Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5804|Bolingbrook, Illinois

War Man wrote:

Which means, never.

Also, how is twiddling your thumbs incorrect?
it's not.  that's my point.  you can practice towards having any skill.  even if you're practicing something incorrectly, you're still practicing how to do that specific thing incorrectly.

War Man wrote:

Look at my edit as well.

But really, how can you say you get better if you end up dead?
because he did get better at typing you tard.  that's why it's impossible to be perfect
got any popo lolo intersting?

people like war man, jay and adams are just the same people that got bf2 nerfed in the first place. Get a console if you have an attention span of 3 minutes.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7034|Purplicious Wisconsin
I don't have an attention of 3 minutes and I have a console thank you very much. Also, I never asked for nerfing of anything back when I played bf2.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5678|London, England

DUnlimited wrote:

people like war man, jay and adams are just the same people that got bf2 nerfed in the first place. Get a console if you have an attention span of 3 minutes.
I've never asked for a nerf in any game I've played. I adapt and overcome.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5804|Bolingbrook, Illinois

Jay wrote:

DUnlimited wrote:

people like war man, jay and adams are just the same people that got bf2 nerfed in the first place. Get a console if you have an attention span of 3 minutes.
I've never asked for a nerf in any game I've played. I adapt and overcome.
sorry, adapting isn't allowed according to your logic because i don't know how to adapt and now you'll have an advantage over me
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7034|Purplicious Wisconsin
Adapting and getting better are 2 different things Haibai.

Edit: Otherwise, according to your logic talent and skill are the same.

Last edited by War Man (2011-04-19 19:40:06)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5804|Bolingbrook, Illinois
no they aren't idiot
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7034|Purplicious Wisconsin
Then talent and skill are the same.

Edit: And resorting to namecalling, eh? That shows weakness.

Last edited by War Man (2011-04-19 19:44:42)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5804|Bolingbrook, Illinois
no, they aren't.  how about explaining your arguments instead of stating a bunch of stupid shit that doesn't make sense
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7034|Purplicious Wisconsin
Adapting is getting used to something and figuring a way to overcome it, getting better is improving.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5678|London, England

HaiBai wrote:

Jay wrote:

DUnlimited wrote:

people like war man, jay and adams are just the same people that got bf2 nerfed in the first place. Get a console if you have an attention span of 3 minutes.
I've never asked for a nerf in any game I've played. I adapt and overcome.
sorry, adapting isn't allowed according to your logic because i don't know how to adapt and now you'll have an advantage over me
Dude, you're fucking retarded. You obviously didn't understand my post (big surprise, as you've been generally stupid in every thread I've come into contact with you).

The game should be equal from a gameplay standpoint, yes. Two people meet, they have equal weapons, the person with the quickest reaction time wins. There's nothing wrong with that. Even in a game of rock/paper/scissors like the battlefield series is, it works out over time. Assault beats medic, medic beats engineer, sniper sits in the back and picks the rest off. In this regard, BC2 was almost perfectly balanced.

The people that disliked BC2 and keep whining in this thread that they want BF2 again are the same people that spent a million hours playing BF2 and taking advantage of anything they could exploit in order to gain an advantage. BC2 made them play without those exploits so they fucking hated it. For once they were on a level playing field and they realized just how awful they really were outside of their little BF2 cocoon. They're going to hate BF3 even more because they've built up a boatload of expectations.

That last paragraph sums up the difference between people with skill vs talent. The talented don't really care what game you throw at them. They'll be good at it. Hell, they might even want whatever nerfs/buffs come at them because it means new stuff to learn. The conservative types, the types that spent a million hours learning to bash their keyboards in a certain pattern, are going to whine, bitch, cry and moan about everything, for good or ill. They're the type that tea bag and the type that scream at people over comms etc and they're the first to brag about their k/d like it means something. No one likes basement dwelling fags haibai. No one. They don't even like themselves.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
What the fuck you guys.
got any popo lolo intersting?

Jay wrote:

The game should be equal from a gameplay standpoint, yes. Two people meet, they have equal weapons, the person with the quickest reaction time wins. There's nothing wrong with that.
Yes there is a lot wrong in that. Let me guess: You liked Hardcore mode in CoD games?

