can anyone suggest a way to get some commander practice in?

ususally, its a bloody chore trying to get into a server as a commander and then when you do, some fekking idjit is setting off votes to boot you before you do your first arty strike, and if you have no xperience being a commander, you end up sucking and everyone hating you because they were to stupid to get out of the way when the big red symbol of an artillery gun appears in the area they are running around  or they ignore the "artillery your area!" voice...

i suppose the only safe way is to practice on the single player?

hey...no problem

seriously though, single player is okay because it may help you get the hang of the tools.  But multiplayer is going to get you the best practice...ignore the mutiny votes...they don't matter anyway.

Last edited by dsb (2005-10-25 12:46:20)

Deranged Klown
i suggest you keep getting on multiplayer servers and applying for commander.  ignore the votes.  everyone had to start somewhere.  everyone that has been commander has had a vote called against them at some time or another and they also have had team members run to the artillery strike area like ants to a picnic.  just keep playing and your skill will increase.
All Hate
+1|7093|Northern VA

HellSibling wrote:

i suppose the only safe way is to practice on the single player?


Look at it this way, at least the computer makes squads and listens to commands. Lately 75% of my game time has been in SP.
yep, i think i will practice fer a bit on single player...then head onto some server and implement my scorched earth policy.

thanks all...
noob on tour
And the most important tip! If people start to argue that you should do something like they want you to ignore them!
When I played commander today some guy told me I should wait with my artillery for his request. My first though was OK, maybe he has a plan but after 5 minutes there still was no request and so I muted him when I started to argue. I won´t leave all the other squads without UAV´s or some arty help just because he can´t handle 3 infantry men.

Don´t worry if people say you suck as a commander as everybody nows that the commander is only a part of the whole team and is not the only one responsible for loosing a round although they tend to say so.

Last edited by Tigg@lot (2005-10-25 15:25:28)

Paper Is My Hobbyhorse
Yeah, feel free to practice online (maybe on unranked servers if you want...). Other fellow gamers are bitching all the time, even if your team is at a 250:100 ticket ratio after 3 mins. Most mutiny votes are because people want to get the commander position and lost it to you. Don't pay attention to that either. Only listen to people who are fair and do seem to know what they're doing. Watch the command map constantly, see if a squad is about to capture a flag, simply give them uav, they'll love you for it. And that's just an example. Hold back artillery if it's not explicitly needed. But just try, you learn pretty quick how it works. It's not that difficult. Of course you have certain powers and possibilities as a commander, but if you're team really sucks you can't win a battle anyway. And don't give out orders to every single squad all the time, just do it if they demand it or if you see a squad right next to an abandoned enemy flag, not moving towards it. And again I would NOT recommend single player, maybe it's good for learning how to use the functions, but it's nothing like the way you play as online commander.
Yeah, humans are way to stupid to listen to orders. Or bots are too stupid to not listen.

I've only had 4 mutiny votes against me. Try finding vague, out-of-the-way servers to play on, but be careful of clan guys in their own clan server. 30% of the time, they tend to kick/ban anybody who kicks their arse.

I would recommend getting used to the commander controls and reading one of the many tutorials here before seriously taking up command.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2005-10-26 02:47:46)

well i wonder what is giving you the commander points, the only things i spottet is the uav, and when soldiers use your suply crate, commanding soldiers to attack point and defend dont seem to do any dif. not even
making a spec blow enemy instalations or enginers repair.
other wise the cmd point just seems to tick in.
+66|7155|Missoula, MT
Like the consensus says...Time in the chair...that's all you need.  Just do it! 
AYE AYE Commander Dave!

thanks for tips all...

coming soon...artillery drops near you!
Stop reading this and look at my post
How to be successful:

- successful arty/UAV placing.

First use the scan on zoomed out map, which allows you to see where the enemy are concentrated. Place the UAV around them if they are near (or about to be near) your troops, and arty them if their not. Dont drop supplies randomly, wait for request or the "I need repairs" shout. I've saved many tanks by dropping supplies next to them.

- Reparing

If you lose any commander tools repair them instantly. Its best to be an engineer and hang around (but out of sight of) your artillery. If they get blown up, either kill the guy doing it, or wait til he leaves and then repair them yourself, as its almost impossible to get your team to.

- Movement

The commander shouldnt be moving at all, apart from the repair something. Dont do a bit of fighting, a bit of commanding. Stay in a sheltered location (dock of carrier works well) and use your commander map.

- Spotting

If you zoom in fully, you get a satellite image of the map. You can "spot" (right click and click spotted) any enemy and they will show up on friendly maps. You can place a UAV in one base and spot in another, effectively covering two areas at once. IMPORTANT - the enym do not know they've been spotted or UAVed. Spotting a hidden sniper, for example, is firstly the only way to see him (as he might be invisble from the ground), and secondly, doesnt let him know he's spotted, allowing your team to sneak up behind him and knife him.

- Scan

Remember, scan only works for you and not your team.

- Stopping the enemy commander.

If you can find him and can spare an artillery, artying him will stop him commanding for 15 seconds, as well as annoy him greatly. Get deep under cover (eg in a building), as he will often waste a minute or 2 trying to find you.

- Listen to requests

Try to grant them if possible. If you have to wait for a recharge, say "request again in 10 secs". Dont leave people hanging.

- Mutiny votes

Ignore them. I saw one guy once who kept apologising and asking what he'd done wrong and forgot to command. We had a nice argument that day.

Giving Orders

- Dont go overboard. Squad leaders know how to order, and its very annoying to have a commander ordering you about every 10 seconds. If your team really needs direction, try to spread the orders around the squads.

Last edited by Talon (2005-10-26 13:18:48)

I find that it is ok to do some moving around. But it does change  from map to map . You most be a good  commander to go out and fight . But  i tend to keep to guarding the main or a base  that is caped  a lot.

Last edited by springchiken (2005-10-26 22:56:02)

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