Doctor Strangelove wrote:
Hopefully, deaths will not be tracked. Telling someone how often they die will discourage them from putting themselves at risk, which in turn leads to them avoiding fighting and completing objectives, as they are afraid to risk that black mark on their records.
let me introduce you to.... the sniper class
As a sniper, you will most likely be playing as a lone wolf. Take up position in a secluded area, and fire on unsuspecting enemies. With your ghile suit you can blend in with grass and the terrain. When taking up position, keep in mind your profile against the sky, don't camp at the top of hill, you'll be much easier to spot when people can see you against the sky, while if you keep ground behind you, people won't see your outline against the sky. If you want to go through a whole match without being seen, don't take up position in the obvious positions, such as: rooftops, cranes, etc. When people hear sniper fire, this is the first place will people will look for you. Also don't stay in one place for a long time, you'll eventually be found. You will also be equipped with with a knife, a silenced pistol, grenades, and claymore mines. Use these claymore mines to booby trap your flanks for any enemies that may be trying to sneak up on you. It also handy to note that when you shoot a round you can hold down the fire button and it will stay zoomed in so you can confirm the kill. of bullshit if you ask me. sniping is easy in any game. not to mention battlefield