… 3#p3451153
oh, and:
oh, and:
How about no.Jaekus wrote:
They should really give the AT guys ammo packs
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How about no.Jaekus wrote:
They should really give the AT guys ammo packs
And the ability to throw two grenades simultaneouslyunnamednewbie13 wrote:
oh, and:How about no.Jaekus wrote:
They should really give the AT guys ammo packs
Last edited by Jaekus (14 years, 1 month ago)
that you can upgrade to up to 6 by paying money!Jaekus wrote:
And the ability to throw two grenades simultaneouslyunnamednewbie13 wrote:
oh, and:How about no.Jaekus wrote:
They should really give the AT guys ammo packs
Yeah, a monthly subscription!Trotskygrad wrote:
that you can upgrade to up to 6 by paying money!Jaekus wrote:
And the ability to throw two grenades simultaneouslyunnamednewbie13 wrote:
oh, and:
How about no.
how about we remove the coaxial from tanks too!Jaekus wrote:
Yeah, a monthly subscription!Trotskygrad wrote:
that you can upgrade to up to 6 by paying money!Jaekus wrote:
And the ability to throw two grenades simultaneously
For 50 dollars?NooBesT wrote:
And then they should change the claymore deadly range to 50 meters.
And omni directional, but only to enemies.NooBesT wrote:
And then they should change the claymore deadly range to 50 meters.
2142 awesomeness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DrunkFace wrote:
And tanks should be able to strafe...
Commander was a terrible feature and SL was not that great either.GC_PaNzerFIN wrote:
Burn in hell DICE! You had to do it all wrong and remove commander. Whats next, remove the squad leader tools?
I kinda liked that you could spawn in on everyone in the squad in BC2.... It was far too easy to shut down an entire squad in BF2 by just killing the leader..Doctor Strangelove wrote:
Commander was a terrible feature and SL was not that great either.GC_PaNzerFIN wrote:
Burn in hell DICE! You had to do it all wrong and remove commander. Whats next, remove the squad leader tools?
Correct.FloppY_ wrote:
I kinda liked that you could spawn in on everyone in the squad in BC2.... It was far too easy to shut down an entire squad in BF2 by just killing the leader..Doctor Strangelove wrote:
Commander was a terrible feature and SL was not that great either.GC_PaNzerFIN wrote:
Burn in hell DICE! You had to do it all wrong and remove commander. Whats next, remove the squad leader tools?
Or in the case they're trying to go behind enemy lines, they could split up and only one needed to make it through out of the 4...Doctor Strangelove wrote:
Correct.FloppY_ wrote:
I kinda liked that you could spawn in on everyone in the squad in BC2.... It was far too easy to shut down an entire squad in BF2 by just killing the leader..Doctor Strangelove wrote:
Commander was a terrible feature and SL was not that great either.
SL meant that one player in the squad had to hang back, removing himself from combat unless really needed. Also if you were in a squad with a terrible SL, then the game would be much more frustrating. BC2's system allowed the player to spawn in combat and among teammates, however without putting to much pressure onto a single member. A single player could play a role similar to the BF2 squad leader, while all other squad members could still somewhat fulfill that role if no one person volunteers to be the designated spawn point.
Last edited by Jaekus (14 years, 1 month ago)
Nice try, forstbite engine.frostbite wrote:
* Aiming for Q4 2011 release
* Concept for BF3 has been in the works for years, waiting on proper tech to seamlessly come together
* Frosbite 2.0 is the culmination of this tech, entirely re-written
* Lighting sounds neat, one “probe” contains more lighting information than an entire BFBC2 level.
* Level destruction is going to be “believable” but basically everything is destructible.
* Character animations powered by ANT, what EA Sports uses.
* AI characters and multiplayer characters have different animation sets
* No more “gliding” animations that look off, animation realism is a focus
* Captured their own war audios (bullets, tanks, helicopters, etc) at different distances to ensure realism
* Better audio cues for certain actions, more easily able to listen for threats
* Plan on better, more immediate post release content
* More unlocks than BFBC2
* Dice trying to find a good balance between customization of your character and not having “pink rabbit hat(s)”
* 4 classes
* Will talk about squads “later”
* Looking into a theater mode but can’t talk about it
* Will have co-op
* There will be a kill-cam but it can be turned off
* BF3′s team is almost twice as big as the team for BFBC2
* They want the pacing of the single player mode to be balanced, with highs and lows. Makes the comparison to a song vs a guitar solo.
* Part of the single player mode takes place in Sulaymaniyah – Iraqi Kurdistan.
* “Fuck” will be used often, so M rated for sure
* There will be an earthquake in a level. The destruction sounds very impressive. 7 story building collapses, looks very well done
* Significant narrative that goes with the SP mode
* More than one setting, you’re not in the middle east for the whole game
* PC version is lead version
* Why 64 players for PC only? No complains from the console crowd.
* No mod tools at release. Maybe none down the line either. Frosbite 2.0 is complex and mods tools would have to be dumbed down, so does Dice really want to put their time to that or would it be better spent elsewhere?
* Original story, not based on Bad Company at all.
Now DICE stole my name.AussieReaper wrote:
Nice try, forstbite engine.
Last edited by frostbite (14 years, 1 month ago)
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