i guess so it's all good hahaUltrafunkula wrote:
You confused? Well ditto In that case I think I combined your leave with your UK trip somehow?Gooners wrote:
lol i am sooooooo confused. i did not leave to the uk while i took my 'leave' from this forum haha, i was just wondering where you got that story from!Ultrafunkula wrote:
So what's the lmao about it then? Story? I dun geddit
m3thod's at the Congressional hearings on mooslims

burnzz wrote:
OH NOOOOOO!Morpheus (1 month ago) wrote:
j,ghfvdz jshkjawfehaujehf kljehjklanf;kjn
brain bleeding out ears
stupid show
He still is around.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Last post:
2 months, 2 weeks ago
how do you know that?
2 months, 2 weeks ago
how do you know that?
I don't think he's too happy with one or several of the mods. I see him on google talk every other day.
I've chatted with him on xfire recentlyburnzz wrote:
Last post:
2 months, 2 weeks ago
how do you know that?
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
oh shi - i forgot to re-install xfire, or teamspeak . . .
And nothing of value was lost.burnzz wrote:
oh shi - i forgot to re-install xfire, or teamspeak . . .
My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.
Oh, uh, I'm still alivetuckergustav wrote:
burnzz wrote:
MorpheusOH NOOOOOO!Morpheus (1 month ago) wrote:
j,ghfvdz jshkjawfehaujehf kljehjklanf;kjn
brain bleeding out ears
stupid show
Finished the first show, went straight to another...
EE (hats
Not sure ...burnzz wrote:
Last post: 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Wait behind the line ..............................................................

Just be thankful.menzo wrote:
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
I liked Floppy.
I think we ran him out of town.
Unfortunately Markoo took his place.
Unfortunately Markoo took his place.
I liked floppy a whole lot better than markooDoctor Strangelove wrote:
I think we ran him out of town.
Unfortunately Markoo took his place.
Markoo is floppy.Doctor Strangelove wrote:
I think we ran him out of town.
Unfortunately Markoo took his place.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
Wouldn't that be something?ROGUEDD wrote:
Markoo is floppy.Doctor Strangelove wrote:
I think we ran him out of town.
Unfortunately Markoo took his place.
But I think floppy is too stupid to create such an intricate and succesful troll.
Indeed.Kampframmer wrote:
Wouldn't that be something?ROGUEDD wrote:
Markoo is floppy.Doctor Strangelove wrote:
I think we ran him out of town.
Unfortunately Markoo took his place.
But I think floppy is too stupid to create such an intricate and succesful troll.
Although I find FloppY_ less obnoxious and antagonistic, FloppY_ also found a way to insert his opinion where no one wanted it, which is something Markoo has restrained from, thankfully.
Those two are like comparing apples with oranges.
Markoo is just annoying as fuck, but floppy was just a complete idiot making the most retarded posts which could be very funny (or annoying)
Markoo is just annoying as fuck, but floppy was just a complete idiot making the most retarded posts which could be very funny (or annoying)