^^ that loser can't memorize anything since he was born polish . . .HaiBai wrote:
^^^ that loser memorized the amount of days he was registered
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i dare you to count to twenty, without taking off your shoes, pollackHaiBai wrote:
born of a broken man, proud of a retarded heritage, you troll the south side of ass. begone, fucktard, back where even your neighbors despise you.HaiBai wrote:
dude lay off the bottleburnzz wrote:
born of a broken man, proud of a retarded heritage, you troll the south side of ass. begone, fucktard, back where even your neighbors despise you.HaiBai wrote:

dude, lay off my nuts. or not . . .Hurricane2k9 wrote:
dude lay off the bottleburnzz wrote:
born of a broken man, proud of a retarded heritage, you troll the south side of ass. begone, fucktard, back where even your neighbors despise you.HaiBai wrote:
bow chicka bow wowburnzz wrote:
dude, lay off my nuts. or not . . .Hurricane2k9 wrote:
dude lay off the bottleburnzz wrote:
born of a broken man, proud of a retarded heritage, you troll the south side of ass. begone, fucktard, back where even your neighbors despise you.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
ololol raged into a triple postburnzz wrote:
born of a broken man, proud of a retarded heritage, you troll the south side of ass. begone, fucktard, back where even your neighbors despise you.HaiBai wrote:
keep your pants on i was obviously just joking
BF2 was as accessible as you could get without simplifying it for retarded gamepads. I don't know what the complaint's about.Hurricane2k9 wrote:
All because PC gaming has been dying. This might be the boost it needs, but I'm cautious. There were so many hardcore PC gamers back in the day when BF2 came out that it was OK to have things not be so accessible - people would still buy it in droves. But more and more have migrated to consoles and have become "casual" gamers. I mean christ, I remember overhearing girls at my high school saying how they beat their boyfriends in CoD. What the fuck is that shit?Little BaBy JESUS wrote:
Talking to less "gamer" friends, they love regen health and whine about every game with health packs.
I have beaten many a boy while playing video games. What are you implying? I dun geddit.Hurricane2k9 wrote:
All because PC gaming has been dying. This might be the boost it needs, but I'm cautious. There were so many hardcore PC gamers back in the day when BF2 came out that it was OK to have things not be so accessible - people would still buy it in droves. But more and more have migrated to consoles and have become "casual" gamers. I mean christ, I remember overhearing girls at my high school saying how they beat their boyfriends in CoD. What the fuck is that shit?Little BaBy JESUS wrote:
Talking to less "gamer" friends, they love regen health and whine about every game with health packs.
dude, srsly?tuckergustav wrote:
I have beaten off many a boy while playing video games. What are you implying? I dun geddit.


