With reference to a conversation I had with clan mate over round times in Battlefield 2 I did some research using my stats as a base.

The information below is up to midnight GMT Tuesday 25 October

Total Time Played - 153:21:24
Total Rounds - 527
Avg. Round Time - 00:17:28           

As you can see the average round time is far below what's needed to achieve certain ribbons/medals/badges. For example the Meritorious Unit Ribbon requires 26 minutes in a squad and 40 Teamwork points in a round The 26 minutes is obviously not achievable with the round times shown above. It seems the best servers to play on would be 32 player using 64 player maps. Another option would be for server admins to adjust the number of tickets depending on the number of players vs map size, and/or possibly adding a round timer - perhaps 45 minutes - and whichever is reached first ends the round.

i.e. As an idea - 16 player servers = 100 tickets, 32 player = 200 tickets and 64 player = 300-400 tickets. Of course those would need to be adjusted for some different ideals (32 players on 64 player maps).

What do you guys think?

Last edited by Mark_UK67 (2005-10-26 10:22:48)