When two people meet the one that has more situational awareness, the one that has thought of cover and the next 3 places he can take cover at already, the one that can aim and dodge, the one that is overall better should win. Not the one that can spray 2 hits faster.

Jay wrote:

The people that disliked BC2 and keep whining in this thread that they want BF2 again are the same people that spent a million hours playing BF2 and taking advantage of anything they could exploit in order to gain an advantage. BC2 made them play without those exploits so they fucking hated it. For once they were on a level playing field and they realized just how awful they really were outside of their little BF2 cocoon. They're going to hate BF3 even more because they've built up a boatload of expectations.

That last paragraph sums up the difference between people with skill vs talent. The talented don't really care what game you throw at them. They'll be good at it. Hell, they might even want whatever nerfs/buffs come at them because it means new stuff to learn. The conservative types, the types that spent a million hours learning to bash their keyboards in a certain pattern, are going to whine, bitch, cry and moan about everything, for good or ill. They're the type that tea bag and the type that scream at people over comms etc and they're the first to brag about their k/d like it means something. No one likes basement dwelling fags haibai. No one. They don't even like themselves.
Okay that was the biggest load of shit I've read for a while. I "spent a million hours playing BF2" and the reasons I hate BC2 have nothing to do with it being different than BF2. I dislike BC2 because it is a bad, uncompetitive console port that looks horrible, yet doesn't work properly on decent computers. It features heavy mouse lag that makes playing hard as it is. It features piped up map design with horrible chokepoints in most every rush map and overall unthoughtful building and unit placement in nearly every map. It features 3-minute-attention-span point-and-click weapons with no spread or recoil and to top that it is riddled with ridiculous explosives that provide a perfect easy-out for bad players that "don't think you should have to play 60 hours + to be good at a game". It has terrible netcode (yeah worse than BF2) that makes every game feel like you are playing with a ping of 200.
The only thing they did pretty good and is still enjoyable in the game is vehicles.

I was not bad in BC2, not at all. That is not why I dislike it. It just is not a good game. In the same way as MW2 or Blackops are simply not good when compared to older CoD games. Like BC2 they are stripped down console games that provide easy solutions for bad, casual players to abuse without ever actually achieving any level of skill. The thing is, if someone has the dedication to become good at a game, they should NOT be target for one click deaths from players that just got their first fps game. Might sound cruel but dumbed down training wheel games are generally just bad.

Your last paragraph kind of explains everything though. The fact that you even bring up stuff like tea bagging or KD bragging says a lot of you. You seem like the guy that gets mad at getting killed 10 times a row by someone that can actually play, then proceeds to call them a hacker, ragequits the game and goes on a forum to whine about bunny hopping and dolphin diving.

Last edited by DUnlimited (2011-04-19 20:26:49)

main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
That Guy
+236|5356|Massachusetts, USA
BC2 was balanced IMO. This is coming from a person who does brag about my K/DR. I can pick up any FPS and dominate within a week. BC2 was no exception.

BC2 isn't really that dumbed down, it's linear yes, but there are about the same amount of noobs per server as there were in BF2. Even on consoles. I've played both the 360 and PC versions and dominated on both. The console version plays better yes, but it looks shittier. The PC version looks 100x better but it doesn't feel right.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
holy shit why is everyone acting like a bunch of insecure 13 year old boys?  who cares, move on with your life.
That Guy
+236|5356|Massachusetts, USA

ceslayer23 wrote:

holy shit why is everyone acting like a bunch of insecure 13 year old boys?  who cares, move on with your life.
You clearly don't know anything about BF2S do you.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5678|London, England

DUnlimited wrote:

Your last paragraph kind of explains everything though. The fact that you even bring up stuff like tea bagging or KD bragging says a lot of you. You seem like the guy that gets mad at getting killed 10 times a row by someone that can actually play, then proceeds to call them a hacker, ragequits the game and goes on a forum to whine about bunny hopping and dolphin diving.
Couldn't be further from the truth. I've been good at every video game I've ever picked up. I don't whine on forums for nerfs and I certainly don't ragequit. The whole exercise this evening was simply me trying to point out the useless futility behind spending a million hours playing video games. I don't care if it's WoW or a FPS or TW or whatever else it might be. It's a useless waste of time. Now, the only reason I went off on this tangent is that some tards on this forum seem to take thousand hour awards and other shit as a badge of pride for dedication to something that has no meaning. It's insanity. Games are supposed to be fun entertainment, not your fucking life.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

UnkleRukus wrote:

BC2 was balanced IMO. This is coming from a person who does brag about my W/LR. I can pick up any FPS and dominate within a week. BC2 was no exception.

