forms of intelligence.
2. Push the envelope for max player count. At the very least, bring back 64 players.
3. Ticket or team point penalty for waiting in x-size group in x proximity to a vehicle spawn point.
4. While bringing prone into the picture, balance the game for lean. Who cares if it gets ignored by some players? Others might want to use it.
5. Low randomized (0%-5%) directional splash-damage for assault rifles, LMG's and above. A minigun doesn't have to have 360o exploding bullets like in BF2 vanilla, but near misses can be given enough umph to make people dance without debalancing the whole thing. Kick some rocks into their faces.
6. At least one map with decent naval focus, and allow the big ships to be moved around for the price of their invulnerability.
7. Player-roaming spawn points in certain maps, like in BFV.
8. Licensed music playable from vehicles, like in BFV. Mutable by end user, if preferred.
9. Three-team maps. Ex 1: military attackers (team = 100%) vs. military defenders (team = 50%) and militia/insurgent defenders (team = 50%). Ex 2: military attackers (faction 1) (team = 50%) and military attackers (faction 2) (team = 50% vs. military or insurgent/militia defenders (team = 100%); assets and map layout creatively divided between factions.
10. Three-team maps. Ex's: Russia vs Rebels and EU; China vs USMC & JSDF; MEC vs Rebels; USMC vs US militia; UK & Rebels vs China1
11. Don't be afraid to cast the US in a bad light every now and then. Civilian casualties or unintended building destruction (embassies, hospitals, schools, etc.) can contribute to loss of tickets.
12. DESIMPLIFY. The four-class system is simple, but doesn't make sense in a lot of ways. If I start playing a game and select medic, I want a medic...not a support gunner. BF2 made a ton of sense in focusing on low numbers of unlocks for more classes. AT (rockets), assault (grenadier), sniper (marksman/ap ordnance), specops (demo), support (lmg/ammo), medic (heal/revive), engineer (repair/mine). The only thing that changed was your primary weapon. Where they should have changed it was giving multiple types of gear unlocks for the seven classes, rather than throwing a bunch of pointless shit at four classes.2
13. Stats should be quality-based more than time-based, within reason. Also, the BF2-style awards look way cooler than stylized X-Box icons.
14. Customizable character features as progression unlocks (skin tones immediately visible, everything else unlocked upon reaching a certain stat; sunglasses, facial hair, etc.).
1. No kill-cam. The punishment for death in Battlefield 3 (NOT Bad Company 3) should be, aside from the death itself, not knowing where it came from until you and/or your team figures it out. Put commanders back in and reform UAV, sat scans and other forms of intelligence.
2. Push the envelope for max player count. At the very least, bring back 64 players.
3. Ticket or team point penalty for waiting in x-size group in x proximity to a vehicle spawn point.
4. While bringing prone into the picture, balance the game for lean. Who cares if it gets ignored by some players? Others might want to use it.
5. Low randomized (0%-5%) directional splash-damage for assault rifles, LMG's and above. A minigun doesn't have to have 360o exploding bullets like in BF2 vanilla, but near misses can be given enough umph to make people dance without debalancing the whole thing. Kick some rocks into their faces.
6. At least one map with decent naval focus, and allow the big ships to be moved around for the price of their invulnerability.
7. Player-roaming spawn points in certain maps, like in BFV.
8. Licensed music playable from vehicles, like in BFV. Mutable by end user, if preferred.
9. Three-team maps. Ex 1: military attackers (team = 100%) vs. military defenders (team = 50%) and militia/insurgent defenders (team = 50%). Ex 2: military attackers (faction 1) (team = 50%) and military attackers (faction 2) (team = 50% vs. military or insurgent/militia defenders (team = 100%); assets and map layout creatively divided between factions.
10. Three-team maps. Ex's: Russia vs Rebels and EU; China vs USMC & JSDF; MEC vs Rebels; USMC vs US militia; UK & Rebels vs China1
11. Don't be afraid to cast the US in a bad light every now and then. Civilian casualties or unintended building destruction (embassies, hospitals, schools, etc.) can contribute to loss of tickets.
12. DESIMPLIFY. The four-class system is simple, but doesn't make sense in a lot of ways. If I start playing a game and select medic, I want a medic...not a support gunner. BF2 made a ton of sense in focusing on low numbers of unlocks for more classes. AT (rockets), assault (grenadier), sniper (marksman/ap ordnance), specops (demo), support (lmg/ammo), medic (heal/revive), engineer (repair/mine). The only thing that changed was your primary weapon. Where they should have changed it was giving multiple types of gear unlocks for the seven classes, rather than throwing a bunch of pointless shit at four classes.2
13. Stats should be quality-based more than time-based, within reason. Also, the BF2-style awards look way cooler than stylized X-Box icons.