You must not have any clue how to play assault.FloppY_ wrote:
Why?jord wrote:
The only good thing on that list is more unlocks.
We don't need 5 classes, as proven in BF2.. "Assault" was fucking useless
THIS. I don't want to go medic, and then be given an LMG, ffs.menzo wrote:
i dont want specops/sniper and medic/assault etc i want separate classes
What, too much for you to handle?FloppY_ wrote:
In that case I want SpecOps, Engineer, Support (HMG), Medicmenzo wrote:
i dont want specops/sniper and medic/assault etc i want separate classes
and nothing fucking else
I guess it is too much for you.FloppY_ wrote:
Sniper can die in a fire
This.jord wrote:
Variation makes battlefield
Engineers are also pump-action shotguns that can take out entire squads in the right hands. And FFS, just kill the snipers. It's not brain surgery; you can do it with a PKM (by BF2 terms).FloppY_ wrote:
Sniper is the one class that is ruining battlefield as a game...menzo wrote:
no engineer is mines and fixing things. and you die in a fire sniper is a must classFloppY_ wrote:
Engineer = AT
Sniper can die in a fire
Engineer with a choice of either mines or AT is the best tbh... proven by BC2
EDIT: Stop wanting BF3 to be BF2 and go play BF2 instead
I don't want BF3 to be BF2. I DEFINITELY don't want BF3 to be BFBC2. I want BF3 to be the spiritual successor to BF2, which was the spiritual successor to BFV and BF1942. And that doesn't include dumbed down console shit like what they're just going to throw in anyway. The BF2 school of gaming needs an engine overhaul. BC2 is fine as it is.
Seriously, go wait for BC3 if you're going to be butthurt over any shit that isn't like your precious BC2. BFers have sat through the BC and BC2 weak sauce waiting for the true followup to BF2.FloppY_ wrote:
Who gives a shitM.O.A.B wrote:
The game was called Battlefield because its supposed to encompass all roles of warfare, sniper included.
Realism =/= fun or balanced gameplay
THIS. Battlefield was evolving into better and better teamwork-oriented titles, until BC came along and nerfed the whole formula with small-map, small-army, lame-VOIP nonsense.coke wrote:
And apparently you want it to be BC2.FloppY_ wrote:
EDIT: Stop wanting BF3 to be BF2 and go play BF2 instead
Jesus Christ, floppy...
Is anyone seriously planning on playing the single player? I don't understand why they would even waste their time on single player when they could instead be devoting resources toward the multilayer. You know the reason why everyone buys the game.
I always play the single player first for a bit...just so I can learn how to use anything new...
I'll be playing it, but I do wish they would just scrap it and focus on multiplayer.
...I think I already said that.
...I think I already said that.
single player with stupid bots is understandable; it can be a handy way to get a feel for the game. Single player with a storyline: No BF fan gives a shit. DICE must think their original audience is dead or retarded from years of exposure to COD and halo. The BF series has always been about killing, humiliating and having fun with buddies, and that's it.Macbeth wrote:
Is anyone seriously planning on playing the single player? I don't understand why they would even waste their time on single player when they could instead be devoting resources toward the multilayer. You know the reason why everyone buys the game.
I'm assuming, at this point, that DICE is in the process of finally killing the BF series. Hopefully another developer will come along to fill the sandbox shooter niche.
I think DICE are just trying to appeal to the console tards (COD fans) with the single player. As they said, they have a much larger team at DICE then when they made BF2 so they should have the resources to make a singleplayer and still make a quality multiplayer. they aren't forcing you to play singleplayer.
You'd think that, but unfortunately they aren't putting as much into multiplayer with their giant team as their smaller team did for BF2. This is pissing me off too much. I might just skip the game altogether.
I really wonder why DICE didn't keep the 4-class system of BF2142. That one was the best IMO.
1) Assault = GL + heal/revive
2) Support = resupply + HMG
3) Engineer = repair + AT or AA
4) Recon = specops + sniper
Plus, it had two separate unlock trees that made the player decide in which direction you wanted to develop the classes.
All of a sudden, in BFBC2, they gave the HMG to the medic and the resupply bags to the grenade launcher spamming assault.
1) Assault = GL + heal/revive
2) Support = resupply + HMG
3) Engineer = repair + AT or AA
4) Recon = specops + sniper
Plus, it had two separate unlock trees that made the player decide in which direction you wanted to develop the classes.
All of a sudden, in BFBC2, they gave the HMG to the medic and the resupply bags to the grenade launcher spamming assault.
Yeah I hope the GL class wont get resupply
You're a fucking retardunnamednewbie13 wrote:
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y76/un … cepalm.jpgYou must not have any clue how to play assault.FloppY_ wrote:
Why?jord wrote:
The only good thing on that list is more unlocks.
We don't need 5 classes, as proven in BF2.. "Assault" was fucking uselessTHIS. I don't want to go medic, and then be given an LMG, ffs.menzo wrote:
i dont want specops/sniper and medic/assault etc i want separate classesWhat, too much for you to handle?FloppY_ wrote:
In that case I want SpecOps, Engineer, Support (HMG), Medicmenzo wrote:
i dont want specops/sniper and medic/assault etc i want separate classes
and nothing fucking elseI guess it is too much for you.FloppY_ wrote:
Sniper can die in a fireThis.jord wrote:
Variation makes battlefieldEngineers are also pump-action shotguns that can take out entire squads in the right hands. And FFS, just kill the snipers. It's not brain surgery; you can do it with a PKM (by BF2 terms).FloppY_ wrote:
Sniper is the one class that is ruining battlefield as a game...menzo wrote:
no engineer is mines and fixing things. and you die in a fire sniper is a must class
Engineer with a choice of either mines or AT is the best tbh... proven by BC2
EDIT: Stop wanting BF3 to be BF2 and go play BF2 instead
I don't want BF3 to be BF2. I DEFINITELY don't want BF3 to be BFBC2. I want BF3 to be the spiritual successor to BF2, which was the spiritual successor to BFV and BF1942. And that doesn't include dumbed down console shit like what they're just going to throw in anyway. The BF2 school of gaming needs an engine overhaul. BC2 is fine as it is.Seriously, go wait for BC3 if you're going to be butthurt over any shit that isn't like your precious BC2. BFers have sat through the BC and BC2 weak sauce waiting for the true followup to BF2.FloppY_ wrote:
Who gives a shitM.O.A.B wrote:
The game was called Battlefield because its supposed to encompass all roles of warfare, sniper included.
Realism =/= fun or balanced gameplayTHIS. Battlefield was evolving into better and better teamwork-oriented titles, until BC came along and nerfed the whole formula with small-map, small-army, lame-VOIP nonsense.coke wrote:
And apparently you want it to be BC2.FloppY_ wrote:
EDIT: Stop wanting BF3 to be BF2 and go play BF2 instead
Jesus Christ, floppy...
I HOPE it gets the mapsize and diversity of BF2
I HOPE it gets 64player support
I HOPE alot of things but fact is DICE are as incompetent and greedy as most other developers that have been around long enough for EA or some other publisher to corrupt their arse...
QFTglobefish23 wrote:
I really wonder why DICE didn't keep the 4-class system of BF2142. That one was the best IMO.
1) Assault = GL + heal/revive
2) Support = resupply + HMG
3) Engineer = repair + AT or AA
4) Recon = specops + sniper
Plus, it had two separate unlock trees that made the player decide in which direction you wanted to develop the classes.
All of a sudden, in BFBC2, they gave the HMG to the medic and the resupply bags to the grenade launcher spamming assault.
Last edited by FloppY_ (2011-02-09 03:51:59)
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Jeez guys. Why on earth should every BF-game be the same with map size and all? Variation is good, like snipy said. All classes are needed. It would be fucking dull if, let's say snipers, were missing. I say make a new class for aviation guys if, and hopefully, BF3 will have planes again. The more badges and junk to chase, the merrier I'm not a fan of any particular class, I usually play what is needed or then I chase the awards.
this is already confirmed according to thisFloppY_ wrote:
I HOPE it gets 64player support
It'll have jets. They're only pissing on BF2's memory, not shitting on it and then dismembering it and feeding it to dogs.Ultrafunkula wrote:
Jeez guys. Why on earth should every BF-game be the same with map size and all? Variation is good, like snipy said. All classes are needed. It would be fucking dull if, let's say snipers, were missing. I say make a new class for aviation guys if, and hopefully, BF3 will have planes again. The more badges and junk to chase, the merrier I'm not a fan of any particular class, I usually play what is needed or then I chase the awards.

If they're going to put in jets again it's pretty clear they'll have bigger maps too.
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