BC2 isn't really that dumbed down, it's linear yes, but there are about the same amount of noobs per server as there were in BF2. Even on consoles. I've played both the PS3 and PC versions and dominated on both. The console version plays better yes, but it looks shittier. The PC version looks 100x better but it doesn't feel right.
+947|6831|Gold Coast
ITT: mad
noice                                                                                                        https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/awsmsanta.png
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

War Man wrote:

I don't have an attention of 3 minutes and I have a console thank you very much.
grandmaster league revivalist
5 years, 3 titles and nothing has changed.

Jay wrote:

DUnlimited wrote:

Your last paragraph kind of explains everything though. The fact that you even bring up stuff like tea bagging or KD bragging says a lot of you. You seem like the guy that gets mad at getting killed 10 times a row by someone that can actually play, then proceeds to call them a hacker, ragequits the game and goes on a forum to whine about bunny hopping and dolphin diving.
Couldn't be further from the truth. I've been good at every video game I've ever picked up. I don't whine on forums for nerfs and I certainly don't ragequit. The whole exercise this evening was simply me trying to point out the useless futility behind spending a million hours playing video games. I don't care if it's WoW or a FPS or TW or whatever else it might be. It's a useless waste of time. Now, the only reason I went off on this tangent is that some tards on this forum seem to take thousand hour awards and other shit as a badge of pride for dedication to something that has no meaning. It's insanity. Games are supposed to be fun entertainment, not your fucking life.
go play CS

"the chase is better than the catch" ever heard that expression ? to me: the best thing about a game is to get better at it (improving ) and no I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to do ~50-0 streaks in a f35 (and stratorunning) without practise .

I can really see why you don't like to spend more than 1 minute of gameplay into a game when you are as fucking pwnshitüberawsm at every game as you state you are , but there are people who aren't and therefor like to play the game "millions of hours" I my self play bf2 because I love dogfighting and "stunting" in the planes , and to explore the game and the maps.

And I feel sorry for you for being born with a "vidoegame talant" instead of something useful.

Last edited by thepilot91 (2011-04-20 03:15:15)

11 Bravo
+965|5557|Cleveland, Ohio

thepilot91 wrote:

I my self play bf2 because I love dogfighting and "stunting" in the planes , and to explore the game and the maps.
lol dogfighting......flying in bf2 is arcade flying for dummies.  explore the maps?  game has been out for what..6 years?  good job columbus.

11 Bravo wrote:

thepilot91 wrote:

I my self play bf2 because I love dogfighting and "stunting" in the planes , and to explore the game and the maps.
lol dogfighting......flying in bf2 is arcade flying for dummies.  explore the maps?  game has been out for what..6 years?  good job columbus.
did you ever play bf2 ? feels like you belong in a ..."kindergardenforum" ? (because 11 displays your age right?)  so you wanna come shoot me down if you're so good at it ?

I did't say I go on 6 hours a day exploring since I don't play bf2 very much nowdays , but unlike BC2 you can actually go somewhere in bf2 ...
11 Bravo
+965|5557|Cleveland, Ohio

thepilot91 wrote:

11 Bravo wrote:

thepilot91 wrote:

I my self play bf2 because I love dogfighting and "stunting" in the planes , and to explore the game and the maps.
lol dogfighting......flying in bf2 is arcade flying for dummies.  explore the maps?  game has been out for what..6 years?  good job columbus.
did you ever play bf2 ? feels like you belong in a ..."kindergardenforum" ? (because 11 displays your age right?)  so you wanna come shoot me down if you're so good at it ?

I did't say I go on 6 hours a day exploring since I don't play bf2 very much nowdays , but unlike BC2 you can actually go somewhere in bf2 ...
what do you mean go somewhere?  the maps in rush are just as big if not bigger.  you dont like it because you dont have your little arcade jets.

come shoot you down?  come at you bro?  lol lol lol

Last edited by 11 Bravo (2011-04-20 04:26:30)

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