Good mornings scare There is a guy at my work that swears by them. I have two herniated disc in my lower back. And it sounds to me like that's the exact motion that triggers my pain . I used to be able to do the exercise that starts with you leaning over a machine with your legs locked in. You slowly bring yourself back up, and then slowly back down (the name of the exercise is escaping me). Anyways, the thought of that also worries me. If I can find an exercise that can help me work that part of my core without a lot of pain I probably wouldn't be as susceptible to lower back injuries. It's a paradox of sorts.Zimmer wrote:
You do realise that the primary muscles worked on a deadlift are the gluteus maximus and erector spinae, right? The hamstrings get worked, but not as much.nukchebi0 wrote:
Is there a non-machine exercise for the hamstring that I can alternate deadlifts with? I just want to make sure I am training the legs evenly.Zimmer wrote:
You shouldn't be doing deadlifts in every workout. Alternate deadlifts. Squats are fine.
You shouldn't do them every time because you're not hitting 100% with your deadlifts as your squats are hindering progression. Honestly, you're not helping yourself by doing deadlifts every time.
If you want to work your hamstrings do a Good Morning or Straight leg deadlift.
Xbone Stormsurgezz