Well... Do you know about attack choppers? The various AH-1 Cobra and so on... Ok, I suppose you know it. And... when you fly those all-killing machine... WHERE you must aim with the crossair for killing someone????

I explain: when i put the crossair DOWN the rockets fly ABOVE, when i aim at the RIGHT they go LEFT... and in some (rare) case, when i fly faster as i can, with the last rocket only, i shoot only for instinct 'couse i see something under my crossair... and the rocket HIT the eye of an enemy concealed sniper. DoH!!??
(by the way, I'm not a bad chopper pilot!) (sure better than my english)
Thx in advance
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland
Your artifical horizontal line thingy must be be on the same line as your crosshair
Your rockets carry your momentum from also carries for your gunners gun and TV missiles. Get used to how it works and youll be able to hit anything.
Ok... Good answers, but was not waht i'm searching. I try to explain but i have a very poor english...  Helicopter crossair have a distance of... "collimation"? ... You know, like the guns of a Spitfire in the WWII...
When you fire rockets they fly perfecly in line with the crossair only when the artificial orizont are in line. When this not appen they seems to fly in same point between the AO and the cross.
It seems like you rocket launcer rotate in relation with your pitch angle. Is not the momentum nor the speed... Any ideas?

-Follow italian traslation-
Il mirino degli elicotteri ha una distanza di collimazione? Come per esempio i mirini ottici montati sugli Spitfire della 2 Guerra Mondiale, che garantivano un centro con tutti i cannoni solo ad una determinata distanza. I razzi volano dritti solo se si vola perfettamente orizzontali, mentre nel volo traslato sembrano puntare verso un punto variabile fra l'Orizzonte Artificiale e il mirino. Sembra quasi che i lanciarazzi ruotino in relazione all'inclinazione del velivolo. Non è né l'inerzia né la velocità. Qualke idea?
The rockets carry a small amount of momentum with your chopper movement.  There is no set amount - you just have to figure it out for yourself.

As for the bullet deflection, which is what I assume you are talking about with the WWII Spitfires and such, I don't believe that if you are firing rockets from within proper range that you will have any.  Just learn the rockets.  For example, I find that to hit targets, I usually have to aim slightly under them to hit them directly.  Same with the guns.
Chopper Whore Extraordinaire
im really good with the rockets, and the modified path they take is strictly based on you velocity and direction, so if you are in a dive and start firing, they appear to fire above your crosshair, and vice versa for a climb, the crosshair is only accurate for level flight, or believe it or not, a stright dive ontop of a target, which is how I approach most of mine, it makes me very hard to hit
Ok, thx a lot to all. . Your answers help me (well... now i know that not only my rockets take "strange directions" )
I was searching the "scientific law"  [impact point= (heli speed*1/2)^2/sin(pitch angle)+(weight of the gunner after a generous dinner) etc...] behind the aiming instict.
Ah... I hope we can meet in a server and duel with the choppers 'til the last rocket... LOL

Azr4eL wrote:

Ok, thx a lot to all. . Your answers help me (well... now i know that not only my rockets take "strange directions" )
I was searching the "scientific law"  [impact point= (heli speed*1/2)^2/sin(pitch angle)+(weight of the gunner after a generous dinner) etc...] behind the aiming instict.
Ah... I hope we can meet in a server and duel with the choppers 'til the last rocket... LOL
I'll just hit you with a TV guided and end one with a gunner should be hitting choppers with rockets.

And you should ALWAYS have a gunner!

Last edited by Effreem (2005-10-26 13:18:47)

Agreed.  Took down 4-5 more helos today with TOW's.  Great weapon.
+4|7095|Copenhagen, Denmark
Remember one thing...

If you are "strafing" in the chopper, the missiles will fire to the side... like the others said... momentum.
I myself LUV flying the helo with my RL buddy as a gunner. He's starting to become a badass gunner and i myself am a bitch to shoot down
Chopper Whore Extraordinaire
the attack helo in general is the most powerful weapon in the game, hands down, so long as it has the right crew

me and my buddy josh, we will dominate on every help map from kubra dam to dailan plant, the tv missle is awesome,a nd can be used to drop anything, including flying planes, and the dam thing is so hard to shoot down, it's just freakin awesome
i managed to bring one down with my jackhammer on sharqi peninsula last week. looked pretty new too, was just coming into the city from over the water. i dont know how the hell i did it, he flew past a building i was on top of and i shot a full mag into his rotors. he didnt hit anything, he just pulled up a little then exploded. maybe they arent so hard to bring down? i could, and im by no means good
[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier
You have to remember, there's a reason they allow choppers to fire 14 rockets in a couple seconds.  There IS a scientific formula, but you'd have to have access to the game physics data (air drag, rotor speeds, angles, etc) as well as enxtensive knowlegde of flight physics.  Either way, you just have to practice and get a feel for it.  For now, just do a dive run spamming the rockets in a line across your intended target.  Make note of where your crosshairs where when you hit it, and practice.  It's really just pilot instinct later, which is why it's so hard to explain, or at least for me.  But yes, it does seem that momentum does greatly affect aiming.

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