14. Customizable character features as progression unlocks (skin tones immediately visible, everything else unlocked upon reaching a certain stat; sunglasses, facial hair, etc.).
1Faction Voice-over categorization (minor players in italics):
Region Type Subtype Commonwealth UK Royal Army Canada Can LFC India Ind Armed Forces Australia Aus Army Asia China PLA PLASOF rebel group Japan JSDF North Korea KPA South Korea ROK Vietnam VPA Americas United States USMC US Army NG SEALs independent militia group Mexico army/Federal Police <general> cartel group Europe EU military coalition Islamist insurgents Russia Red Army Spetsnaz Islamist insurgents rebel group Africa African Union military coalition <general> rebels pirates Middle East MEC military coalition MECSF insurgents <general> rebels
Yeah, no way, right? Here's some examples anyway:
1. US Army NG/Mexican Army vs cartel group (Mexico)
2. US Army NG vs US independent militia group (USA)
3. JMSDF/ROK vs KPA/PLAN (Korean peninsula)
4. African Union vs rebels (Africa)
5. Red Army vs rebels vs Islamist insurgents (eastern Europe)
6. Red Army/EU vs Islamist insurgents/MECSF (eastern Europe)
7. US independent militia group vs cartel group (USA)
8. VPA/Aus Army vs PLA (southeast Asia)
9. MECSF vs pirates (Indian Ocean, small map)
10. MEC vs SAS/rebels (Middle-East)
11. JSDF vs PLASOF (Asia)
12. PLA/MECSF vs US Army NG/US independent militia group (USA)
13. Ind Armed Forces vs MECSF/Islamist insurgents (India)
14. EU military coalition vs Islamist insurgents (Europe)
15. SEALs vs pirates (Indian Ocean, small map)
16. PLASOF vs pirates (Indian Ocean, small map)
17. MEC vs PLA vs African Union military coalition
18. SPETZ vs pirates (coast of Africa, small map)
19. US Army NG/JSDF vs PLA/PLAN (Japan)
- knife/sidearm
- primary weapon (faction default assault rifle with grenade launcher), 1st unlock (carbine with extra ammo), 2nd unlock (automatic shotgun; in-game toggle = switch to different ammo)
- frag grenades (3)
- extra frag grenades (1) OR smoke grenade (1) OR flashbang (1) OR tear gas (1)
- grappling hook; cannot resupply, but can recollect at hook end
- gas mask/night vision
- knife/sidearm
- primary weapon (faction default RPG/wire-guided, 3 shots), 1st unlock (stinger missile, 2 shots), 2nd unlock (javelin missile, 1 shot)
- laser designator (designates strike requests for chopper gunners and fighter/bombers; goes through commander as a request if commander present)
- gas mask/night vision
- hatchet/sidearm
- primary weapon (faction pump-action shotgun), 1st unlock (semi-auto rifle), 2nd unlock (SMG)
- frag grenade (3) OR smoke grenade (1) OR grenade launcher (2)
- wrench (vehicle repair aura effectiveness reduced by quantity of engineers present within x meters; points shared within x meters if present for full repair tick)
- gas mask/night vision
* choice 1: default faction fatigues
* choice 2:
- knife/sidearm
- primary weapon (faction carbine), 1st unlock (carbine), 2nd unlock (pump-action shotgun)
- bandages ('heal aura' or 5 drops, regens 1 per 10 seconds) (vehicle heal aura only emits from unarmored vehicles)
- tried-and-true shock paddles (regens every 3 seconds; cannot revive one player more than three times per 30 seconds) (points shared within x meters if present for full health tick)
- gas mask/night vision
- knife/sidearm w/ silencer
- primary weapon (faction bolt-action default sniper), 1st unlock (semi-auto sniper, least accurate), 2nd unlock (anti-materiel rifle)
- frag grenade (1)
- choice between prox/remote det AP mine (60o, medium range) (2) OR prox AP mine (360o, short range) (2) OR rifle silencer/flash suppressor (1st unlock & default only) (decays permanently until respawn after shots fired = rounds given upon spawn; accuracy reduction)
* choice 1: default faction 'uniform'
* choice 2: dynamic ghillie suit; changes with terrain per map (not on city maps)
- gas mask/night vision
- knife/sidearm w/ silencer
- primary weapon (faction default carbine), 1st unlock (silenced SMG), 2nd unlock (unscoped marksman rifle)
- frag grenade (3)
- choice between remote det C4 (360o, medium range) (3) or prox AP mine (360o, short range) (2) OR rifle silencer/flash suppressor (1st & 2nd unlocks only) (decays permanently until respawn after shots fired = rounds given upon spawn; accuracy reduction)
- tear gas (1) OR smoke (1) OR flashbang (1)
- choice between extra C4 (2) OR spotter kit which will mark targets for snipers within x meters for 6 seconds or remainder - 3 seconds if target moves/is moving; 1 use, regens every 20 seconds)
- zip line (1); cannot resupply or recollect
* choice 1: default faction 'uniform'
* choice 2: dynamic ghillie suit; changes with terrain
* choice 3: black ops 'wet suit' (only night maps)
- gas mask/night vision OR gas mask/infrared
- knife/sidearm
- primary weapon (faction default) & 1st/2nd weapon unlock
- frag grenade (1)
- ammo satchel (5 drops, regens 1 per 10 seconds) (vehicle ammo aura only emits from unarmored vehicles; points shared within x meters if present for full ammo tick)
- gas mask/night vision
fuck DICE, I'm glad Sweden's being taken over by the muslims

