and stop bitching about everythingJaekus wrote:
Karkand was great. I've racked up more hours on that map than any other by far. The scenario of which you speak probably happens one in every ten to fifteen rounds. Most of the time when I play it (still) I'm running around as engi or AT and kicking arse half the time. Just gotta learn how to play the map I guess...
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that map was nothing more than a big ass nade spam on rubber duck servers.Jaekus wrote:
Karkand was great. I've racked up more hours on that map than any other by far. The scenario of which you speak probably happens one in every ten to fifteen rounds. Most of the time when I play it (still) I'm running around as engi or AT and kicking arse half the time. Just gotta learn how to play the map I guess...
My experience vastly differs from your assessment of it. What you describe is the minority of the time.
Last edited by Jaekus (2011-05-10 22:25:43)
Tbh if you got stuck in nadespam often then you were a dolt. Mind you still a poor map because it made 36e rape so ridiculously easy.
Last edited by Spark (2011-05-10 22:36:32)
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman
my body is ready

most of you are talking about karkand IO ...there's quite a huge difference...and it's only the retards who nadespam all day long , usually when I play karkand (IO) I rush (one way or another ) towards the hotel , check if there's any chance to capture it ( number of non retarded teammates close by vs. enemies around the flag) otherwise I keep moving towards square/train accident/ cement factory / factory depending on the situation...
If karkand was such a horrible map how come it became so popular ? ( the only thing horrible about karkand is the avrage karkand players )
I'm not a inf whore
If karkand was such a horrible map how come it became so popular ? ( the only thing horrible about karkand is the avrage karkand players )
I'm not a inf whore
Karkand wasn't that bad, stop moaning. It was better than songhua and that other bone shit, I forget the name.
this isn't directed to the above post, just using it as referencethepilot91 wrote:
most of you are talking about karkand IO ...there's quite a huge difference...and it's only the retards who nadespam all day long , usually when I play karkand (IO) I rush (one way or another ) towards the hotel , check if there's any chance to capture it ( number of non retarded teammates close by vs. enemies around the flag) otherwise I keep moving towards square/train accident/ cement factory / factory depending on the situation...
If karkand was such a horrible map how come it became so popular ? ( the only thing horrible about karkand is the avrage karkand players )
I'm not a inf whore
I only play IO. If nades are such a concern for people, stop running into the same areas that other players spam all the time, derp.
Honestly, it's not hard to work out. Just flank and head to another flag. Problem solved.
Songhua 16 player, Infantry Only was fucking awesome.jord wrote:
Karkand wasn't that bad, stop moaning. It was better than songhua and that other bone shit, I forget the name.
Same for Kubra Dam. At times it was tedious on 64 player, always fun on 16.RDMC wrote:
Songhua 16 player, Infantry Only was fucking awesome.jord wrote:
Karkand wasn't that bad, stop moaning. It was better than songhua and that other bone shit, I forget the name.
Indeed. Woodland fighting ftw.RDMC wrote:
Songhua 16 player, Infantry Only was fucking awesome.jord wrote:
Karkand wasn't that bad, stop moaning. It was better than songhua and that other bone shit, I forget the name.
16 player sized map with 64 people. Probably the most fun i had in bf2 next to J10 raping on wake+dalian and Ghost town IORDMC wrote:
Songhua 16 player, Infantry Only was fucking awesome.jord wrote:
Karkand wasn't that bad, stop moaning. It was better than songhua and that other bone shit, I forget the name.

Karkand was a thousand times better when it was in a full maps rotation server and not 24/7 or every second map. Also many times better with vehicles.
Wow, the Karkand hate. IO maybe, but not regular. No one ever did a mad dash on a HMVV to the far right into the redline and on to the tracks, pass the water, into MEC main tank/apc spawn? Climb those shipping crate rigs, jump to the roof, and spawn capture/camp. The epic battles at the warehouse?
Only fun i had on karkand was me and my TOP buddies getting all the Armor on USMC all engies so we repair eachother and rolling over everyone. get 2 apcs fully loaded with engineers next to the tank and its like a 6x repair speed you don't die unless you hit a mine. Even more lulz occured when we jack the other teams armor too. I remember going like 85-0 and getting around 250 points in a regular round just killing ppl and getting repair points while getting hit with an AT rocket every other second.

Would be interesting how they implement vehicle repairs and healing on BF3. Will you have to actively wrench, be it from a seat or go outside. No stupid-ass fly slow over airfield? I had to land on BF1943 to effectively repair. Yeah, the aircraft carrier.
Only in scrimsIlocano wrote:
Wow, the Karkand hate. IO maybe, but not regular. No one ever did a mad dash on a HMVV to the far right into the redline and on to the tracks, pass the water, into MEC main tank/apc spawn? Climb those shipping crate rigs, jump to the roof, and spawn capture/camp. The epic battles at the warehouse?
Didn't work too well most of the time though, haha.
Karkand IO kind of sucked donkey balls. Too many people wasted their time running into the meat grinder of the hotel. If I wasn't in a squad full of my clanmates the odds of winning were next to nil. It doesn't matter how many times you hit the flanks if it's only you and one other guy doing it.
People are generally lazy and don't want to take the two minutes to walk to a tactical offensive or defensive position, especially if they think they'll get more kills/points in the meat grinder. This isn't just limited to Karkand, it's every map. I've always played the objectives so I'm usually the idiot capping a distant flag for his teammates. Then I get to cry when no one spawns to my rescue
People are generally lazy and don't want to take the two minutes to walk to a tactical offensive or defensive position, especially if they think they'll get more kills/points in the meat grinder. This isn't just limited to Karkand, it's every map. I've always played the objectives so I'm usually the idiot capping a distant flag for his teammates. Then I get to cry when no one spawns to my rescue
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
What about flag capping races on Highway, Songhua, and Dragon Valley? You and a friend on a fast vehicle, quickly capping a flag, and getting away before the opposition shows up. Defending a flag was hopeless when a whole team of armor showed up.
karkand rules mf's
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام me the schematic me the schematic
flag hopping sucked...
fun sometimes
but sucks when there's no opposition
fun sometimes
but sucks when there's no opposition
we had a 16p-on-64maps running for a long time. those were the days. something very relaxing about flag-hopping. made maps like cleansweep a lot of fun to play.Ilocano wrote:
What about flag capping races on Highway, Songhua, and Dragon Valley? You and a friend on a fast vehicle, quickly capping a flag, and getting away before the opposition shows up. Defending a flag was hopeless when a whole team of armor showed up.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman
Damn bombers/fighters kept ruining the fun on that map. But yeah, quite fun. At times we'd cross paths with an opposing flag-hopping team. We rarely traded fire. Hope BF3 gives us the ability to do fun stuff like this. Zipping about while still helping the team.Spark wrote:
we had a 16p-on-64maps running for a long time. those were the days. something very relaxing about flag-hopping. made maps like cleansweep a lot of fun to play.Ilocano wrote:
What about flag capping races on Highway, Songhua, and Dragon Valley? You and a friend on a fast vehicle, quickly capping a flag, and getting away before the opposition shows up. Defending a flag was hopeless when a whole team of armor showed up.
I don't like Karkand purely because of the number of nades thrown per one round haha
Ghost Town and Warlord are good alternatives.
Ghost Town and Warlord are good alternatives.
Last edited by Drunk_Musketeer (2011-05-12 03:23:55)
Ghost town and Warlord IO was fun but it really sucked playing as the SAS.
G36E or l85A1? Ughhh
G36E or l85A1? Ughhh
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