I mean seriously. Killcams? 4 classes? No god damn commander? They should just merge with Infinity Ward and produce Call of Unoriginality. Fucking assholes.

'Call of Company 2: World at Vietnam Ops'
Might as well drop the 'Battlefield' altogether.
or "Battle-call of Field Company 3: World Ops at Vietnam 2143."
e2: ...of Honor'
Might as well drop the 'Battlefield' altogether.
or "Battle-call of Field Company 3: World Ops at Vietnam 2143."
e2: ...of Honor'
Or "we'd rather not take a chance and improve upon the original Battlefield formula, so we'll just take CoD and add vehicles to it and call it revolutionary because we know you philistines will gobble it up like fat fucks at an all-you-can-eat buffet."

Or simply, 'Problem?'
Not happy with this.
Public pressure can help. Has anyone attempted a counter to this crap? I'd like to go an support it.
True sequel of BF2:
No killcam (too arcadey)
6 man squads (especially useful for 32 v 32) - not sure on if you can spawn on anyone though or just leader
PROPER badges and ribbons like BF2, not PLATINUM STARS ONLY (which can be kept, but I love the medal system on BF2)
Also, would like to add I want to see grappling hooks and zip lines in from Special Forces.
Public pressure can help. Has anyone attempted a counter to this crap? I'd like to go an support it.
True sequel of BF2:
No killcam (too arcadey)
6 man squads (especially useful for 32 v 32) - not sure on if you can spawn on anyone though or just leader
PROPER badges and ribbons like BF2, not PLATINUM STARS ONLY (which can be kept, but I love the medal system on BF2)
Also, would like to add I want to see grappling hooks and zip lines in from Special Forces.
Just read the article. I mean, it sounds like it won't be awful, but I really want a true successor to BF2. Not a sort of sucessor to BF2 with cues taken from CoD. Killcams are for piss-poor players. Yeah it was a bit annoying to get sniped by someone who was prone in high grass, but that was what the commander was for: to scan the map and spot the snipers for you. And that whole thing about "lowering the threshold" for having the benefits of being a commander... what a load of crap, they should have been honest and called it "dumbing it down." Yeah, no kidding it wasn't easy to be a good commander in BF2. That was the whole point!
Just read the article. I mean, it sounds like it won't be awful, but I really want a true successor to BF2. Not a sort of sucessor to BF2 with cues taken from CoD. Killcams are for piss-poor players. Yeah it was a bit annoying to get sniped by someone who was prone in high grass, but that was what the commander was for: to scan the map and spot the snipers for you. And that whole thing about "lowering the threshold" for having the benefits of being a commander... what a load of crap, they should have been honest and called it "dumbing it down." Yeah, no kidding it wasn't easy to be a good commander in BF2. That was the whole point!

at this point, seeing as no info about the killcam has been disseminated other than that a killcam in some form will exist it's kind of premature to talk shit on it, dontchathink?
They mentioned in the article how difficult it was for new people to get use to BF2, and that they'd bring it down to BC level.
What the flying fuck? BF2 was easy as fuck to understand. I had no fucking idea what was going on in BC multiplayer.
What the flying fuck? BF2 was easy as fuck to understand. I had no fucking idea what was going on in BC multiplayer.

lol. you must fucking suck if snipers are that aggravating. Ease the medic bag out of your ass and learn how to play.FloppY_ wrote:
Theres nothing wrong with Killcam imo...
It's especially nice to deal with sniper faggots who've entrenched themselves in a certain bush
Vehicles will be nerfed...KuSTaV wrote:
They mentioned in the article how difficult it was for new people to get use to BF2, and that they'd bring it down to BC level.
What the flying fuck? BF2 was easy as fuck to understand. I had no fucking idea what was going on in BC multiplayer.
And yeah, from the sound of it, regen...
Where are they finding these "new people", the maternity ward?KuSTaV wrote:
They mentioned in the article how difficult it was for new people to get use to BF2, and that they'd bring it down to BC level.
Fucking spawn campers.DrunkFace wrote:
Where are they finding these "new people", the maternity ward?

Ilocano wrote:
Vehicles will be nerfed...
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
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